const { expect } = require('@playwright/test'); const playwright = require("playwright"); const Page = require('../core/page'); const e = require('../core/elements'); const { waitAndClearDefaultPresentationNotification } = require('../notifications/util'); const { sleep } = require('../core/helpers'); const { checkTextContent, checkElementLengthEqualTo } = require('../core/util'); const { checkAvatarIcon, checkIsPresenter, checkMutedUsers } = require('./util'); const { getNotesLocator } = require('../sharednotes/util'); const { getSettings } = require('../core/settings'); const { ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME } = require('../core/constants'); class MultiUsers { constructor(browser, context) { this.browser = browser; this.context = context; } async initPages(page1, waitAndClearDefaultPresentationNotificationModPage = false) { await this.initModPage(page1); if (waitAndClearDefaultPresentationNotificationModPage) { await waitAndClearDefaultPresentationNotification(this.modPage); } await this.initUserPage(); } async initModPage(page, shouldCloseAudioModal = true, { fullName = 'Moderator', ...restOptions } = {}) { const options = { ...restOptions, fullName, }; this.modPage = new Page(this.browser, page); await this.modPage.init(true, shouldCloseAudioModal, options); } async initModPage2(shouldCloseAudioModal = true, context = this.context, { fullName = 'Moderator2', useModMeetingId = true, ...restOptions } = {}) { const options = { ...restOptions, fullName, meetingId: (useModMeetingId) ? this.modPage.meetingId : undefined, }; const page = await context.newPage(); this.modPage2 = new Page(this.browser, page); await this.modPage2.init(true, shouldCloseAudioModal, options); } async initUserPage(shouldCloseAudioModal = true, context = this.context, { fullName = 'Attendee', useModMeetingId = true, ...restOptions } = {}) { const options = { ...restOptions, fullName, meetingId: (useModMeetingId) ? this.modPage.meetingId : undefined, }; const page = await context.newPage(); this.userPage = new Page(this.browser, page); await this.userPage.init(false, shouldCloseAudioModal, options); } async initUserPage1(shouldCloseAudioModal = true, { fullName = 'Attendee', useModMeetingId = true, ...restOptions } = {}) { const options = { ...restOptions, fullName, meetingId: (useModMeetingId) ? this.modPage.meetingId : undefined, }; const page = await (await playwright.chromium.launch()).newPage(); this.userPage1 = new Page(this.browser, page); await this.userPage1.init(false, shouldCloseAudioModal, options); } async initUserPage2(shouldCloseAudioModal = true, context = this.context, { fullName = 'Attendee2', useModMeetingId = true, ...restOptions } = {}) { const options = { ...restOptions, fullName, meetingId: (useModMeetingId) ? this.modPage.meetingId : undefined, }; const page = await context.newPage(); this.userPage2 = new Page(this.browser, page); await this.userPage2.init(false, shouldCloseAudioModal, options); } async userPresence() { await this.modPage.checkElementCount(e.currentUser, 1, 'should contain one current user for the moderator'); await this.modPage.checkElementCount(e.userListItem, 1, 'should contain one user on user list for the moderator'); await this.userPage.checkElementCount(e.currentUser, 1, 'should contain one current user for the attendee'); await this.userPage.checkElementCount(e.userListItem, 1, 'should contain one user on user list for the attendee'); } async makePresenter() { await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.userListItem); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.makePresenter); await this.modPage.wasRemoved(e.wbToolbar, 'should not display the whiteboard toolbar for the moderator'); await this.userPage.hasElement(e.startScreenSharing, 'should display the start screenshare button for the attendee'); await this.userPage.hasElement(e.presentationToolbarWrapper, 'should display the presentation toolbar for the attendee'); await this.userPage.hasElement(e.wbToolbar, 'should display the whiteboard toolbar for the attendee'); await this.userPage.hasElement(e.actions, 'should display the actions button for the attendee'); await this.userPage.hasElement(e.userListItem, 'should display the user list item for the attendee'); const isPresenter = await checkIsPresenter(this.userPage); await expect(isPresenter, 'should the attende be presenter').toBeTruthy(); } async takePresenter() { await this.modPage2.waitAndClick(e.currentUser); await this.modPage2.waitAndClick(e.takePresenter); await this.modPage.wasRemoved(e.wbToolbar, 'should not display the whiteboard toolbar for the moderator'); await this.modPage2.hasElement(e.startScreenSharing, 'should display the start screenshare button for the second moderator'); await this.modPage2.hasElement(e.wbToolbar, 'should display the whiteboard toolbar for the second moderator'); await this.modPage2.hasElement(e.presentationToolbarWrapper, 'should presentation toolbar for the second moderator'); await this.modPage2.hasElement(e.userListItem, 'should display the user list item for the second moderator'); const isPresenter = await checkIsPresenter(this.modPage2); await expect(isPresenter, 'should the second moderator to be presenter').toBeTruthy(); await this.modPage2.waitAndClick(e.actions); await this.modPage2.hasElement(e.managePresentations, 'should display the manage presentations for the second moderator'); await this.modPage2.hasElement(e.polling, 'should display the polling option for the second moderator'); await this.modPage2.hasElement(e.shareExternalVideoBtn, 'should display the share external video button for the second moderator'); } async promoteToModerator() { await checkAvatarIcon(this.userPage, false); await this.userPage.wasRemoved(e.manageUsers, 'should not display the manage users for the attendee'); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.userListItem); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.promoteToModerator); await checkAvatarIcon(this.userPage); await this.userPage.hasElement(e.manageUsers, 'should display the manage users for the attendee'); } async demoteToViewer() { await checkAvatarIcon(this.modPage2); await this.modPage2.hasElement(e.manageUsers, 'should display the manage users for the second moderator'); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.userListItem); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.demoteToViewer); await checkAvatarIcon(this.modPage2, false); await this.modPage2.wasRemoved(e.manageUsers, 'should not display the manage users for the second moderator'); } async raiseAndLowerHand() { await this.modPage.waitForSelector(e.whiteboard); await this.initUserPage(); await this.userPage.waitAndClick(e.raiseHandBtn); await this.userPage.hasElement(e.raiseHandBtn); await this.modPage.comparingSelectorsBackgroundColor(e.avatarsWrapperAvatar, `${e.userListItem} div:first-child`); await sleep(1000); await this.userPage.waitAndClick(e.raiseHandBtn); await this.userPage.hasElement(e.raiseHandBtn, 'should display the raise hand button for the attendee'); } async raiseHandRejected() { await this.modPage.waitForSelector(e.whiteboard); await this.initUserPage(); await this.userPage.waitAndClick(e.raiseHandBtn); await this.userPage.hasElement(e.raiseHandBtn, 'should display the lower hand button for the attendee'); await'Escape'); await this.modPage.comparingSelectorsBackgroundColor(e.avatarsWrapperAvatar, `${e.userListItem} div:first-child`); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.raiseHandRejection); await this.userPage.hasElement(e.raiseHandBtn, 'should display the raise hand button for the attendee'); } async toggleUserList() { await this.modPage.hasElement(e.chatWelcomeMessageText, 'should display the public chat welcome message for the moderator '); await this.modPage.hasElement(e.chatBox, 'should display the public chat box for the moderator'); await this.modPage.hasElement(e.chatButton, 'should display the public chat button for the moderator'); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.userListToggleBtn); await this.modPage.wasRemoved(e.chatWelcomeMessageText, 'should not display the chat welcome message for the moderator'); await this.modPage.wasRemoved(e.chatBox, 'should not display the public chat box for the moderator'); await this.modPage.wasRemoved(e.chatButton, 'should not display the public chat button for the moderator'); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.userListToggleBtn); await this.modPage.wasRemoved(e.chatWelcomeMessageText, 'should not display the chat welcome message for the moderator'); await this.modPage.wasRemoved(e.chatBox, 'should not display the public chat box for the moderator'); await this.modPage.hasElement(e.chatButton, 'should display the public chat button for the moderator'); } async saveUserNames(testInfo) { await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.manageUsers); const downloadUserNamesListLocator = this.modPage.getLocator(e.downloadUserNamesList); const { content } = await this.modPage.handleDownload(downloadUserNamesListLocator, testInfo); const dataToCheck = [ this.modPage.username, this.userPage.username, this.modPage.meetingId, ]; await checkTextContent(content, dataToCheck, 'should the downloaded content match the user names'); } async pinningWebcams() { await this.modPage.shareWebcam(); await this.modPage2.shareWebcam(); await this.userPage.shareWebcam(); await checkElementLengthEqualTo, [e.webcamVideoItem, 3], { timeout: ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME }, ); // Pin first webcam (Mod2) await this.modPage.waitAndClick(`:nth-match(${e.dropdownWebcamButton}, 3)`); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(`:nth-match(${e.pinWebcamBtn}, 2)`); await this.modPage.hasText(`:nth-match(${e.dropdownWebcamButton}, 1)`, this.modPage2.username, 'should the first webcam display the second moderator username for the first moderator'); await this.modPage2.hasText(`:nth-match(${e.dropdownWebcamButton}, 1)`, this.modPage2.username, 'should the first webcam display the second moderator username for the second moderator'); await this.userPage.hasText(`:nth-match(${e.dropdownWebcamButton}, 1)`, this.modPage2.username, 'should the first webcam display the second moderator username for the attendee'); // Pin second webcam (user) await this.modPage.waitAndClick(`:nth-match(${e.dropdownWebcamButton}, 3)`); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(`:nth-match(${e.pinWebcamBtn}, 3)`); await this.modPage.hasText(`:nth-match(${e.dropdownWebcamButton}, 1)`, this.userPage.username, 'should the first webcam display the attendee username for the first moderator'); await this.modPage.hasText(`:nth-match(${e.dropdownWebcamButton}, 2)`, this.modPage2.username, 'should the second webcam display the second moderator username for the first moderator'); await this.userPage.hasText(`:nth-match(${e.dropdownWebcamButton}, 1)`, this.modPage2.username, 'should the first webcam display the second moderator username for the first attendee'); await this.userPage.hasText(`:nth-match(${e.dropdownWebcamButton}, 2)`, this.userPage.username, 'should the second webcam display the attendee username for the attendee'); await this.modPage2.hasText(`:nth-match(${e.dropdownWebcamButton}, 1)`, this.userPage.username, 'should the first webcam display the attendee username for the second moderator'); await this.modPage2.hasText(`:nth-match(${e.dropdownWebcamButton}, 2)`, this.modPage2.username, 'should the second webcam display the second moderator username for the second moderator'); } async giveAndRemoveWhiteboardAccess() { await this.modPage.waitForSelector(e.whiteboard); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.userListItem); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.changeWhiteboardAccess); await this.modPage.hasElement(e.multiUsersWhiteboardOff); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.userListItem); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.changeWhiteboardAccess); await this.modPage.hasElement(e.multiUsersWhiteboardOn); } async muteAllUsers() { await this.modPage.joinMicrophone(); await this.modPage2.joinMicrophone(); await this.userPage.joinMicrophone(); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.manageUsers); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.muteAll); await checkMutedUsers(this.modPage); await checkMutedUsers(this.modPage2); await checkMutedUsers(this.userPage); } async muteAllUsersExceptPresenter(){ await this.modPage.joinMicrophone(); await this.modPage2.joinMicrophone(); await this.userPage.joinMicrophone(); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.manageUsers); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.muteAllExceptPresenter); await this.modPage.hasElement(e.isTalking, 'should display the is talking element for the moderator'); await checkMutedUsers(this.modPage2); await checkMutedUsers(this.userPage); } async removeUser() { await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.userListItem); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.removeUser); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.removeUserConfirmationBtn); await this.modPage.wasRemoved(e.userListItem, 'should not display a user on the user list for the moderator'); //Will be modified when the issue is fixed and accept just one of both screens // try { await this.modPage2.hasElement(e.errorScreenMessage, 'should display the error screen message for the second moderator'); } catch (err) { await this.modPage2.hasElement(e.meetingEndedModalTitle, 'should display the meeting ended modal for the second moderator'); } } async removeUserAndPreventRejoining(context) { await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.userListItem); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.removeUser); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.confirmationCheckbox); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.removeUserConfirmationBtn); await this.modPage.wasRemoved(e.userListItem, 'should not display the user on the user list for the moderator'); // Will be modified when the issue is fixed and accept just one of both screens // try { await this.modPage2.hasElement(e.errorScreenMessage, 'should display the error screen message for the second moderator'); } catch { await this.modPage2.hasElement(e.meetingEndedModalTitle, 'should display the meeting ended modal for the second moderator'); } await this.initModPage2(false, context, { meetingId: this.modPage.meetingId, joinParameter: 'userID=Moderator2', shouldCheckAllInitialSteps: false }); // Due to same reason above, sometimes it displays different messages try { await this.modPage2.hasText(e.userBannedMessage2, /banned/, 'should display the banned message for the second moderator'); } catch { await this.modPage2.hasText(e.userBannedMessage1, /removed/, 'should display the removed message for the second moderator'); } } } exports.MultiUsers = MultiUsers;