import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import { checkText } from 'smile2emoji'; import deviceInfo from '/imports/utils/deviceInfo'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import _ from 'lodash'; import TypingIndicatorContainer from './typing-indicator/container'; import ClickOutside from '/imports/ui/components/click-outside/component'; import Styled from './styles'; import { isChatEnabled } from '/imports/ui/services/features'; const propTypes = { intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired, chatId: PropTypes.string.isRequired, disabled: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, minMessageLength: PropTypes.number.isRequired, maxMessageLength: PropTypes.number.isRequired, chatTitle: PropTypes.string.isRequired, chatAreaId: PropTypes.string.isRequired, handleSendMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, UnsentMessagesCollection: PropTypes.objectOf(Object).isRequired, connected: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, locked: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, partnerIsLoggedOut: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, stopUserTyping: PropTypes.func.isRequired, startUserTyping: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }; const messages = defineMessages({ submitLabel: { id: '', description: 'Chat submit button label', }, inputLabel: { id: '', description: 'Chat message input label', }, emojiButtonLabel: { id: '', description: 'Chat message emoji picker button label', }, inputPlaceholder: { id: '', description: 'Chat message input placeholder', }, errorMaxMessageLength: { id: '', }, errorServerDisconnected: { id: '', }, errorChatLocked: { id: '', }, singularTyping: { id: '', description: 'used to indicate when 1 user is typing', }, pluralTyping: { id: '', description: 'used to indicate when multiple user are typing', }, severalPeople: { id: '', description: 'displayed when 4 or more users are typing', }, }); const CHAT_CONFIG =; const AUTO_CONVERT_EMOJI =; const ENABLE_EMOJI_PICKER =; class MessageForm extends PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { message: '', error: null, hasErrors: false, showEmojiPicker: false, }; this.handleMessageChange = this.handleMessageChange.bind(this); this.handleMessageKeyDown = this.handleMessageKeyDown.bind(this); this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this); this.setMessageHint = this.setMessageHint.bind(this); this.handleUserTyping = _.throttle(this.handleUserTyping.bind(this), 2000, { trailing: false }); this.typingIndicator = CHAT_CONFIG.typingIndicator.enabled; } componentDidMount() { const { isMobile } = deviceInfo; this.setMessageState(); this.setMessageHint(); if (!isMobile) { if (this.textarea) this.textarea.focus(); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { const { chatId, connected, locked, partnerIsLoggedOut, } = this.props; const { message } = this.state; const { isMobile } = deviceInfo; if (prevProps.chatId !== chatId && !isMobile) { if (this.textarea) this.textarea.focus(); } if (prevProps.chatId !== chatId) { this.updateUnsentMessagesCollection(prevProps.chatId, message); this.setState( { error: null, hasErrors: false, }, this.setMessageState(), ); } if ( connected !== prevProps.connected || locked !== prevProps.locked || partnerIsLoggedOut !== prevProps.partnerIsLoggedOut ) { this.setMessageHint(); } } componentWillUnmount() { const { chatId } = this.props; const { message } = this.state; this.updateUnsentMessagesCollection(chatId, message); this.setMessageState(); } handleClickOutside() { const { showEmojiPicker } = this.state; if (showEmojiPicker) { this.setState({ showEmojiPicker: false }); } } setMessageHint() { const { connected, disabled, intl, locked, partnerIsLoggedOut, } = this.props; let chatDisabledHint = null; if (disabled && !partnerIsLoggedOut) { if (connected) { if (locked) { chatDisabledHint = messages.errorChatLocked; } } else { chatDisabledHint = messages.errorServerDisconnected; } } this.setState({ hasErrors: disabled, error: chatDisabledHint ? intl.formatMessage(chatDisabledHint) : null, }); } setMessageState() { const { chatId, UnsentMessagesCollection } = this.props; const unsentMessageByChat = UnsentMessagesCollection.findOne({ chatId }, { fields: { message: 1 } }); this.setState({ message: unsentMessageByChat ? unsentMessageByChat.message : '' }); } updateUnsentMessagesCollection(chatId, message) { const { UnsentMessagesCollection } = this.props; UnsentMessagesCollection.upsert( { chatId }, { $set: { message } }, ); } handleMessageKeyDown(e) { // TODO Prevent send message pressing enter on mobile and/or virtual keyboard if (e.keyCode === 13 && !e.shiftKey) { e.preventDefault(); const event = new Event('submit', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, }); this.handleSubmit(event); } } handleUserTyping(error) { const { startUserTyping, chatId } = this.props; if (error || !this.typingIndicator) return; startUserTyping(chatId); } handleMessageChange(e) { const { intl, maxMessageLength, } = this.props; let message = null; let error = null; if (AUTO_CONVERT_EMOJI) { message = checkText(; } else { message =; } if (message.length > maxMessageLength) { error = intl.formatMessage( messages.errorMaxMessageLength, { 0: message.length - maxMessageLength }, ); } this.setState({ message, error, }, this.handleUserTyping(error)); } handleSubmit(e) { e.preventDefault(); const { disabled, minMessageLength, maxMessageLength, handleSendMessage, stopUserTyping, } = this.props; const { message } = this.state; let msg = message.trim(); if (msg.length < minMessageLength) return; if (disabled || msg.length > maxMessageLength) { this.setState({ hasErrors: true }); return; } // Sanitize. See: const div = document.createElement('div'); div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(msg)); msg = div.innerHTML; const callback = this.typingIndicator ? stopUserTyping : null; handleSendMessage(msg); this.setState({ message: '', hasErrors: false, showEmojiPicker: false }, callback); } handleEmojiSelect(emojiObject) { const { message } = this.state; this.setState({ message: message + emojiObject.native }); } renderEmojiPicker() { const { showEmojiPicker } = this.state; if (showEmojiPicker) { return ( this.handleEmojiSelect(emojiObject)} showPreview={false} showSkinTones={false} /> ); } return null; } renderEmojiButton() { const { intl } = this.props; return ( this.setState((prevState) => ({ showEmojiPicker: !prevState.showEmojiPicker, }))} icon="happy" color="dark" ghost type="button" circle hideLabel label={intl.formatMessage(messages.emojiButtonLabel)} /> ); } renderForm() { const { intl, chatTitle, title, disabled, idChatOpen, partnerIsLoggedOut, } = this.props; const { hasErrors, error, message, } = this.state; return ( { this.form = ref; }} onSubmit={this.handleSubmit} > {this.renderEmojiPicker()} { this.textarea = ref; return this.textarea; }} placeholder={intl.formatMessage(messages.inputPlaceholder, { 0: title })} aria-label={intl.formatMessage(messages.inputLabel, { 0: chatTitle })} aria-invalid={hasErrors ? 'true' : 'false'} autoCorrect="off" autoComplete="off" spellCheck="true" disabled={disabled || partnerIsLoggedOut} value={message} onChange={this.handleMessageChange} onKeyDown={this.handleMessageKeyDown} async /> {ENABLE_EMOJI_PICKER && this.renderEmojiButton()} { }} data-test="sendMessageButton" /> ); } render() { if (!isChatEnabled()) return null; return ENABLE_EMOJI_PICKER ? ( this.handleClickOutside()} > {this.renderForm()} ) : this.renderForm(); } } MessageForm.propTypes = propTypes; export default injectIntl(MessageForm);