.. | ||
src | ||
deploy.sh | ||
get-recordings.sh | ||
pom.xml | ||
Imports and parses recording metadata.xml files and stores the data in a Postgresql database
How to use
In bbb-common-web
- Edit the .env file and set the environment variables
- Run the hibernate.cfg script to generate the hibernate config file
- Run "docker-compose up" to start up the docker container containing the Postgresql database
- Interact with the database using the psql script
In bbb-recording-imex
- Unit tests for parsing and persisting recording metadata can be found in src/test/java/org/bigbluebutton/recording/
- Edit the "metadataDirectory" variables in the test files to point to where the recording metadata can be found
- Run the unit tests using the command "mvn test"
- Use the deploy.sh script to compile the program
- Run the program with the recording-imex.sh script found in ~/usr/local/bin
- Use the --help option to see the usage
Usage: {-e|-i } [-s ] [PATH] Import/export recording(s) to/from PATH. The default PATH is /var/bigbluebutton/published/presentation -e export recording(s) -i import recording(s) and indicate if they should be persisted [true|false] -s ID of single recording to be imported/exported
~/usr/local/bin/recording-imex.sh -i true -s random-7739095 /var/bigbluebutton/published/presentation/1abbc41a2f2faf1d754dbd130fba9ae072c6e742-1652301432519/metadata.xml
~/usr/local/bin/recording-imex.sh -i true /var/bigbluebutton/published/presentation/
Testing the new recording service
- In bigbluebutton-web
- Edit the "recordingService" bean in /grails-app/conf/spring/resources.xml to use "org.bigbluebutton.api.service.impl.RecordingServiceDbImpl"
- Use "org.bigbluebutton.api.service.impl.RecordingServiceFileImpl" if you want to use the traditional file system service
- In bbb-recording-imex
- Use the get-recordings.sh script to test the getRecordings endpoint on the recording API
- Edit the "SALT" variable to have the value of your security salt
- The script accepts arguments through the use of flags
- "-i" for the meetingID
- "-r" for the recordID(s)
- "-s" for the state(s)
- "-m" for the metadata