import { check } from 'meteor/check'; import Logger from '/imports/startup/server/logger'; import Annotations from '/imports/api/2.0/annotations'; const ANNOTATION_TYPE_TEXT = 'text'; const ANNOTATION_TYPE_PENCIL = 'pencil'; export default function addAnnotation(meetingId, whiteboardId, userId, annotation) { check(meetingId, String); check(whiteboardId, String); check(annotation, Object); const { id, status, annotationType, annotationInfo, wbId, position } = annotation; const selector = { meetingId, id, userId, }; // annotationInfo will be added to the modifier in switch below, depending on the situation const modifier = { $set: { whiteboardId, meetingId, id, status, annotationType, wbId, position, }, $inc: { version: 1 }, }; const shapeType = annotation.annotationType; switch (shapeType) { case ANNOTATION_TYPE_TEXT: // Replace flash new lines to html5 new lines if it's text modifier.$set.annotationInfo = annotationInfo; modifier.$set.annotationInfo.text = annotation.annotationInfo.text.replace(/[\r]/g, '\n'); break; case ANNOTATION_TYPE_PENCIL: // In the pencil draw update we need to add a coordinate to the existing array // And update te rest of the properties if (annotation.status === 'DRAW_UPDATE') { modifier.$set['annotationInfo.color'] = annotationInfo.color; modifier.$set['annotationInfo.thickness'] = annotationInfo.thickness; modifier.$set[''] =; modifier.$set['annotationInfo.whiteboardId'] = annotationInfo.whiteboardId; modifier.$set['annotationInfo.status'] = annotationInfo.status; modifier.$set['annotationInfo.transparency'] = annotationInfo.transparency; modifier.$push = { 'annotationInfo.points': { $each: annotationInfo.points } }; break; } modifier.$set.annotationInfo = annotationInfo; break; default: modifier.$set.annotationInfo = annotationInfo; break; } const cb = (err, numChanged) => { if (err) { return Logger.error(`Adding annotation2x to collection: ${err}`); } const { insertedId } = numChanged; if (insertedId) { return`Added annotation2x id=${} whiteboard=${whiteboardId}`); } return`Upserted annotation2x id=${} whiteboard=${whiteboardId}`); }; return Annotations.upsert(selector, modifier, cb); }