import React, { Component } from 'react'; import ScreenshareContainer from '/imports/ui/components/screenshare/container'; import styles from './styles'; window.addEventListener('resize', () => { window.adjustVideos('webcamArea', true); }); class VideoElement extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); } } export default class VideoDock extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { videos: {} }; this.state = { // Set a valid kurento application server socket in the settings ws: new ReconnectingWebSocket(Meteor.settings.public.kurento.wsUrl), webRtcPeers: {}, wsQueue: [], }; = () => { while (this.state.wsQueue.length > 0) { this.sendMessage(this.state.wsQueue.pop()); } }; this.sendUserShareWebcam = props.sendUserShareWebcam.bind(this); this.sendUserUnshareWebcam = props.sendUserUnshareWebcam.bind(this); this.unshareWebcam = this.unshareWebcam.bind(this); this.shareWebcam = this.shareWebcam.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { const that = this; const ws =; const { users } = this.props; for (let i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { if (users[i].has_stream) { console.log("COMPONENT DID MOUNT => " + users[i].userId); this.start(users[i].userId, false, this.refs.videoInput); } } document.addEventListener('joinVideo', () => { that.shareWebcam(); });// TODO find a better way to do this document.addEventListener('exitVideo', () => { that.unshareWebcam(); }); ws.addEventListener('message', (msg) => { const parsedMessage = JSON.parse(; console.debug('Received message new ws message: '); console.debug(parsedMessage); switch ( { case 'startResponse': this.startResponse(parsedMessage); break; case 'error': this.handleError(parsedMessage); break; case 'playStart': this.handlePlayStart(parsedMessage); break; case 'playStop': this.handlePlayStop(parsedMessage); break; case 'iceCandidate': const webRtcPeer = this.state.webRtcPeers[parsedMessage.cameraId]; if (webRtcPeer !== null) { webRtcPeer.addIceCandidate(parsedMessage.candidate, (err) => { if (err) { return console.error(`Error adding candidate: ${err}`); } }); } else { console.error(' [ICE] Message arrived before webRtcPeer?'); } break; } }); } start(id, shareWebcam, videoInput) { const that = this; const ws =; console.log(`Starting video call for video: ${id}`); console.log('Creating WebRtcPeer and generating local sdp offer ...'); const onIceCandidate = function (candidate) { const message = { id: 'onIceCandidate', candidate, cameraId: id, }; that.sendMessage(message); }; const options = { mediaConstraints: { audio: false, video: { width: {min: 320, ideal: 320}, height: {min: 240, ideal:240}, frameRate: { min: 5, ideal: 10} } }, onicecandidate: onIceCandidate, }; let peerObj; if (shareWebcam) { options.localVideo = videoInput; peerObj = kurentoUtils.WebRtcPeer.WebRtcPeerSendonly; } else { peerObj = kurentoUtils.WebRtcPeer.WebRtcPeerRecvonly; options.remoteVideo = document.createElement('video'); = `video-elem-${id}`; options.remoteVideo.width = 120; options.remoteVideo.height = 90; options.remoteVideo.autoplay = true; options.remoteVideo.playsinline = true; document.getElementById('webcamArea').appendChild(options.remoteVideo); } this.state.webRtcPeers[id] = new peerObj(options, function (error) { if (error) { console.error(' [ERROR] Webrtc error'); console.error(error); return; } if (shareWebcam) { that.state.sharedWebcam = that.state.webRtcPeers[id]; that.state.myId = id; } this.generateOffer((error, offerSdp) => { if (error) { return console.error(error); }`Invoking SDP offer callback function ${}`); const message = { id: 'start', sdpOffer: offerSdp, cameraId: id, cameraShared: shareWebcam, }; that.sendMessage(message); }); }); } stop(id) { const { users } = this.props; if (id == users[0].userId) { this.unshareWebcam(); } const webRtcPeer = this.state.webRtcPeers[id]; if (webRtcPeer) { console.log('Stopping WebRTC peer'); if (id == this.state.myId) { this.state.sharedWebcam.dispose(); this.state.sharedWebcam = null; } webRtcPeer.dispose(); delete this.state.webRtcPeers[id]; } else { console.log('NO WEBRTC PEER TO STOP?'); } const videoTag = document.getElementById(`video-elem-${id}`); if (videoTag) { document.getElementById('webcamArea').removeChild(videoTag); } this.sendMessage({ id: 'stop', cameraId: id }); window.adjustVideos('webcamArea', true); } shareWebcam() { const { users } = this.props; const id = users[0].userId; this.start(id, true, this.refs.videoInput); } unshareWebcam() { console.log("Unsharing webcam"); const { users } = this.props; const id = users[0].userId; this.sendUserUnshareWebcam(id); } startResponse(message) { const id = message.cameraId; const webRtcPeer = this.state.webRtcPeers[id]; if (message.sdpAnswer == null) { return console.debug('Null sdp answer. Camera unplugged?'); } if (webRtcPeer == null) { return console.debug('Null webrtc peer ????'); } console.log('SDP answer received from server. Processing ...'); webRtcPeer.processAnswer(message.sdpAnswer, (error) => { if (error) { return console.error(error); } }); this.sendUserShareWebcam(id); } sendMessage(message) { const ws =; if (ws.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) { const jsonMessage = JSON.stringify(message); console.log(`Sending message: ${jsonMessage}`); ws.send(jsonMessage, (error) => { if (error) { console.error(`client: Websocket error "${error}" on message "${}"`); } }); } else { this.state.wsQueue.push(message); } } handlePlayStop(message) { console.log('Handle play stop <--------------------'); this.stop(message.cameraId); } handlePlayStart(message) { console.log('Handle play start <==================='); window.adjustVideos('webcamArea', true); } handleError(message) { console.log(` Handle error ---------------------> ${message.message}`); } render() { return (
); } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { const { users } = this.props; const nextUsers = nextProps.users; if (users) { let suc = false; for (let i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { if (users && users[i] && nextUsers && nextUsers[i]) { if (users[i].has_stream !== nextUsers[i].has_stream) { console.log(`User ${nextUsers[i].has_stream ? '' : 'un'}shared webcam ${users[i].userId}`); if (nextUsers[i].has_stream) { this.start(users[i].userId, false, this.refs.videoInput); } else { this.stop(users[i].userId); } suc = suc || true; } } } return true; } return false; } }