import Users from '/imports/api/users'; import Logger from '/imports/startup/server/logger'; const MSG_DIRECT_TYPE = 'DIRECT'; const NODE_USER = 'nodeJSapp'; export const spokeTimeoutHandles = {}; export const clearSpokeTimeout = (meetingId, userId) => { if (spokeTimeoutHandles[`${meetingId}-${userId}`]) { Meteor.clearTimeout(spokeTimeoutHandles[`${meetingId}-${userId}`]); delete spokeTimeoutHandles[`${meetingId}-${userId}`]; } }; export const indexOf = [].indexOf || function (item) { for (let i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i += 1) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) { return i; } } return -1; }; export const processForHTML5ServerOnly = (fn) => (message, ...args) => { const { envelope } = message; const { routing } = envelope; const { msgType, meetingId, userId } = routing; const selector = { userId, meetingId, }; const user = Users.findOne(selector); const shouldSkip = user && msgType === MSG_DIRECT_TYPE && userId !== NODE_USER && user.clientType !== 'HTML5'; if (shouldSkip) return () => { }; return fn(message, ...args); }; export const extractCredentials = (credentials) => { if (!credentials) return {}; const credentialsArray = credentials.split('--'); const meetingId = credentialsArray[0]; const requesterUserId = credentialsArray[1]; return { meetingId, requesterUserId }; }; // Creates a background job to periodically check the result of the provided function. // The provided function is publication-specific and must check the "survival condition" of the publication. export const publicationSafeGuard = function (fn, self) { let stopped = false; const periodicCheck = async function () { if (stopped) return; const result = await fn(); if (!result) { self.added(self._name, 'publication-stop-marker', { id: 'publication-stop-marker', stopped: true }); self.stop(); } else Meteor.setTimeout(periodicCheck, 1000); }; self.onStop(() => { stopped = true;`Publication ${self._name} has stopped in server side`); }); periodicCheck(); };