const { test } = require('../fixtures'); const { fullyParallel } = require('../playwright.config'); const { Polling } = require('./poll'); const { initializePages } = require('../core/helpers'); const { encodeCustomParams } = require('../parameters/util'); const { PARAMETER_HIDE_PRESENTATION_TOAST } = require('../core/constants'); const hidePresentationToast = encodeCustomParams(PARAMETER_HIDE_PRESENTATION_TOAST); test.describe('Polling @ci', async () => { const polling = new Polling(); test.describe.configure({ mode: fullyParallel ? 'parallel' : 'serial' }); test[fullyParallel ? 'beforeEach' : 'beforeAll'](async ({ browser }) => { await initializePages(polling, browser, { isMultiUser: true, joinParameter: hidePresentationToast }); }); // Manage test('Create poll', async () => { await polling.createPoll(); }); test('Create anonymous poll', async () => { await polling.pollAnonymous(); }); test('Create quick poll - from the slide', async () => { await polling.quickPoll(); }); test('Create poll with user response', async () => { await polling.pollUserResponse(); }); test('Stop a poll manually', async () => { await polling.stopPoll(); }); test('Manage response choices', async () => { await polling.manageResponseChoices(); }); test('Not able to start new poll without presentation', async () => { await polling.notAbleStartNewPollWithoutPresentation(); }); test('Custom input', async () => { await polling.customInput(); }); test('Allow multiple choices', async () => { await polling.allowMultipleChoices(); }); test('Smart slides questions', async () => { await polling.smartSlidesQuestions(); }); // Results test('Poll results in chat message', async () => { await polling.pollResultsOnChat(); }); test('Poll results on whiteboard @flaky', async () => { await polling.pollResultsOnWhiteboard(); }); test('Poll results in a different presentation', async ({}, testInfo) => { test.fixme(!testInfo.config.fullyParallel, 'Currently only works in parallel mode. Poll results not being displayed in the presentation'); await polling.pollResultsInDifferentPresentation(); }); });