import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl'; import ConnectionStatus from '/imports/api/connection-status'; import Users from '/imports/api/users'; import UsersPersistentData from '/imports/api/users-persistent-data'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; import Settings from '/imports/ui/services/settings'; import _ from 'lodash'; import { Session } from 'meteor/session'; import { notify } from '/imports/ui/services/notification'; import { makeCall } from '/imports/ui/services/api'; const STATS = Meteor.settings.public.stats; const NOTIFICATION = STATS.notification; const STATS_INTERVAL = STATS.interval; const ROLE_MODERATOR = Meteor.settings.public.user.role_moderator; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ saved: { id: '', description: 'Label shown in toast when data savings are saved', }, notification: { id: 'app.connection-status.notification', description: 'Label shown in toast when connection loss is detected', }, }); let stats = -1; const statsDep = new Tracker.Dependency(); let statsTimeout = null; const URL_REGEX = new RegExp(/^(http|https):\/\/[^ "]+$/); const getHelp = () => { if (URL_REGEX.test( return; return null; }; const getStats = () => { statsDep.depend(); return STATS.level[stats]; }; const setStats = (level = -1, type = 'recovery', value = {}) => { if (stats !== level) { stats = level; statsDep.changed(); addConnectionStatus(level, type, value); } }; const handleStats = (level, type, value) => { if (level > stats) { setStats(level, type, value); } }; const handleAudioStatsEvent = (event) => { const { detail } = event; if (detail) { const { loss, jitter } = detail; let active = false; // From higher to lower for (let i = STATS.level.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (loss >= STATS.loss[i] || jitter >= STATS.jitter[i]) { active = true; handleStats(i, 'audio', { loss, jitter }); break; } } if (active) startStatsTimeout(); } }; const handleSocketStatsEvent = (event) => { const { detail } = event; if (detail) { const { rtt } = detail; let active = false; // From higher to lower for (let i = STATS.level.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (rtt >= STATS.rtt[i]) { active = true; handleStats(i, 'socket', { rtt }); break; } } if (active) startStatsTimeout(); } }; const startStatsTimeout = () => { if (statsTimeout !== null) clearTimeout(statsTimeout); statsTimeout = setTimeout(() => { setStats(); }, STATS.timeout); }; const addConnectionStatus = (level, type, value) => { const status = level !== -1 ? STATS.level[level] : 'normal'; makeCall('addConnectionStatus', status, type, value); } const fetchRoundTripTime = () => { const t0 =; makeCall('voidConnection').then(() => { const tf =; const rtt = tf - t0; const event = new CustomEvent('socketstats', { detail: { rtt } }); window.dispatchEvent(event); }); }; const sortLevel = (a, b) => { const indexOfA = STATS.level.indexOf(a.level); const indexOfB = STATS.level.indexOf(b.level); if (indexOfA < indexOfB) return 1; if (indexOfA === indexOfB) return 0; if (indexOfA > indexOfB) return -1; }; const sortOffline = (a, b) => { if (a.offline && !b.offline) return 1; if (a.offline === b.offline) return 0; if (!a.offline && b.offline) return -1; }; const getMyConnectionStatus = () => { const myConnectionStatus = ConnectionStatus.findOne( { meetingId: Auth.meetingID, userId: Auth.userID, }, { fields: { level: 1, timestamp: 1, }, }, ); const me = Users.findOne( { meetingId: Auth.meetingID, userId: Auth.userID, }, { fields: { avatar: 1, color: 1, }, }, ); if (myConnectionStatus) { return [{ name: Auth.fullname, avatar: me.avatar, offline: false, you: true, moderator: false, color: me.color, level: myConnectionStatus.level, timestamp: myConnectionStatus.timestamp, }]; } return []; }; const getConnectionStatus = () => { if (!isModerator()) return getMyConnectionStatus(); const connectionStatus = ConnectionStatus.find( { meetingId: Auth.meetingID }, ).fetch().map((status) => { const { userId, level, timestamp, } = status; return { userId, level, timestamp, }; }); return UsersPersistentData.find( { meetingId: Auth.meetingID }, { fields: { userId: 1, name: 1, role: 1, avatar: 1, color: 1, loggedOut: 1, }, }, ).fetch().reduce((result, user) => { const { userId, name, role, avatar, color, loggedOut, } = user; const status = connectionStatus.find(status => status.userId === userId); if (status) { result.push({ name, avatar, offline: loggedOut, you: Auth.userID === userId, moderator: role === ROLE_MODERATOR, color, level: status.level, timestamp: status.timestamp, }); } return result; }, []).sort(sortLevel).sort(sortOffline); }; const isEnabled = () => STATS.enabled; let roundTripTimeInterval = null; const startRoundTripTime = () => { if (!isEnabled()) return; stopRoundTripTime(); roundTripTimeInterval = setInterval(fetchRoundTripTime, STATS_INTERVAL); }; const stopRoundTripTime = () => { if (roundTripTimeInterval) { clearInterval(roundTripTimeInterval); } }; const isModerator = () => { const user = Users.findOne( { meetingId: Auth.meetingID, userId: Auth.userID, }, { fields: { role: 1 } }, ); if (user && user.role === ROLE_MODERATOR) { return true; } return false; }; if (STATS.enabled) { window.addEventListener('audiostats', handleAudioStatsEvent); window.addEventListener('socketstats', handleSocketStatsEvent); } const updateDataSavingSettings = (dataSaving, intl) => { if (!_.isEqual(Settings.dataSaving, dataSaving)) { Settings.dataSaving = dataSaving;; if (intl) notify(intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.saved), 'info', 'settings'); } }; const getNotified = () => { const notified = Session.get('connectionStatusNotified'); // Since notified can be undefined we need a boolean verification return notified === true; }; const notification = (level, intl) => { if (!NOTIFICATION[level]) return null; // Avoid toast spamming const notified = getNotified(); if (notified) { return null; } Session.set('connectionStatusNotified', true); if (intl) notify(intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.notification), level, 'warning'); }; export default { getConnectionStatus, getStats, getHelp, isEnabled, notification, startRoundTripTime, stopRoundTripTime, updateDataSavingSettings, };