const Page = require('../core/page'); const params = require('../params'); const util = require('../chat/util'); const utilUser = require('./util'); const e = require('../core/elements'); const { ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME } = require('../core/constants'); const { sleep } = require('../core/helper'); const { getElementLength, checkElementLengthEqualTo, checkElementLengthDifferentTo } = require('../core/util'); class MultiUsers { constructor() { this.page1 = new Page(); this.page2 = new Page(); this.page3 = new Page(); } // Join BigBlueButton meeting async init(meetingId, testFolderName) { await this.page1.init(Page.getArgs(), meetingId, params, undefined, testFolderName); await this.page2.init(Page.getArgs(), this.page1.meetingId, { ...params, fullName: 'User2' }, undefined, testFolderName); } // Join BigBlueButton meeting async initUser3(testFolderName) { await this.page3.init(Page.getArgs(), this.page1.meetingId, { ...params, fullName: 'User3' }, undefined, testFolderName); } // Run the test for the page async checkForOtherUser() { const firstCheck = await, e.userListItem) > 0; const secondCheck = await, e.userListItem) > 0; return { firstCheck, secondCheck, }; } async multiUsersPublicChat() { try { const chat0 = await, e.chatUserMessageText); await util.sendPublicChatMessage(this.page1, this.page2); const chat1 = await, e.chatUserMessageText); return chat0 !== chat1; } catch (err) { await this.page1.logger(err); return false; } } async multiUsersPrivateChat() { try { await util.openPrivateChatMessage(this.page1, this.page2); const chat0 = await, e.chatUserMessageText); await util.sendPrivateChatMessage(this.page1, this.page2); await sleep(2000); const chat1 = await, e.chatUserMessageText); return chat0 !== chat1; } catch (err) { await this.page1.logger(err); return false; } } async test() { try { const checks = await this.checkForOtherUser(); return checks.firstCheck !== false && checks.secondCheck !== false; } catch (err) { await this.page1.logger(err); return false; } } async randomPoll(testName) { try { await this.page1.startRecording(testName); await this.page1.closeAudioModal(); await this.page2.startRecording(testName); await this.page2.closeAudioModal(); await this.page1.waitAndClick(e.actions); await this.page1.waitAndClick(e.polling); await this.page1.waitForSelector(e.pollQuestionArea); await; await; const chosenRandomNb = await => { const responseTypesDiv = document.querySelector(responseTypes); const buttons = responseTypesDiv.querySelectorAll('button'); const countButtons = buttons.length; const randomNb = Math.floor(Math.random() * countButtons) + 1; const chosenRandomNb = randomNb - 1; responseTypesDiv.querySelectorAll('button')[chosenRandomNb].click(); return chosenRandomNb; }, e.responseTypes); const customs = { 0: e.uncertain, 1: 0, 2: 'ABSTENTION', 3: 'All good!', }; switch (chosenRandomNb) { case 0: // Adding a poll option await this.page1.waitForSelector(e.responseChoices); await this.page1.waitAndClick(e.addItem); await this.page1.waitAndClick(e.pollOptionItem); await; await[0]); break; case 1: // Deleting a poll option await this.page1.waitForSelector(e.deletePollOption); await this.page1.clickNItem(e.deletePollOption, true, customs[1]); break; case 2: // Editing a poll option await this.page1.waitForSelector(e.responseChoices); await this.page1.clickNItem(e.pollOptionItem, true, 2); await this.page1.hold('Control'); await'KeyA'); await this.page1.release('Control'); await[2]); await; break; case 3: // Do nothing to let Users write their single response answer await this.page1.waitForSelector(e.responseChoices); await sleep(2000); break; } const condition = chosenRandomNb === 0 || chosenRandomNb === 1 || chosenRandomNb === 2; await this.page1.waitAndClick(e.startPoll); await this.page2.waitForSelector(e.pollingContainer); switch (condition) { case true: await this.page2.clickNItem(e.pollAnswerOptionBtn, true, 2); break; case false: await; await[3]); await this.page2.waitAndClick(e.pollSubmitAnswer); break; } await this.page1.waitAndClick(e.publishLabel); await this.page1.waitForSelector(e.restartPoll); const receivedAnswerFound = await, e.receivedAnswer, 0); return receivedAnswerFound; } catch (err) { await this.page1.logger(err); return false; } } async testWhiteboardAccess() { try { await this.page1.closeAudioModal(); await this.page2.closeAudioModal(); await this.page3.closeAudioModal(); await this.page1.waitForSelector(e.whiteboard); await this.page1.clickNItem(e.userListItem, true, 1); await this.page1.clickNItem(e.changeWhiteboardAccess, true, 1); await sleep(2000); const resp = await => { return document.querySelector(multiWhiteboardTool).children[0].innerText === '1'; }, e.multiWhiteboardTool); return resp === true; } catch (err) { await this.page1.logger(err); return false; } } // Raise Hand async raiseHandTest() { try { await this.page1.closeAudioModal(); await this.page2.closeAudioModal(); await this.page2.waitAndClick(e.raiseHandLabel); await sleep(2000); const resp = await, e.lowerHandLabel, 0); return resp === true; } catch (err) { await this.page1.logger(err); return false; } } // Lower Hand async lowerHandTest() { try { await this.page2.waitAndClick(e.lowerHandLabel); await sleep(2000); const resp = await, e.raiseHandLabel, 0); return resp === true; } catch (err) { await this.page2.logger(err); return false; } } // Get Avatars Colors from Userlist and Notification toast async getAvatarColorAndCompareWithUserListItem() { try { const avatarInToastElementColor = await$eval(e.avatarsWrapperAvatar, (elem) => getComputedStyle(elem).backgroundColor); const avatarInUserListColor = await$eval(`${e.userListItem} > div ${e.userAvatar}`, (elem) => getComputedStyle(elem).backgroundColor); return avatarInToastElementColor === avatarInUserListColor; } catch (err) { await this.page1.logger(err); return false; } } async userOfflineWithInternetProblem() { try { await this.page1.closeAudioModal(); await this.page2.closeAudioModal(); await => window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('socketstats', { detail: { rtt: 2000 } }))); await; await sleep(3000); await this.page2.close(); await sleep(5000); await utilUser.connectionStatus(this.page1); await sleep(5000); const connectionStatusItemEmpty = await, e.connectionStatusItemEmpty, 0); const connectionStatusOfflineUser = await, e.connectionStatusOfflineUser, 0) === true; return connectionStatusOfflineUser && connectionStatusItemEmpty; } catch (err) { await this.page1.logger(err); return false; } } async userlistNotAppearOnMobile() { try { await this.page1.closeAudioModal(); await this.page2.closeAudioModal(); const userlistPanel = await, e.chatButtonKey, 0); const chatPanel = await, e.chatButtonKey, 0); return userlistPanel && chatPanel; } catch (err) { await this.page1.logger(err); return false; } } async whiteboardNotAppearOnMobile() { try { await this.page1.closeAudioModal(); await this.page2.closeAudioModal(); await this.page1.waitAndClick(e.userListButton); await this.page2.waitAndClick(e.userListButton); await this.page2.waitAndClick(e.chatButtonKey); const onUserListPanel = await this.page1.isNotVisible(e.hidePresentation, ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME) === true; const onChatPanel = await, e.hidePresentation, 0); await sleep(2000); return onUserListPanel && onChatPanel; } catch (err) { await this.page1.logger(err); return false; } } async chatPanelNotAppearOnMobile() { try { await this.page1.closeAudioModal(); await this.page2.closeAudioModal(); await this.page2.waitAndClick(e.userListButton); await this.page2.waitAndClick(e.chatButtonKey); const whiteboard = await, e.chatButtonKey, 0); const onChatPanel = await this.page2.isNotVisible(e.chatButtonKey, ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME) === true; await sleep(2000); return whiteboard && onChatPanel; } catch (err) { await this.page1.logger(err); return false; } } // Close all Pages async close(page1, page2) { try { await page1.close(); await page2.close(); } catch (err) { await this.page1.logger(err); return false; } } async closePage(page) { try { await page.close(); } catch (err) { await this.page1.logger(err); return false; } } } module.exports = exports = MultiUsers;