64 lines
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Executable File
64 lines
2.5 KiB
Executable File
# Todo
# When a user is to be kicked remove their authorization token from servers
@Router.configure layoutTemplate: 'layout'
@Router.map ->
@route "login",
path: "/login"
action: ->
meetingId = @params.query.meeting_id
userId = @params.query.user_id
authToken = @params.query.auth_token
if meetingId? and userId? and authToken?
Meteor.call("validateAuthToken", meetingId, userId, authToken)
setInSession("authToken", authToken)
if Meteor.isClient #TODO try to get rid of this
sendMeetingInfoToClient(meetingId, userId) #TODO try to get rid of this
Meteor.subscribe 'users', meetingId, userId, authToken, ->
console.log "now I have access to the users from the client. my userid is #{userId}"
Meteor.call "getMyInfo", meetingId, userId, (error, result) ->
if result.error?
alert result.error
# redirect towards a different page
console.log "onBeforeAction2"
setInSession("DBID", result.DBID)
setInSession("userName", result.name)
setInSession("userSecret", result.userSecret)
me = Meteor.Users.findOne({_id:result.DBID})
console.log "me=" + JSON.stringify me
if me?
Router.go('/') #we are sure the user has dbid, userid and exists in the collection
alert "did not find the user in the collection"
@route "main",
path: "/"
onBeforeAction: ->
meetingId = getInSession('meetingId')
userId = getInSession("userId")
console.log "on /: meetingId=#{meetingId} userId=#{userId} DBID=#{getInSession('DBID')}"
Meteor.subscribe 'chat', meetingId, userId, getInSession 'authToken', ->
Meteor.subscribe 'shapes', meetingId, ->
Meteor.subscribe 'slides', meetingId, ->
Meteor.subscribe 'meetings', meetingId, ->
Meteor.subscribe 'presentations', meetingId, ->
Meteor.subscribe 'users', meetingId, userId
Meteor.call "getMyInfo", meetingId, userId, (error, result) ->
unless result.error?
console.log "on /, this is my info #{JSON.stringify result}"
setInSession("DBID", result.DBID)
setInSession("userName", result.name)
setInSession("userSecret", result.userSecret)
@next() #TODO maybe we need to wait for the other 2 things above to be complete
@route "logout",
path: "logout"