import React, { Component } from 'react'; import injectWbResizeEvent from '/imports/ui/components/presentation/resize-wrapper/component'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import ReactPlayer from 'react-player'; import { sendMessage, onMessage, removeAllListeners } from './service'; import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; import ArcPlayer from './custom-players/arc-player'; import { styles } from './styles'; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ autoPlayWarning: { id: 'app.externalVideo.autoPlayWarning', description: 'Shown when user needs to interact with player to make it work', }, }); const SYNC_INTERVAL_SECONDS = 5; const AUTO_PLAY_BLOCK_DETECTION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 5; ReactPlayer.addCustomPlayer(ArcPlayer); class VideoPlayer extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); const { isPresenter } = props; this.player = null; this.syncInterval = null; this.autoPlayTimeout = null; this.hasPlayedBefore = false; this.playerIsReady = false; this.lastMessage = null; this.state = { mutedByEchoTest: false, playing: false, autoPlayBlocked: false, playbackRate: 1, }; this.opts = { file: { attributes: { controls: true, }, }, dailymotion: { params: { controls: true, }, }, youtube: { playerVars: { autoplay: 1, modestbranding: 1, autohide: 1, rel: 0, ecver: 2, controls: isPresenter ? 1 : 2, }, }, preload: true, }; this.registerVideoListeners = this.registerVideoListeners.bind(this); this.autoPlayBlockDetected = this.autoPlayBlockDetected.bind(this); this.clearVideoListeners = this.clearVideoListeners.bind(this); this.handleFirstPlay = this.handleFirstPlay.bind(this); this.handleResize = this.handleResize.bind(this); this.handleOnReady = this.handleOnReady.bind(this); this.handleOnPlay = this.handleOnPlay.bind(this); this.handleOnPause = this.handleOnPause.bind(this); this.sendSyncMessage = this.sendSyncMessage.bind(this); this.getCurrentPlaybackRate = this.getCurrentPlaybackRate.bind(this); this.setPlaybackRate = this.setPlaybackRate.bind(this); this.resizeListener = () => { setTimeout(this.handleResize, 0); }; this.onBeforeUnload = this.onBeforeUnload.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { window.addEventListener('resize', this.resizeListener); window.addEventListener('beforeunload', this.onBeforeUnload); clearInterval(this.syncInterval); clearTimeout(this.autoPlayTimeout); this.clearVideoListeners(); this.registerVideoListeners(); } onBeforeUnload() { const { isPresenter } = this.props; if (isPresenter) { this.sendSyncMessage('stop'); } } componentWillUnmount() { window.removeEventListener('resize', this.resizeListener); window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', this.onBeforeUnload); this.clearVideoListeners(); clearInterval(this.syncInterval); clearTimeout(this.autoPlayTimeout); this.player = null; } componentDidUpdate(prevProp, prevState) { // Detect presenter change and redo the sync and listeners to reassign video to the new one if (this.props.isPresenter !== prevProp.isPresenter) { this.clearVideoListeners(); clearInterval(this.syncInterval); clearTimeout(this.autoPlayTimeout); this.registerVideoListeners(); } } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { const { isPresenter } = this.props; const { playing } = this.state; // If user is presenter we don't re-render playing state changes // Because he's in control of the play/pause status if (nextProps.isPresenter && isPresenter && nextState.playing !== playing) { return false; } return true; } static getDerivedStateFromProps(props) { const { inEchoTest } = props; return { mutedByEchoTest: inEchoTest }; } sendSyncMessage(msg, params) { if (this.lastMessage === msg && msg === 'presenterReady') { logger.debug("Ignoring a repeated presenterReady message"); } else { sendMessage(msg, params); this.lastMessage = msg; } } autoPlayBlockDetected() { this.setState({ autoPlayBlocked: true }); } handleFirstPlay() { const { isPresenter } = this.props; const { hasPlayedBefore } = this; if (!hasPlayedBefore) { this.hasPlayedBefore = true; this.setState({ autoPlayBlocked: false }); clearTimeout(this.autoPlayTimeout); if (isPresenter) { this.sendSyncMessage('presenterReady'); } } } getCurrentPlaybackRate() { const intPlayer = this.player.getInternalPlayer(); return (intPlayer && intPlayer.getPlaybackRate && intPlayer.getPlaybackRate()) || 1; } setPlaybackRate(rate) { const intPlayer = this.player.getInternalPlayer(); this.setState({ playbackRate: rate }); if (intPlayer && intPlayer.setPlaybackRate) { intPlayer.setPlaybackRate(rate); } } handleResize() { if (!this.player || !this.playerParent) { return; } const par = this.playerParent.parentElement; const w = par.clientWidth; const h = par.clientHeight; const idealW = h * 16 / 9; const style = {}; if (idealW > w) { style.width = w; style.height = w * 9 / 16; } else { style.width = idealW; style.height = h; } const styleStr = `width: ${style.width}px; height: ${style.height}px;`; = styleStr; = styleStr; } clearVideoListeners() { removeAllListeners('play'); removeAllListeners('stop'); removeAllListeners('playerUpdate'); removeAllListeners('presenterReady'); } registerVideoListeners() { const { isPresenter } = this.props; if (isPresenter) { this.syncInterval = setInterval(() => { const { playing } = this.state; const curTime = this.player.getCurrentTime(); const rate = this.getCurrentPlaybackRate(); // Always pause video if presenter is has not started sharing, e.g., blocked by autoplay const playingState = this.hasPlayedBefore ? playing : false; this.sendSyncMessage('playerUpdate', { rate, time: curTime, state: playingState }); }, SYNC_INTERVAL_SECONDS * 1000); } else { onMessage('play', ({ time }) => { const { hasPlayedBefore, player } = this; if (!player || !hasPlayedBefore) { return; } player.seekTo(time); this.setState({ playing: true }); logger.debug({ logCode: 'external_video_client_play' }, 'Play external video'); }); onMessage('stop', ({ time }) => { const { hasPlayedBefore, player } = this; if (!player || !hasPlayedBefore) { return; } player.seekTo(time); this.setState({ playing: false }); logger.debug({ logCode: 'external_video_client_stop' }, 'Stop external video'); }); onMessage('presenterReady', (data) => { const { hasPlayedBefore } = this; logger.debug({ logCode: 'external_video_presenter_ready' }, 'Presenter is ready to sync'); if (!hasPlayedBefore) { this.setState({ playing: true }); } }); onMessage('playerUpdate', (data) => { const { hasPlayedBefore, player } = this; const { playing } = this.state; if (!player || !hasPlayedBefore) { return; } if (data.rate !== this.getCurrentPlaybackRate()) { this.setPlaybackRate(data.rate); logger.debug({ logCode: 'external_video_client_update_rate', extraInfo: { newRate: data.rate, }, }, 'Change external video playback rate.'); } if (Math.abs(player.getCurrentTime() - data.time) > SYNC_INTERVAL_SECONDS) { player.seekTo(data.time, true); logger.debug({ logCode: 'external_video_client_update_seek', extraInfo: { time: data.time, }, }, 'Seek external video to:'); } if (playing !== data.state) { this.setState({ playing: data.state }); } }); } } handleOnReady() { const { isPresenter } = this.props; const { hasPlayedBefore, playerIsReady } = this; if (hasPlayedBefore || playerIsReady) { return; } if (isPresenter) { this.setState({ playing: true }); } this.playerIsReady = true; this.handleResize(); this.autoPlayTimeout = setTimeout(this.autoPlayBlockDetected, AUTO_PLAY_BLOCK_DETECTION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS * 1000); } handleOnPlay() { const { isPresenter } = this.props; const { playing } = this.state; const curTime = this.player && this.player.getCurrentTime(); if (isPresenter && !playing) { this.sendSyncMessage('play', { time: curTime }); } this.setState({ playing: true }); this.handleFirstPlay(); } handleOnPause() { const { isPresenter } = this.props; const { playing } = this.state; const curTime = this.player && this.player.getCurrentTime(); if (isPresenter && playing) { this.sendSyncMessage('stop', { time: curTime }); } this.setState({ playing: false }); this.handleFirstPlay(); } render() { const { videoUrl, intl } = this.props; const { playing, playbackRate, mutedByEchoTest, autoPlayBlocked, } = this.state; return (
) : '' }