The idea is to run a loadbalancer node which maps each BBB node to a path. That way each user gets only one gUM permission query for a cluster. The loadbalancer node only serves the html5 client, each BBB node will serve its own API and handle the websockets for freeswitch and bbb-webrtc-sfu. Configuring a cluster setup =========================== * let bbb-lb.example.com be the loadbalancer node * let bbb-01.eaxmple.com be a BBB node Loadbalancer ------------ On the loadbalancer node add an nginx configuration similar to this one for each BBB node: ``` location /bbb-01/html5client/ { proxy_pass https://bbb-01.example.com/bbb-01/html5client/; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade"; } ``` BBB Node -------- On the BBB node add the following options to `/etc/bigbluebutton/bbb-web.properties`: ``` defaultHTML5ClientUrl=https://bbb-lb.example.com/bbb-01/html5client/join presentationBaseURL=https://bbb-01.example.com/bigbluebutton/presentation accessControlAllowOrigin=https://bbb-lb.example.com ``` Add the following options to `/etc/bigbluebutton/bbb-html5.yml`: ``` public: app: basename: '/bbb-01/html5client' bbbWebBase: 'https://bbb-01.eaxmple.com/bigbluebutton' learningDashboardBase: 'https://bbb-01.eaxmple.com/learning-dashboard' media: stunTurnServersFetchAddress: 'https://bbb-01.eaxmple.com/bigbluebutton/api/stuns' sip_ws_host: 'bbb-01.eaxmple.com' presentation: uploadEndpoint: 'https://bbb-01.eaxmple.com/bigbluebutton/presentation/upload' ``` Create the following unit file overrides: * `/etc/systemd/system/bbb-html5-frontend@.service.d/cluster.conf` * `/etc/systemd/system/bbb-html5-backend@.service.d/cluster.conf` with the following content: ``` [Service] Environment=ROOT_URL= ``` Change the nginx `$bbb_loadbalancer_node` variable to the name of the load balancer node in `/etc/bigbluebutton/nginx/loadbalancer.nginx` to allow CORS requests: ``` set $bbb_loadbalancer_node https://bbb-lb.example.com ``` Prepend the mount point of bbb-html5 in all location sections except from the `location @html5client` section in `/etc/bigbluebutton/nginx/bbb-html5.nginx` ``` location @html5client { ... } location /bbb-01/html5client/locales { ... } ```
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import Users from '/imports/api/users';
import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth';
import Meetings from '../../../api/meetings';
const ROLE_MODERATOR = Meteor.settings.public.user.role_moderator;
const isModerator = () => {
const user = Users.findOne(
meetingId: Auth.meetingID,
userId: Auth.userID,
{ fields: { role: 1 } },
if (user && user.role === ROLE_MODERATOR) {
return true;
return false;
const isLearningDashboardEnabled = () => (((
{ meetingId: Auth.meetingID },
fields: { 'meetingProp.learningDashboardEnabled': 1 },
) || {}).meetingProp || {}).learningDashboardEnabled || false);
const getLearningDashboardAccessToken = () => ((
{ meetingId: Auth.meetingID, learningDashboardAccessToken: { $exists: true } },
fields: { learningDashboardAccessToken: 1 },
) || {}).learningDashboardAccessToken || null);
const setLearningDashboardCookie = () => {
const learningDashboardAccessToken = getLearningDashboardAccessToken();
if (learningDashboardAccessToken !== null) {
const cookieExpiresDate = new Date();
cookieExpiresDate.setTime(cookieExpiresDate.getTime() + (3600000 * 24 * 30)); // keep cookie 30d
document.cookie = `learningDashboardAccessToken-${Auth.meetingID}=${getLearningDashboardAccessToken()}; expires=${cookieExpiresDate.toGMTString()}; path=/`;
return true;
return false;
const openLearningDashboardUrl = (lang) => {
const APP = Meteor.settings.public.app;
if (getLearningDashboardAccessToken() && setLearningDashboardCookie()) {
window.open(`${APP.learningDashboardBase}/?meeting=${Auth.meetingID}&lang=${lang}`, '_blank');
} else {
window.open(`${APP.learningDashboardBase}/?meeting=${Auth.meetingID}&sessionToken=${Auth.sessionToken}&lang=${lang}`, '_blank');
export default {