import { Component } from 'react'; import { withTracker } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; import GroupChat from '/imports/api/group-chat'; import Annotations from '/imports/api/annotations'; import Users from '/imports/api/users'; import AnnotationsTextService from '/imports/ui/components/whiteboard/annotations/text/service'; import { Annotations as AnnotationsLocal } from '/imports/ui/components/whiteboard/service'; const CHAT_CONFIG =; const CHAT_ENABLED = CHAT_CONFIG.enabled; const PUBLIC_GROUP_CHAT_ID = CHAT_CONFIG.public_group_id; const PUBLIC_CHAT_TYPE = CHAT_CONFIG.type_public; const TYPING_INDICATOR_ENABLED = CHAT_CONFIG.typingIndicator.enabled; const SUBSCRIPTIONS = [ 'users', 'meetings', 'polls', 'presentations', 'slides', 'slide-positions', 'captions', 'voiceUsers', 'whiteboard-multi-user', 'screenshare', 'group-chat', 'presentation-pods', 'users-settings', 'guestUser', 'users-infos', 'note', 'meeting-time-remaining', 'local-settings', 'users-typing', 'record-meetings', 'video-streams', 'connection-status', 'voice-call-states', 'external-video-meetings', ]; const EVENT_NAME = 'bbb-group-chat-messages-subscription-has-stoppped'; const EVENT_NAME_SUBSCRIPTION_READY = 'bbb-group-chat-messages-subscriptions-ready'; class Subscriptions extends Component { componentDidUpdate() { const { subscriptionsReady } = this.props; if (subscriptionsReady) { Session.set('subscriptionsReady', true); const event = new Event(EVENT_NAME_SUBSCRIPTION_READY); window.dispatchEvent(event); } } render() { const { children } = this.props; return children; } } export default withTracker(() => { const { credentials } = Auth; const { meetingId, requesterUserId } = credentials; if (Session.get('codeError')) { return { subscriptionsReady: true, }; } const currentUser = Users.findOne({ intId: requesterUserId }, { fields: { role: 1 } }); const subscriptionErrorHandler = { onError: (error) => { logger.error({ logCode: 'startup_client_subscription_error', extraInfo: { error }, }, 'Error while subscribing to collections'); Session.set('codeError', error.error); }, }; let subscriptionsHandlers = => { if ((!TYPING_INDICATOR_ENABLED && name.indexOf('typing') !== -1) || (!CHAT_ENABLED && name.indexOf('chat') !== -1)) return; return Meteor.subscribe(name, subscriptionErrorHandler); }); if (currentUser) { subscriptionsHandlers.push(Meteor.subscribe('meetings', currentUser.role, subscriptionErrorHandler)); subscriptionsHandlers.push(Meteor.subscribe('users', currentUser.role, subscriptionErrorHandler)); subscriptionsHandlers.push(Meteor.subscribe('breakouts', currentUser.role, subscriptionErrorHandler)); } const annotationsHandler = Meteor.subscribe('annotations', { onReady: () => { const activeTextShapeId = AnnotationsTextService.activeTextShapeId(); AnnotationsLocal.remove({ id: { $ne: `${activeTextShapeId}-fake` } }); Annotations.find({ id: { $ne: activeTextShapeId } }, { reactive: false }).forEach((a) => { try { AnnotationsLocal.insert(a); } catch (e) { // TODO } }); annotationsHandler.stop(); }, ...subscriptionErrorHandler, }); subscriptionsHandlers = subscriptionsHandlers.filter(obj => obj); const ready = subscriptionsHandlers.every(handler => handler.ready()); let groupChatMessageHandler = {}; if (CHAT_ENABLED && ready) { const chats = GroupChat.find({ $or: [ { meetingId, access: PUBLIC_CHAT_TYPE, chatId: { $ne: PUBLIC_GROUP_CHAT_ID }, }, { meetingId, users: { $all: [requesterUserId] } }, ], }).fetch(); const chatIds = => chat.chatId); const subHandler = { ...subscriptionErrorHandler, onStop: () => { const event = new Event(EVENT_NAME); window.dispatchEvent(event); }, }; groupChatMessageHandler = Meteor.subscribe('group-chat-msg', chatIds, subHandler); } // TODO: Refactor all the late subscribers let usersPersistentDataHandler = {}; if (ready) { usersPersistentDataHandler = Meteor.subscribe('users-persistent-data'); } return { subscriptionsReady: ready, subscriptionsHandlers, }; })(Subscriptions);