import * as React from "react"; import _ from "lodash"; import styled, { createGlobalStyle } from "styled-components"; import Cursors from "./cursors/container"; import { TldrawApp, Tldraw } from "@tldraw/tldraw"; import SlideCalcUtil, {HUNDRED_PERCENT} from '/imports/utils/slideCalcUtils'; import { Utils } from "@tldraw/core"; import Settings from '/imports/ui/services/settings'; import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; import KEY_CODES from '/imports/utils/keyCodes'; import { presentationMenuHeight, borderSize, borderSizeLarge } from '/imports/ui/stylesheets/styled-components/general'; import { colorWhite, colorBlack } from '/imports/ui/stylesheets/styled-components/palette'; function usePrevious(value) { const ref = React.useRef(); React.useEffect(() => { ref.current = value; }, [value]); return ref.current; } const findRemoved = (A, B) => { return A.filter((a) => { return !B.includes(a); }); }; // map different localeCodes from bbb to tldraw const mapLanguage = (language) => { // bbb has xx-xx but in tldraw it's only xx if (['es', 'fa', 'it', 'pl', 'sv', 'uk'].some((lang) => language.startsWith(lang))) { return language.substring(0, 2); } // exceptions switch (language) { case 'nb-no': return 'no'; case 'zh-cn': return 'zh-ch'; default: return language; } }; const SMALL_HEIGHT = 435; const SMALLEST_HEIGHT = 363; const SMALL_WIDTH = 800; const SMALLEST_WIDTH = 645; const TOOLBAR_SMALL = 28; const TOOLBAR_LARGE = 38; const TOOLBAR_OFFSET = 0; const TldrawGlobalStyle = createGlobalStyle` ${({ hideContextMenu }) => hideContextMenu && ` #TD-ContextMenu { display: none; } `} #TD-PrimaryTools-Image { display: none; } #slide-background-shape div { pointer-events: none; } [aria-expanded*="false"][aria-controls*="radix-"] { display: none; } [class$="-side-right"] { top: -1px; } ${({ hasWBAccess, isPresenter, size }) => (hasWBAccess || isPresenter) && ` #TD-Tools-Dots { height: ${size}px; width: ${size}px; } #TD-Delete { & button { height: ${size}px; width: ${size}px; } } #TD-PrimaryTools button { height: ${size}px; width: ${size}px; } #TD-Styles { border-width: ${borderSize}; } #TD-TopPanel-Undo, #TD-TopPanel-Redo, #TD-Styles { height: 92%; border-radius: 7px; &:hover { border: solid ${borderSize} #ECECEC; background-color: #ECECEC; } &:focus { border: solid ${borderSize} ${colorBlack}; } } #TD-Styles, #TD-TopPanel-Undo, #TD-TopPanel-Redo { margin: ${borderSize} ${borderSizeLarge} 0px ${borderSizeLarge}; } `} ${({ darkTheme }) => darkTheme && ` #TD-TopPanel-Undo, #TD-TopPanel-Redo, #TD-Styles { &:focus { border: solid ${borderSize} ${colorWhite} !important; } } `} `; const EditableWBWrapper = styled.div` &, & > :first-child { cursor: inherit !important; } `; export default function Whiteboard(props) { const { isPresenter, isModerator, removeShapes, initDefaultPages, persistShape, notifyNotAllowedChange, shapes, assets, currentUser, curPres, whiteboardId, podId, zoomSlide, skipToSlide, slidePosition, curPageId, presentationWidth, presentationHeight, isViewersCursorLocked, zoomChanger, isMultiUserActive, isRTL, fitToWidth, zoomValue, isPanning, intl, svgUri, maxStickyNoteLength, fontFamily, hasShapeAccess, presentationAreaHeight, presentationAreaWidth, maxNumberOfAnnotations, notifyShapeNumberExceeded, darkTheme, } = props; const { pages, pageStates } = initDefaultPages(curPres?.pages.length || 1); const rDocument = React.useRef({ name: "test", version: TldrawApp.version, id: whiteboardId, pages, pageStates, bindings: {}, assets: {}, }); const [tldrawAPI, setTLDrawAPI] = React.useState(null); const [history, setHistory] = React.useState(null); const [forcePanning, setForcePanning] = React.useState(false); const [zoom, setZoom] = React.useState(HUNDRED_PERCENT); const [tldrawZoom, setTldrawZoom] = React.useState(1); const [enable, setEnable] = React.useState(true); const [isMounting, setIsMounting] = React.useState(true); const prevShapes = usePrevious(shapes); const prevSlidePosition = usePrevious(slidePosition); const prevFitToWidth = usePrevious(fitToWidth); const prevSvgUri = usePrevious(svgUri); const language = mapLanguage(Settings?.application?.locale?.toLowerCase() || 'en'); const [currentTool, setCurrentTool] = React.useState(null); const [isMoving, setIsMoving] = React.useState(false); const throttledResetCurrentPoint = React.useRef(_.throttle(() => { setEnable(false); setEnable(true); }, 1000, { trailing: true })); const calculateZoom = (width, height) => { const calcedZoom = fitToWidth ? (presentationWidth / width) : Math.min( (presentationWidth) / width, (presentationHeight) / height ); return (calcedZoom === 0 || calcedZoom === Infinity) ? HUNDRED_PERCENT : calcedZoom; } const isValidShapeType = (shape) => { const invalidTypes = ['image', 'video']; return !invalidTypes.includes(shape?.type); } const filterInvalidShapes = (shapes) => { const keys = Object.keys(shapes); const removedChildren = []; const removedParents = []; keys.forEach((shape) => { if (shapes[shape].parentId !== curPageId) { if(!keys.includes(shapes[shape].parentId)) { delete shapes[shape]; } }else{ if (shapes[shape].type === "group") { const groupChildren = shapes[shape].children; groupChildren.forEach((child) => { if (!keys.includes(child)) { removedChildren.push(child); } }); shapes[shape].children = groupChildren.filter((child) => !removedChildren.includes(child)); if (shapes[shape].children.length < 2) { removedParents.push(shape); delete shapes[shape]; } } } }); // remove orphaned children Object.keys(shapes).forEach((shape) => { if (shapes[shape] && shapes[shape].parentId !== curPageId) { if (removedParents.includes(shapes[shape].parentId)) { delete shapes[shape]; } } }); return shapes; } const sendShapeChanges= (app, changedShapes, redo = false) => { const invalidChange = Object.keys(changedShapes) .find(id => !hasShapeAccess(id)); const invalidShapeType = Object.keys(changedShapes) .find(id => !isValidShapeType(changedShapes[id])); const currentShapes = app?.document?.pages[app?.currentPageId]?.shapes; // -1 for background shape const shapeNumberExceeded = Object.keys(currentShapes).length - 1 > maxNumberOfAnnotations; const isInserting = Object.keys(changedShapes) .filter( shape => typeof changedShapes[shape] === 'object' && changedShapes[shape].type && !prevShapes[shape] ).length !== 0; if (invalidChange || invalidShapeType || (shapeNumberExceeded && isInserting)) { if (shapeNumberExceeded) { notifyShapeNumberExceeded(intl, maxNumberOfAnnotations); } else { notifyNotAllowedChange(intl); } // undo last command without persisting to not generate the onUndo/onRedo callback if (!redo) { const command = app.stack[app.pointer]; app.pointer--; return app.applyPatch(command.before, `undo`); } else { app.pointer++ const command = app.stack[app.pointer] return app.applyPatch(command.after, 'redo'); } }; let deletedShapes = []; Object.entries(changedShapes) .forEach(([id, shape]) => { if (!shape) deletedShapes.push(id); else { //checks to find any bindings assosiated with the changed shapes. //If any, they may need to be updated as well. const pageBindings =; if (pageBindings) { Object.entries(pageBindings).map(([k,b]) => { if (b.toId.includes(id)) { const boundShape = app.getShape(b.fromId); if (shapes[b.fromId] && !_.isEqual(boundShape, shapes[b.fromId])) { const shapeBounds = app.getShapeBounds(b.fromId); boundShape.size = [shapeBounds.width, shapeBounds.height]; persistShape(boundShape, whiteboardId) } } }) } if (! { // check it already exists (otherwise we need the full shape) if (!shapes[id]) { shape = app.getShape(id); } = id; } const shapeBounds = app.getShapeBounds(id); const size = [shapeBounds.width, shapeBounds.height]; if (!shapes[id] || (shapes[id] && !_.isEqual(shapes[id].size, size))) { shape.size = size; } if (!shapes[id] || (shapes[id] && !shapes[id].userId)) shape.userId = currentUser?.userId; persistShape(shape, whiteboardId); } }); //order the ids of shapes being deleted to prevent crash when removing a group shape before its children const orderedDeletedShapes = []; deletedShapes.forEach(eid => { if (shapes[eid]?.type !== 'group') { orderedDeletedShapes.unshift(eid); } else { orderedDeletedShapes.push(eid) } }); if (orderedDeletedShapes.length > 0) { removeShapes(orderedDeletedShapes, whiteboardId); } } React.useEffect(() => { props.setTldrawIsMounting(true); }, []); const checkClientBounds = (e) => { if ( e.clientX > document.documentElement.clientWidth || e.clientX < 0 || e.clientY > document.documentElement.clientHeight || e.clientY < 0 ) { if (tldrawAPI?.session) { tldrawAPI?.completeSession?.(); } } }; const checkVisibility = () => { if (document.visibilityState === 'hidden' && tldrawAPI?.session) { tldrawAPI?.completeSession?.(); } }; React.useEffect(() => { document.addEventListener('mouseup', checkClientBounds); document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', checkVisibility); return () => { document.removeEventListener('mouseup', checkClientBounds); document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', checkVisibility); }; }, [tldrawAPI]); const doc = React.useMemo(() => { const currentDoc = rDocument.current; let next = { ...currentDoc }; let changed = false; if (next.pageStates[curPageId] && !_.isEqual(prevShapes, shapes)) { const editingShape = tldrawAPI?.getShape(tldrawAPI?.getPageState()?.editingId); if (editingShape) { shapes[editingShape?.id] = editingShape; } const removed = prevShapes && findRemoved(Object.keys(prevShapes),Object.keys((shapes))); if (removed && removed.length > 0) { const patchedShapes = Object.fromEntries( => [id, undefined])); try { tldrawAPI?.patchState( { document: { pageStates: { [curPageId]: { selectedIds: tldrawAPI?.selectedIds?.filter(id => !removed.includes(id)) || [], }, }, pages: { [curPageId]: { shapes: patchedShapes, }, }, }, }, ); } catch (error) { logger.error({ logCode: 'whiteboard_shapes_remove_error', extraInfo: { error }, }, 'Whiteboard catch error on removing shapes'); } } next.pages[curPageId].shapes = filterInvalidShapes(shapes); changed = true; } if (curPageId && (!next.assets[`slide-background-asset-${curPageId}`]) || (svgUri && !_.isEqual(prevSvgUri, svgUri))) { next.assets[`slide-background-asset-${curPageId}`] = assets[`slide-background-asset-${curPageId}`] tldrawAPI?.patchState( { document: { assets: assets }, }, ); changed = true; } if (changed && tldrawAPI) { // merge patch manually (this improves performance and reduce side effects on fast updates) const patch = { document: { pages: { [curPageId]: { shapes: filterInvalidShapes(shapes) } }, }, }; const prevState = tldrawAPI._state; const nextState = Utils.deepMerge(tldrawAPI._state, patch); if(nextState.document.pages[curPageId].shapes) { filterInvalidShapes(nextState.document.pages[curPageId].shapes); } const final = tldrawAPI.cleanup(nextState, prevState, patch, ''); tldrawAPI._state = final; try { tldrawAPI?.forceUpdate(); } catch (e) { logger.error({ logCode: 'whiteboard_shapes_update_error', extraInfo: { error }, }, 'Whiteboard catch error on updating shapes'); } } // move poll result text to bottom right if (next.pages[curPageId] && slidePosition) { const pollResults = Object.entries(next.pages[curPageId].shapes) .filter(([id, shape]) =>"poll-result")) for (const [id, shape] of pollResults) { if (_.isEqual(shape.point, [0, 0])) { const shapeBounds = tldrawAPI?.getShapeBounds(id); if (shapeBounds) { shape.point = [ slidePosition.width - shapeBounds.width, slidePosition.height - shapeBounds.height ] shape.size = [shapeBounds.width, shapeBounds.height] isPresenter && persistShape(shape, whiteboardId); } } }; } return currentDoc; }, [shapes, tldrawAPI, curPageId, slidePosition]); // when presentationSizes change, update tldraw camera React.useEffect(() => { if (curPageId && slidePosition && tldrawAPI && presentationWidth > 0 && presentationHeight > 0) { if (prevFitToWidth !== null && fitToWidth !== prevFitToWidth) { const zoom = calculateZoom(slidePosition.width, slidePosition.height) tldrawAPI?.setCamera([0, 0], zoom); const viewedRegionH = SlideCalcUtil.calcViewedRegionHeight(tldrawAPI?.viewport.height, slidePosition.height); setZoom(HUNDRED_PERCENT); zoomChanger(HUNDRED_PERCENT); zoomSlide(parseInt(curPageId), podId, HUNDRED_PERCENT, viewedRegionH, 0, 0); } else { const currentAspectRatio = Math.round((presentationWidth / presentationHeight) * 100) / 100; const previousAspectRatio = Math.round((slidePosition.viewBoxWidth / slidePosition.viewBoxHeight) * 100) / 100; if (fitToWidth && currentAspectRatio !== previousAspectRatio) { // wee need this to ensure tldraw updates the viewport size after re-mounting setTimeout(() => { const zoom = calculateZoom(slidePosition.viewBoxWidth, slidePosition.viewBoxHeight); tldrawAPI.setCamera([slidePosition.x, slidePosition.y], zoom, 'zoomed'); }, 50); } else { const zoom = calculateZoom(slidePosition.viewBoxWidth, slidePosition.viewBoxHeight); tldrawAPI?.setCamera([slidePosition.x, slidePosition.y], zoom); } } } }, [presentationWidth, presentationHeight, curPageId, document?.documentElement?.dir]); React.useEffect(() => { if (presentationWidth > 0 && presentationHeight > 0 && slidePosition) { const cameraZoom = tldrawAPI?.getPageState()?.camera?.zoom; const newzoom = calculateZoom(slidePosition.viewBoxWidth, slidePosition.viewBoxHeight); if (cameraZoom && cameraZoom === 1) { tldrawAPI?.setCamera([slidePosition.x, slidePosition.y], newzoom); } else if (isMounting) { setIsMounting(false); props.setTldrawIsMounting(false); const currentAspectRatio = Math.round((presentationWidth / presentationHeight) * 100) / 100; const previousAspectRatio = Math.round((slidePosition.viewBoxWidth / slidePosition.viewBoxHeight) * 100) / 100; // case where the presenter had fit-to-width enabled and he reloads the page if (!fitToWidth && currentAspectRatio !== previousAspectRatio) { // wee need this to ensure tldraw updates the viewport size after re-mounting setTimeout(() => { tldrawAPI?.setCamera([slidePosition.x, slidePosition.y], newzoom, 'zoomed'); }, 50); } else { tldrawAPI?.setCamera([slidePosition.x, slidePosition.y], newzoom); } } } }, [tldrawAPI?.getPageState()?.camera, presentationWidth, presentationHeight]); // change tldraw page when presentation page changes React.useEffect(() => { if (tldrawAPI && curPageId && slidePosition) { tldrawAPI.changePage(curPageId); let zoom = prevSlidePosition ? calculateZoom(prevSlidePosition.viewBoxWidth, prevSlidePosition.viewBoxHeight) : calculateZoom(slidePosition.viewBoxWidth, slidePosition.viewBoxHeight) tldrawAPI?.setCamera([slidePosition.x, slidePosition.y], zoom, 'zoomed_previous_page'); } }, [curPageId]); // change tldraw camera when slidePosition changes React.useEffect(() => { if (tldrawAPI && !isPresenter && curPageId && slidePosition) { const zoom = calculateZoom(slidePosition.viewBoxWidth, slidePosition.viewBoxHeight) tldrawAPI?.setCamera([slidePosition.x, slidePosition.y], zoom, 'zoomed'); } }, [curPageId, slidePosition]); // update zoom according to toolbar React.useEffect(() => { if (tldrawAPI && isPresenter && curPageId && slidePosition && zoom !== zoomValue) { const zoomFitSlide = calculateZoom(slidePosition.width, slidePosition.height); const zoomCamera = (zoomFitSlide * zoomValue) / HUNDRED_PERCENT; setTimeout(() => { tldrawAPI?.zoomTo(zoomCamera); }, 50); } }, [zoomValue]); // update zoom when presenter changes if the aspectRatio has changed React.useEffect(() => { if (tldrawAPI && isPresenter && curPageId && slidePosition && !isMounting) { const currentAspectRatio = Math.round((presentationWidth / presentationHeight) * 100) / 100; const previousAspectRatio = Math.round((slidePosition.viewBoxWidth / slidePosition.viewBoxHeight) * 100) / 100; if (previousAspectRatio !== currentAspectRatio) { if (fitToWidth) { const zoom = calculateZoom(slidePosition.width, slidePosition.height) tldrawAPI?.setCamera([0, 0], zoom); const viewedRegionH = SlideCalcUtil.calcViewedRegionHeight(tldrawAPI?.viewport.height, slidePosition.height); zoomSlide(parseInt(curPageId), podId, HUNDRED_PERCENT, viewedRegionH, 0, 0); setZoom(HUNDRED_PERCENT); zoomChanger(HUNDRED_PERCENT); } else if (!isMounting) { let viewedRegionW = SlideCalcUtil.calcViewedRegionWidth(tldrawAPI?.viewport.width, slidePosition.width); let viewedRegionH = SlideCalcUtil.calcViewedRegionHeight(tldrawAPI?.viewport.height, slidePosition.height); const camera = tldrawAPI?.getPageState()?.camera; const zoomFitSlide = calculateZoom(slidePosition.width, slidePosition.height); if (!fitToWidth && camera.zoom === zoomFitSlide) { viewedRegionW = HUNDRED_PERCENT; viewedRegionH = HUNDRED_PERCENT; } zoomSlide(parseInt(curPageId), podId, viewedRegionW, viewedRegionH, camera.point[0], camera.point[1]); const zoomToolbar = Math.round((HUNDRED_PERCENT * camera.zoom) / zoomFitSlide * 100) / 100; if (zoom !== zoomToolbar) { setZoom(zoomToolbar); zoomChanger(zoomToolbar); } } } } }, [isPresenter]); const hasWBAccess = props?.hasMultiUserAccess(props.whiteboardId, props.currentUser.userId); React.useEffect(() => { if (tldrawAPI) { tldrawAPI.isForcePanning = isPanning; } }, [isPanning]); React.useEffect(() => { tldrawAPI?.setSetting('language', language); }, [language]); // Reset zoom to default when current presentation changes. React.useEffect(() => { if (isPresenter && slidePosition && tldrawAPI) { tldrawAPI.zoomTo(0); } }, [curPres?.id]); React.useEffect(() => { const currentZoom = tldrawAPI?.getPageState()?.camera?.zoom; if(currentZoom !== tldrawZoom) { setTldrawZoom(currentZoom); }else{ throttledResetCurrentPoint.current(); } }, [presentationAreaHeight, presentationAreaWidth]); const fullscreenToggleHandler = () => { const { fullscreenElementId, isFullscreen, layoutContextDispatch, fullscreenAction, fullscreenRef, handleToggleFullScreen, } = props; handleToggleFullScreen(fullscreenRef); const newElement = isFullscreen ? '' : fullscreenElementId; layoutContextDispatch({ type: fullscreenAction, value: { element: newElement, group: '', }, }); } const nextSlideHandler = (event) => { const { nextSlide, curPageId, numberOfSlides, podId, } = props; if (event) event.currentTarget.blur(); nextSlide(+curPageId, numberOfSlides, podId); } const previousSlideHandler = (event) => { const { previousSlide, curPageId, podId } = props; if (event) event.currentTarget.blur(); previousSlide(+curPageId, podId); } const switchSlide = (event) => { const { which } = event; switch (which) { case KEY_CODES.ARROW_LEFT: case KEY_CODES.PAGE_UP: previousSlideHandler(); break; case KEY_CODES.ARROW_RIGHT: case KEY_CODES.PAGE_DOWN: nextSlideHandler(); break; case KEY_CODES.ENTER: fullscreenToggleHandler(); break; default: } } const onMount = (app) => { const menu = document.getElementById("TD-Styles")?.parentElement; if (menu) { const MENU_OFFSET = `48px`; = `relative`; = presentationMenuHeight; if (isRTL) { = MENU_OFFSET; } else { = MENU_OFFSET; } [] .sort((a,b)=> a?.id>b?.id?-1:1) .forEach(n=> menu.appendChild(n)); } app.setSetting('language', language); app?.setSetting('isDarkMode', false); app?.patchState( { appState: { currentStyle: { textAlign: isRTL ? "end" : "start", font: fontFamily, }, }, } ); setTLDrawAPI(app); props.setTldrawAPI(app); // disable for non presenter that doesn't have multi user access if (!hasWBAccess && !isPresenter) { app.onPan = () => {}; app.setSelectedIds = () => {}; app.setHoveredId = () => {}; } if (curPageId) { app.changePage(curPageId); setIsMounting(true); } if (history) { app.replaceHistory(history); } }; const onPatch = (e, t, reason) => { if (!e?.pageState) return; // don't allow select others shapes for editing if don't have permission if (reason && reason.includes("set_editing_id")) { if (!hasShapeAccess(e.pageState.editingId)) { e.pageState.editingId = null; } } // don't allow hover others shapes for editing if don't have permission if (reason && reason.includes("set_hovered_id")) { if (!hasShapeAccess(e.pageState.hoveredId)) { e.pageState.hoveredId = null; } } // don't allow select others shapes if don't have permission if (reason && reason.includes("selected")) { const validIds = []; e.pageState.selectedIds.forEach(id => hasShapeAccess(id) && validIds.push(id)); e.pageState.selectedIds = validIds; e.patchState( { document: { pageStates: { [e.getPage()?.id]: { selectedIds: validIds, }, }, }, } ); } // don't allow selecting others shapes with ctrl (brush) if (e?.session?.type === "brush" && e?.session?.status === "brushing") { const validIds = []; e.pageState.selectedIds.forEach(id => hasShapeAccess(id) && validIds.push(id)); e.pageState.selectedIds = validIds; if (!validIds.find(id => id === e.pageState.hoveredId)) { e.pageState.hoveredId = undefined; } } // change cursor when moving shapes if (e?.session?.type === "translate" && e?.session?.status === "translating") { if (!isMoving) setIsMoving(true); if (reason === "set_status:idle") setIsMoving(false); } if (reason && isPresenter && slidePosition && (reason.includes("zoomed") || reason.includes("panned"))) { const camera = tldrawAPI.getPageState()?.camera; // limit bounds if (tldrawAPI?.viewport.maxX > slidePosition.width) { camera.point[0] = camera.point[0] + (tldrawAPI?.viewport.maxX - slidePosition.width); } if (tldrawAPI?.viewport.maxY > slidePosition.height) { camera.point[1] = camera.point[1] + (tldrawAPI?.viewport.maxY - slidePosition.height); } if (camera.point[0] > 0 || tldrawAPI?.viewport.minX < 0) { camera.point[0] = 0; } if (camera.point[1] > 0 || tldrawAPI?.viewport.minY < 0) { camera.point[1] = 0; } const zoomFitSlide = calculateZoom(slidePosition.width, slidePosition.height); if (camera.zoom < zoomFitSlide) { camera.zoom = zoomFitSlide; } tldrawAPI?.setCamera([camera.point[0], camera.point[1]], camera.zoom); const zoomToolbar = Math.round((HUNDRED_PERCENT * camera.zoom) / zoomFitSlide * 100) / 100; if (zoom !== zoomToolbar) { setZoom(zoomToolbar); isPresenter && zoomChanger(zoomToolbar); } let viewedRegionW = SlideCalcUtil.calcViewedRegionWidth(tldrawAPI?.viewport.width, slidePosition.width); let viewedRegionH = SlideCalcUtil.calcViewedRegionHeight(tldrawAPI?.viewport.height, slidePosition.height); if (!fitToWidth && camera.zoom === zoomFitSlide) { viewedRegionW = HUNDRED_PERCENT; viewedRegionH = HUNDRED_PERCENT; } zoomSlide(parseInt(curPageId), podId, viewedRegionW, viewedRegionH, camera.point[0], camera.point[1]); } //don't allow non-presenters to pan&zoom if (slidePosition && reason && !isPresenter && (reason.includes("zoomed") || reason.includes("panned"))) { const zoom = calculateZoom(slidePosition.viewBoxWidth, slidePosition.viewBoxHeight) tldrawAPI?.setCamera([slidePosition.x, slidePosition.y], zoom); } // disable select for non presenter that doesn't have multi user access if (!hasWBAccess && !isPresenter) { if (e?.getPageState()?.brush || e?.selectedIds?.length !== 0) { e.patchState( { document: { pageStates: { [e?.currentPageId]: { selectedIds: [], brush: null, }, }, }, }, ); } } if (reason && reason === 'patched_shapes' && e?.session?.type === 'edit') { const patchedShape = e?.getShape(e?.getPageState()?.editingId); if (e?.session?.initialShape?.type === 'sticky' && patchedShape?.text?.length > maxStickyNoteLength) { patchedShape.text = patchedShape.text.substring(0, maxStickyNoteLength); } if (e?.session?.initialShape?.type === 'text' && !shapes[]) { // check for maxShapes const currentShapes = e?.document?.pages[e?.currentPageId]?.shapes; const shapeNumberExceeded = Object.keys(currentShapes).length - 1 > maxNumberOfAnnotations; if (shapeNumberExceeded) { notifyShapeNumberExceeded(intl, maxNumberOfAnnotations); e?.cancelSession?.(); } else { patchedShape.userId = currentUser?.userId; persistShape(patchedShape, whiteboardId); } } else { const diff = { id:, point: patchedShape.point, text: patchedShape.text, }; persistShape(diff, whiteboardId); } } if (reason && reason.includes('selected_tool')) { const tool = reason.split(':')[1]; setCurrentTool(tool); } }; const onUndo = (app) => { if (app.currentPageId !== curPageId) { if (isPresenter) { // change slide for others skipToSlide(Number.parseInt(app.currentPageId), podId) } else { // ignore, stay on same page app.changePage(curPageId); } return; } const lastCommand = app.stack[app.pointer+1]; const changedShapes = lastCommand?.before?.document?.pages[app.currentPageId]?.shapes; if (changedShapes) { sendShapeChanges(app, changedShapes, true); } }; const onRedo = (app) => { if (app.currentPageId !== curPageId) { if (isPresenter) { // change slide for others skipToSlide(Number.parseInt(app.currentPageId), podId) } else { // ignore, stay on same page app.changePage(curPageId); } return; } const lastCommand = app.stack[app.pointer]; const changedShapes = lastCommand?.after?.document?.pages[app.currentPageId]?.shapes; if (changedShapes) { sendShapeChanges(app, changedShapes); } }; const onCommand = (app, command, reason) => { setHistory(app.history); const changedShapes = command.after?.document?.pages[app.currentPageId]?.shapes; if (!isMounting && app.currentPageId !== curPageId) { // can happen then the "move to page action" is called, or using undo after changing a page const newWhiteboardId = curPres.pages.find(page => page.num === Number.parseInt(app.currentPageId)).id; //remove from previous page and persist on new changedShapes && removeShapes(Object.keys(changedShapes), whiteboardId); changedShapes && Object.entries(changedShapes) .forEach(([id, shape]) => { const shapeBounds = app.getShapeBounds(id); shape.size = [shapeBounds.width, shapeBounds.height]; persistShape(shape, newWhiteboardId); }); if (isPresenter) { // change slide for others skipToSlide(Number.parseInt(app.currentPageId), podId) } else { // ignore, stay on same page app.changePage(curPageId); } } else if (changedShapes) { sendShapeChanges(app, changedShapes); } }; const webcams = document.getElementById('cameraDock'); const dockPos = webcams?.getAttribute("data-position"); if (currentTool && !isPanning) tldrawAPI?.selectTool(currentTool); const editableWB = ( ); const readOnlyWB = ( ); const size = ((props.height < SMALL_HEIGHT) || (props.width < SMALL_WIDTH)) ? TOOLBAR_SMALL : TOOLBAR_LARGE; if (isPanning && tldrawAPI) { tldrawAPI.isForcePanning = isPanning; } if (hasWBAccess || isPresenter) { if (((props.height < SMALLEST_HEIGHT) || (props.width < SMALLEST_WIDTH))) { tldrawAPI?.setSetting('dockPosition', 'bottom'); } else { tldrawAPI?.setSetting('dockPosition', isRTL ? 'left' : 'right'); } } return ( <> {enable && (hasWBAccess || isPresenter) ? editableWB : readOnlyWB} ); }