import React from 'react'; import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { withTracker } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data'; import { withRouter } from 'react-router'; import Meetings from '/imports/api/meetings'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; import { meetingIsBreakout } from '/imports/ui/components/app/service'; import getFromUserSettings from '/imports/ui/services/users-settings'; import userListService from '../user-list/service'; import ChatService from '../chat/service'; import Service from './service'; import NavBar from './component'; const PUBLIC_CONFIG = Meteor.settings.public; const PUBLIC_GROUP_CHAT_ID =; const NavBarContainer = ({ children, ...props }) => ( {children} ); export default withRouter(withTracker(({ location, router }) => { const CLIENT_TITLE = getFromUserSettings('clientTitle',; let meetingTitle; let meetingRecorded; const meetingId = Auth.meetingID; const meetingObject = Meetings.findOne({ meetingId, }); if (meetingObject != null) { meetingTitle =; meetingRecorded = meetingObject.recordProp; document.title = `${CLIENT_TITLE} - ${meetingTitle}`; } const checkUnreadMessages = () => { const users = userListService.getUsers(); // every user id // 2.filter the user except the current user from the user array // 3.add the public chat to the array // 4.check current user has unread messages or not. return users .map(user => .filter(userID => userID !== Auth.userID) .concat(PUBLIC_GROUP_CHAT_ID) .some(receiverID => ChatService.hasUnreadMessages(receiverID)); }; const breakouts = Service.getBreakouts(); const currentUserId = Auth.userID; const isExpanded = location.pathname.indexOf('/users') !== -1; return { isExpanded, breakouts, currentUserId, meetingId, presentationTitle: meetingTitle, hasUnreadMessages: checkUnreadMessages(), isBreakoutRoom: meetingIsBreakout(), beingRecorded: meetingRecorded, toggleUserList: () => { if (location.pathname.indexOf('/users') !== -1) { router.push('/'); } else { router.push('/users'); } }, }; })(NavBarContainer));