357 lines
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Executable File
357 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
# "Paper" which is the Raphael term for the entire SVG object on the webpage.
# This class deals with this SVG component only.
class Meteor.WhiteboardPaperModel
# Container must be a DOM element
constructor: (@container) ->
# a WhiteboardCursorModel
@cursor = null
# all slides in the presentation indexed by url
@slides = {}
@panX = null
@panY = null
@current = {}
# the slide being shown
@current.slide = null
# a raphaeljs set with all the shapes in the current slide
@current.shapes = null
# a list of shapes as passed to this client when it receives `all_slides`
# (se we are able to redraw the shapes whenever needed)
@current.shapeDefinitions = []
@zoomLevel = 1
@shiftPressed = false
@currentPathCount = 0
@zoomObserver = null
@adjustedWidth = 0
@adjustedHeight = 0
@widthRatio = 100
@heightRatio = 100
# Initializes the paper in the page.
# Can't do these things in initialize() because by then some elements
# are not yet created in the page.
create: ->
# paper is embedded within the div#slide of the page.
# @raphaelObj ?= ScaleRaphael(@container, "900", "500")
h = $("#"+@container).height()
w = $("#"+@container).width()
@raphaelObj ?= ScaleRaphael(@container, w, h)
@raphaelObj ?= ScaleRaphael(@container, $container.innerHeight(), $container.innerWidth())
@raphaelObj.canvas.setAttribute "preserveAspectRatio", "xMinYMin slice"
if @slides
@slides = {} # if previously loaded
unless navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") is -1
# Re-add the images to the paper that are found
# in the slides array (an object of urls and dimensions).
rebuild: ->
@current.slide = null
for url of @slides
if @slides.hasOwnProperty(url)
@addImageToPaper url, @slides[url].getWidth(), @slides[url].getHeight()
scale: (width, height) ->
@raphaelObj?.changeSize(width, height)
# Add an image to the paper.
# @param {string} url the URL of the image to add to the paper
# @param {number} width the width of the image (in pixels)
# @param {number} height the height of the image (in pixels)
# @return {Raphael.image} the image object added to the whiteboard
addImageToPaper: (url, width, height) ->
# solve for the ratio of what length is going to fit more than the other
max = Math.max(width / @containerWidth, height / @containerHeight)
# fit it all in appropriately
url = @_slideUrl(url)
sw = width / max
sh = height / max
#cx = (@containerWidth / 2) - (width / 2)
#cy = (@containerHeight / 2) - (height / 2)
img = @raphaelObj.image(url, cx = 0, cy = 0, width, height)
# sw slide width as percentage of original width of paper
# sh slide height as a percentage of original height of paper
# x-offset from top left corner as percentage of original width of paper
# y-offset from top left corner as percentage of original height of paper
@slides[url] = new WhiteboardSlideModel(img.id, url, img, width, height, sw, sh, cx, cy)
unless @current.slide?
@current.slide = @slides[url]
else if @current.slide.url is url
# TODO: other places might also required an update in these dimensions
if @raphaelObj.w is 100 # on first load: Raphael object is initially tiny
@cursor.setRadius(0.65 * @widthRatio / 100)
@cursor.setRadius(6 * @widthRatio / 100)
# Removes all the images from the Raphael paper.
removeAllImagesFromPaper: ->
for url of @slides
if @slides.hasOwnProperty(url)
#@trigger('paper:image:removed', @slides[url].getId()) # Removes the previous image preventing images from being redrawn over each other repeatedly
@slides = {}
@current.slide = null
# Switches the tool and thus the functions that get
# called when certain events are fired from Raphael.
# @param {string} tool the tool to turn on
# @return {undefined}
setCurrentTool: (tool) ->
@currentTool = tool
console.log "setting current tool to", tool
switch tool
when "line"
@current.line = @_createTool(tool)
@cursor.drag(@current.line.dragOnMove, @current.line.dragOnStart, @current.line.dragOnEnd)
when "rectangle"
@current.rectangle = @_createTool(tool)
@cursor.drag(@current.rectangle.dragOnMove, @current.rectangle.dragOnStart, @current.rectangle.dragOnEnd)
console.log "ERROR: Cannot set invalid tool:", tool
# Clear all shapes from this paper.
clearShapes: ->
if @current.shapes?
@current.shapes.forEach (element) ->
@currentShapes = []
@currentShapesDefinitions = []
clearCursor: ->
createCursor: ->
if @raphaelObj.w is 100 # on first load: Raphael object is initially tiny
@cursor = new WhiteboardCursorModel(@raphaelObj, 0.65)
@cursor.setRadius(0.65 * @widthRatio / 100)
@cursor = new WhiteboardCursorModel(@raphaelObj)
@cursor.setRadius(6 * @widthRatio / 100)
# Updated a shape `shape` with the data in `data`.
# TODO: check if the objects exist before calling update, if they don't they should be created
updateShape: (shape, data) ->
# Make a shape `shape` with the data in `data`.
makeShape: (shape, data) ->
data.thickness *= @adjustedWidth / 1000
tool = null
@current[shape] = @_createTool(shape)
toolModel = @current[shape]
tool = @current[shape].make(data)
if tool?
@current.shapes ?= @raphaelObj.set()
# Update the cursor position on screen
# @param {number} x the x value of the cursor as a percentage of the width
# @param {number} y the y value of the cursor as a percentage of the height
moveCursor: (x, y) ->
[cx, cy] = @_currentSlideOffsets()
[slideWidth, slideHeight] = @_currentSlideOriginalDimensions()
@cursor.setPosition(x * slideWidth + cx, y * slideHeight + cy)
#if the slide is zoomed in then move the cursor based on where the viewBox is looking
if @viewBoxXpos? && @viewBoxYPos? && @viewBoxWidth? && @viewBoxHeight?
@cursor.setPosition( @viewBoxXpos + x * @viewBoxWidth, @viewBoxYPos + y * @viewBoxHeight )
zoomAndPan: (widthRatio, heightRatio, xOffset, yOffset) ->
# console.log "zoomAndPan #{widthRatio} #{heightRatio} #{xOffset} #{yOffset}"
newX = - xOffset * 2 * @adjustedWidth / 100
newY = - yOffset * 2 * @adjustedHeight / 100
newWidth = @adjustedWidth * widthRatio / 100
newHeight = @adjustedHeight * heightRatio / 100
@raphaelObj.setViewBox(newX, newY, newWidth, newHeight) # zooms and pans
setAdjustedDimensions: (width, height) ->
@adjustedWidth = width
@adjustedHeight = height
# Update the dimensions of the container.
_updateContainerDimensions: ->
#console.log "update Container Dimensions"
$container = $('#whiteboard-paper')
@containerWidth = $container.innerWidth()
@containerHeight = $container.innerHeight()
@containerOffsetLeft = $container.offset()?.left
@containerOffsetTop = $container.offset()?.top
_updateZoomRatios: ->
currentSlideDoc = getCurrentSlideDoc()
@widthRatio = currentSlideDoc.slide.width_ratio
@heightRatio = currentSlideDoc.slide.height_ratio
# Retrieves an image element from the paper.
# The url must be in the slides array.
# @param {string} url the url of the image (must be in slides array)
# @return {Raphael.image} return the image or null if not found
_getImageFromPaper: (url) ->
if @slides[url]
id = @slides[url].getId()
return @raphaelObj.getById(id) if id?
_currentSlideDimensions: ->
if @current.slide? then @current.slide.getDimensions() else [0, 0]
_currentSlideOriginalDimensions: ->
if @current.slide? then @current.slide.getOriginalDimensions() else [0, 0]
_currentSlideOffsets: ->
if @current.slide? then @current.slide.getOffsets() else [0, 0]
# Wrapper method to create a tool for the whiteboard
_createTool: (type) ->
switch type
when "pencil"
model = WhiteboardLineModel
when "path", "line"
model = WhiteboardLineModel
when "rectangle"
model = WhiteboardRectModel
when "ellipse"
model = WhiteboardEllipseModel
when "triangle"
model = WhiteboardTriangleModel
when "text"
model = WhiteboardTextModel
if model?
[slideWidth, slideHeight] = @_currentSlideOriginalDimensions()
[xOffset, yOffset] = @_currentSlideOffsets()
[width, height] = @_currentSlideDimensions()
tool = new model(@raphaelObj)
# TODO: why are the parameters inverted and it works?
tool.setPaperSize(slideHeight, slideWidth)
tool.setOffsets(xOffset, yOffset)
# Adds the base url (the protocol+server part) to `url` if needed.
_slideUrl: (url) ->
if url?.match(/http[s]?:/)
console.log "The url '#{url}'' did not match the expected format of: http/s"
#globals.presentationServer + url
#Changes the currently displayed page/slide (if any) with this one
#@param {data} message object containing the "presentation" object
_displayPage: (data, originalWidth, originalHeight) ->
boardWidth = @containerWidth
boardHeight = @containerHeight
currentSlide = getCurrentSlideDoc()
# TODO currentSlide undefined in some cases - will check later why
imageWidth = boardWidth * (currentSlide?.slide.width_ratio/100) or boardWidth
imageHeight = boardHeight * (currentSlide?.slide.height_ratio/100) or boardHeight
# console.log "xBegin: #{xBegin}"
# console.log "xEnd: #{xEnd}"
# console.log "yBegin: #{yBegin}"
# console.log "yEnd: #{yEnd}"
# console.log "boardWidth: #{boardWidth}"
# console.log "boardHeight: #{boardHeight}"
#console.log "imageWidth: #{imageWidth}"
#console.log "imageHeight: #{imageHeight}"
currentPresentation = Meteor.Presentations.findOne({"presentation.current": true})
presentationId = currentPresentation?.presentation?.id
currentSlideCursor = Meteor.Slides.find({"presentationId": presentationId, "slide.current": true})
if @zoomObserver isnt null
_this = this
@zoomObserver = currentSlideCursor.observe # watching the current slide changes
changed: (newDoc, oldDoc) ->
if originalWidth <= originalHeight
@adjustedWidth = boardHeight * originalWidth / originalHeight
@adjustedHeight = boardHeight
@adjustedHeight = boardWidth * originalHeight / originalWidth
@adjustedWidth = boardWidth
_this.zoomAndPan(newDoc.slide.width_ratio, newDoc.slide.height_ratio,
newDoc.slide.x_offset, newDoc.slide.y_offset)
oldRatio = (oldDoc.slide.width_ratio + oldDoc.slide.height_ratio) / 2
newRatio = (newDoc.slide.width_ratio + newDoc.slide.height_ratio) / 2
_this?.current?.shapes?.forEach (shape) ->
shape.attr "stroke-width", shape.attr('stroke-width') * oldRatio / newRatio
if _this.raphaelObj is 100 # on first load: Raphael object is initially tiny
_this.cursor.setRadius(0.65 * newDoc.slide.width_ratio / 100)
_this.cursor.setRadius(6 * newDoc.slide.width_ratio / 100)
if originalWidth <= originalHeight
# square => boardHeight is the shortest side
@adjustedWidth = boardHeight * originalWidth / originalHeight
@addImageToPaper(data, @adjustedWidth, boardHeight)
@adjustedHeight = boardHeight
@adjustedHeight = boardWidth * originalHeight / originalWidth
@addImageToPaper(data, boardWidth, @adjustedHeight)
@adjustedWidth = boardWidth
@zoomAndPan(currentSlide.slide.width_ratio, currentSlide.slide.height_ratio,
currentSlide.slide.x_offset, currentSlide.slide.y_offset)