
77 lines
2.7 KiB

presenter = null
#for the time being moderators have the same permissions that viewers do
moderator =
# raising/lowering hand
raiseOwnHand : true
lowerOwnHand : true
# muting
muteSelf : true
unmuteSelf : true
logoutSelf : true
subscribeUsers: true
subscribeChat: true
chatPublic: true #should make this dynamically modifiable later on
chatPrivate: true #should make this dynamically modifiable later on
viewer = (meetingId, userId) ->
# raising/lowering hand
raiseOwnHand : true
lowerOwnHand : true
# muting
muteSelf : true
unmuteSelf : true
logoutSelf : true
subscribeUsers: true
subscribeChat: true
chatPublic: !(Meteor.Meetings.findOne({meetingId:meetingId})?.roomLockSettings.disablePubChat) or
!(Meteor.Users.findOne({meetingId:meetingId, userId:userId})?.user.locked) or
Meteor.Users.findOne({meetingId:meetingId, userId:userId})?.user.presenter
chatPrivate: !(Meteor.Meetings.findOne({meetingId:meetingId})?.roomLockSettings.disablePrivChat) or
!(Meteor.Users.findOne({meetingId:meetingId, userId:userId})?.user.locked) or
Meteor.Users.findOne({meetingId:meetingId, userId:userId})?.user.presenter
@isAllowedTo = (action, meetingId, userId, authToken) ->
# Disclaimer:the current version of the HTML5 client represents only VIEWER users
Meteor.log.error "#{action} : #{viewer(meetingId, userId)[action]} #{JSON.stringify viewer(meetingId, userId)}"
validated = Meteor.Users.findOne({meetingId:meetingId, userId: userId})?.validated "in isAllowedTo: action-#{action}, userId=#{userId}, authToken=#{authToken} validated:#{validated}"
user = Meteor.Users.findOne({meetingId:meetingId, userId: userId})
if user? and authToken is user.authToken # check if the user is who he claims to be
if user.validated and user.clientType is "HTML5"
if user.user?.role is 'VIEWER' or user.user?.role is 'MODERATOR' or user.user?.role is undefined
return viewer(meetingId, userId)[action] or false
Meteor.log.warn "UNSUCCESSFULL ATTEMPT FROM userid=#{userId} to perform:#{action}"
return false
# user was not validated
if action is "logoutSelf"
# on unsuccessful sign-in
Meteor.log.warn "a user was successfully removed from the meeting following an unsuccessful login"
return true
return false
Meteor.log.error "in meetingId=#{meetingId} userId=#{userId} tried to perform #{action} without permission" +
"\n..while the authToken was #{user?.authToken} and the user's object is #{JSON.stringify user}"
return false