If a meeting has no events for too long (24 hours), remove the meeting mapping to prevent too much data from being stored forever on redis.
163 lines
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163 lines
5.7 KiB
_ = require("lodash")
async = require("async")
redis = require("redis")
config = require("./config")
# The database of mappings. Uses the externalID as key because it changes less than
# the internal ID (e.g. the internalID can change for different meetings in the same
# room). Used always from memory, but saved to redis for persistence.
# Format:
# {
# externalMeetingID: {
# id: @id
# externalMeetingID: @exnternalMeetingID
# internalMeetingID: @internalMeetingID
# lastActivity: @lastActivity
# }
# }
# Format on redis:
# * a SET "...:mappings" with all ids (not meeting ids, the object id)
# * a HASH "...:mapping:<id>" for each mapping with all its attributes
db = {}
nextID = 1
# A simple model to store mappings for meeting IDs.
module.exports = class MeetingIDMap
constructor: ->
@id = null
@externalMeetingID = null
@internalMeetingID = null
@lastActivity = null
@redisClient = redis.createClient()
save: (callback) ->
@redisClient.hmset config.redis.keys.mapping(@id), @toRedis(), (error, reply) =>
console.log "Hook: error saving mapping to redis!", error, reply if error?
@redisClient.sadd config.redis.keys.mappings, @id, (error, reply) =>
console.log "Hook: error saving mapping ID to the list of mappings!", error, reply if error?
db[@externalMeetingID] = this
callback?(error, db[@externalMeetingID])
destroy: (callback) ->
@redisClient.srem config.redis.keys.mappings, @id, (error, reply) =>
console.log "Hook: error removing mapping ID from the list of mappings!", error, reply if error?
@redisClient.del config.redis.keys.mapping(@id), (error) =>
console.log "Hook: error removing mapping from redis!", error if error?
if db[@externalMeetingID]
delete db[@externalMeetingID]
callback?(error, true)
callback?(error, false)
toRedis: ->
r =
"id": @id,
"internalMeetingID": @internalMeetingID
"externalMeetingID": @externalMeetingID
"lastActivity": @lastActivity
fromRedis: (redisData) ->
@id = parseInt(redisData.id)
@externalMeetingID = redisData.externalMeetingID
@internalMeetingID = redisData.internalMeetingID
@lastActivity = redisData.lastActivity
print: ->
@addOrUpdateMapping = (internalMeetingID, externalMeetingID, callback) ->
mapping = new MeetingIDMap()
mapping.id = nextID++
mapping.internalMeetingID = internalMeetingID
mapping.externalMeetingID = externalMeetingID
mapping.lastActivity = new Date().getTime()
mapping.save (error, result) ->
console.log "MeetingIDMap: added or changed meeting mapping to the list #{externalMeetingID}:", mapping.print()
callback?(error, result)
@removeMapping = (internalMeetingID, callback) ->
for external, mapping of db
if mapping.internalMeetingID is internalMeetingID
mapping.destroy (error, result) ->
console.log "MeetingIDMap: removing meeting mapping from the list #{external}:", mapping.print()
callback?(error, result)
@getInternalMeetingID = (externalMeetingID) ->
@getExternalMeetingID = (internalMeetingID) ->
mapping = MeetingIDMap.findByInternalMeetingID(internalMeetingID)
@findByInternalMeetingID = (internalMeetingID) ->
if internalMeetingID?
for external, mapping of db
if mapping.internalMeetingID is internalMeetingID
return mapping
@allSync = ->
arr = Object.keys(db).reduce((arr, id) ->
arr.push db[id]
, [])
# Sets the last activity of the mapping for `internalMeetingID` to now.
@reportActivity = (internalMeetingID) ->
mapping = MeetingIDMap.findByInternalMeetingID(internalMeetingID)
if mapping?
mapping.lastActivity = new Date().getTime()
# Checks all current mappings for their last activity and removes the ones that
# are "expired", that had their last activity too long ago.
@cleanup = ->
now = new Date().getTime()
all = MeetingIDMap.allSync()
toRemove = _.filter(all, (mapping) ->
mapping.lastActivity < now - config.mappings.timeout
unless _.isEmpty(toRemove)
console.log "MeetingIDMap: expiring the mappings:", _.map(toRemove, (map) -> map.print())
toRemove.forEach (mapping) -> mapping.destroy()
# Initializes global methods for this model.
@initialize = (callback) ->
MeetingIDMap.cleanupInterval = setInterval(MeetingIDMap.cleanup, config.mappings.cleanupInterval)
# Gets all mappings from redis to populate the local database.
# Calls `callback()` when done.
@resync = (callback) ->
client = redis.createClient()
tasks = []
client.smembers config.redis.keys.mappings, (error, mappings) =>
console.log "Hook: error getting list of mappings from redis", error if error?
mappings.forEach (id) =>
tasks.push (done) =>
client.hgetall config.redis.keys.mapping(id), (error, mappingData) ->
console.log "Hook: error getting information for a mapping from redis", error if error?
if mappingData?
mapping = new MeetingIDMap()
mapping.save (error, hook) ->
nextID = mapping.id + 1 if mapping.id >= nextID
done(null, mapping)
done(null, null)
async.series tasks, (errors, result) ->
mappings = _.map(MeetingIDMap.allSync(), (m) -> m.print())
console.log "MeetingIDMap: finished resync, mappings registered:", mappings