import { ApolloClient, ApolloProvider, InMemoryCache, NormalizedCacheObject, ApolloLink, } from '@apollo/client'; import { GraphQLError } from 'graphql'; import { GraphQLWsLink } from '@apollo/client/link/subscriptions'; import { createClient } from 'graphql-ws'; import { onError } from '@apollo/client/link/error'; import React, { useContext, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import { LoadingContext } from '/imports/ui/components/common/loading-screen/loading-screen-HOC/component'; import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; import apolloContextHolder from '../../core/graphql/apolloContextHolder/apolloContextHolder'; import connectionStatus from '../../core/graphql/singletons/connectionStatus'; import deviceInfo from '/imports/utils/deviceInfo'; import BBBWeb from '/imports/api/bbb-web-api'; import useMeetingSettings from '/imports/ui/core/local-states/useMeetingSettings'; interface ConnectionManagerProps { children: React.ReactNode; } interface ErrorPayload extends GraphQLError { messageId?: string; message: string; } interface WsError { name: string; message: string; reason: string; code: number; } const isDetailedErrorObject = (error: unknown): error is WsError => { const requiredKeys = ['name', 'message', 'reason', 'code']; return ( error !== null && typeof error === 'object' && requiredKeys.every((key) => Object.hasOwn(error, key)) ); }; const DEFAULT_MAX_MUTATION_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 10485760; // 10MB const getMaxMutationPayloadSize = () => window.meetingClientSettings?.public?.app?.maxMutationPayloadSize ?? DEFAULT_MAX_MUTATION_PAYLOAD_SIZE; const estimatePayloadSize = (variables: Record) => { const variablesAsString = JSON.stringify(variables); const variablesAsBlob = new Blob([variablesAsString]); return variablesAsBlob.size; }; const payloadSizeCheckLink = new ApolloLink((operation, forward) => { if (operation.query.definitions.some((def) => 'operation' in def && def.operation === 'mutation')) { const size = estimatePayloadSize(operation.variables); const maxPayloadSize = getMaxMutationPayloadSize(); if (size > maxPayloadSize) { const errorMsg = `Mutation payload is too large: ${size} bytes. ${maxPayloadSize} maximum allowed.`; logger.warn(errorMsg); return null; } } // logger.debug(`Valid ${operation.operationName} payload. Following with the query.`); return forward(operation); }); const errorLink = onError(({ graphQLErrors, networkError }) => { if (graphQLErrors) { graphQLErrors.forEach(({ message }) => { logger.error(`[GraphQL error]: Message: ${message}`); }); } if (networkError) { logger.error(`[Network error]: ${networkError}`); } }); const ConnectionManager: React.FC = ({ children }): React.ReactNode => { const [graphqlUrlApolloClient, setApolloClient] = React.useState | null>(null); const [graphqlUrl, setGraphqlUrl] = React.useState(''); const loadingContextInfo = useContext(LoadingContext); const numberOfAttempts = useRef(20); const [errorCounts, setErrorCounts] = React.useState(0); const activeSocket = useRef(); const tsLastMessageRef = useRef(0); const tsLastPingMessageRef = useRef(0); const boundary = useRef(15_000); const [terminalError, setTerminalError] = React.useState(''); const [MeetingSettings] = useMeetingSettings(); const enableDevTools =; useEffect(() => { BBBWeb.index().then(({ data }) => { setGraphqlUrl(data.graphqlWebsocketUrl); }).catch((error) => { loadingContextInfo.setLoading(false, ''); throw new Error('Error fetching GraphQL URL: '.concat(error.message || '')); });'Fetching GraphQL URL'); loadingContextInfo.setLoading(true, '1/2'); }, []); useEffect(() => { const interval = setInterval(() => { const tsNow =; if (tsLastMessageRef.current !== 0 && tsLastPingMessageRef.current !== 0) { if ((tsNow - tsLastMessageRef.current > boundary.current) && connectionStatus.getServerIsResponding()) { connectionStatus.setServerIsResponding(false); } else if ((tsNow - tsLastPingMessageRef.current > boundary.current) && connectionStatus.getPingIsComing()) { connectionStatus.setPingIsComing(false); } if (tsNow - tsLastMessageRef.current < boundary.current && !connectionStatus.getServerIsResponding()) { connectionStatus.setServerIsResponding(true); } else if (tsNow - tsLastPingMessageRef.current < boundary.current && !connectionStatus.getPingIsComing()) { connectionStatus.setPingIsComing(true); } } }, 5_000); return () => clearInterval(interval); }, []); useEffect(() => { if (errorCounts === numberOfAttempts.current) { throw new Error('Error connecting to server, retrying attempts exceeded'); } }, [errorCounts]); useEffect(() => { if (terminalError) { if (typeof terminalError === 'string') { throw new Error(terminalError); } else { throw terminalError; } } }, [terminalError]); useEffect(() => {'Connecting to GraphQL server'); loadingContextInfo.setLoading(true, '2/2'); if (graphqlUrl) { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; const sessionToken = urlParams.get('sessionToken'); if (!sessionToken) { loadingContextInfo.setLoading(false, ''); throw new Error('Missing session token'); } sessionStorage.setItem('sessionToken', sessionToken); const clientSessionUUID = sessionStorage.getItem('clientSessionUUID'); const { isMobile } = deviceInfo; let wsLink; try { const subscription = createClient({ url: graphqlUrl, retryAttempts: numberOfAttempts.current, keepAlive: 99999999999, retryWait: async () => { return new Promise((res) => { setTimeout(() => { res(); }, 10_000); }); }, shouldRetry: (error) => { const isDetailedError = isDetailedErrorObject(error); const terminated = isDetailedError && error.code === 4499; if (terminated) {{ logCode: 'connection_terminated', extraInfo: { errorName:, errorMessage: error.message, errorReason: error.reason, }, }, 'Connection terminated (4499)'); } else if (isDetailedError) { logger.error({ logCode: 'connection_error', extraInfo: { errorName:, errorMessage: error.message, errorReason: error.reason, }, }, `Connection error (${error.code})`); } else { logger.error({ logCode: 'connection_error', extraInfo: { errorName: 'Error', errorMessage: JSON.stringify(error), errorReason: 'Unknown', }, }, `Connection error: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`); } if (error && typeof error === 'object' && 'code' in error && error.code === 4403) { loadingContextInfo.setLoading(false, ''); setTerminalError('Server refused the connection'); return false; } return apolloContextHolder.getShouldRetry(); }, connectionParams: { headers: { 'X-Session-Token': sessionToken, 'X-ClientSessionUUID': clientSessionUUID, 'X-ClientType': 'HTML5', 'X-ClientIsMobile': isMobile ? 'true' : 'false', }, }, on: { error: (error) => { logger.error('Graphql Client Error:', error); loadingContextInfo.setLoading(false, ''); connectionStatus.setConnectedStatus(false); setErrorCounts((prev: number) => prev + 1); }, closed: (e) => { // Check if it's a CloseEvent (which includes HTTP errors during WebSocket handshake) if (e instanceof CloseEvent) { logger.error(`WebSocket closed with code ${e.code}: ${e.reason}`); connectionStatus.setConnectedStatus(false); } }, connected: (socket) => { activeSocket.current = socket as WebSocket; connectionStatus.setConnectedStatus(true); }, connecting: () => { connectionStatus.setConnectedStatus(false); }, message: (message) => { if (message.type === 'ping') { tsLastPingMessageRef.current =; } if (message.type === 'error' && === '-1') { // message ID -1 as a signal to terminate the session // it contains a prop message.messageId which can be used to show a proper error to the user logger.error({ logCode: 'graphql_server_closed_connection', extraInfo: message }, 'Graphql Server closed the connection'); loadingContextInfo.setLoading(false, ''); const payload = message.payload as ErrorPayload[]; if (payload[0].messageId) { setTerminalError(new Error(payload[0].message, { cause: payload[0].messageId })); } else { setTerminalError(new Error('Server closed the connection', { cause: 'server_closed' })); } } tsLastMessageRef.current =; }, }, }); const graphWsLink = new GraphQLWsLink( subscription, ); wsLink = ApolloLink.from([payloadSizeCheckLink, errorLink, graphWsLink]); wsLink.setOnError((error) => { loadingContextInfo.setLoading(false, ''); throw new Error('Error: on apollo connection'.concat(JSON.stringify(error) || '')); }); apolloContextHolder.setLink(subscription); } catch (error) { loadingContextInfo.setLoading(false, ''); throw new Error('Error creating WebSocketLink: '.concat(JSON.stringify(error) || '')); } let client; try { client = new ApolloClient({ link: wsLink, cache: new InMemoryCache(), connectToDevTools: (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') || enableDevTools, }); setApolloClient(client); apolloContextHolder.setClient(client); } catch (error) { loadingContextInfo.setLoading(false, ''); throw new Error('Error creating Apollo Client: '.concat(JSON.stringify(error) || '')); } } }, [graphqlUrl]); return ( graphqlUrlApolloClient ? ( {children} ) : null ); }; export default ConnectionManager;