import {Path} from '@svgdotjs/svg.js'; import {Geo} from './Geo.js'; import {angle, rng, TAU, getPointOnCircle, calculateDistance, clockwiseAngleDist} from '../shapes/helpers.js'; /** * Class representing a Cloud shape. * @see {@link} Adapted from Tldraw. */ export class Cloud extends Geo { /** * Generate points on an arc between two given points. * * @param {Object} startPoint - Starting point with 'x' and 'y' properties. * @param {Object} endPoint - End point with 'x' and 'y' properties. * @param {Object|null} center - Center point with 'x' and 'y' properties * @param {number} radius - The radius of the circle. * @param {number} numPoints - The number of points to generate along the arc. * @return {Array} Array of point objects representing the points on the arc. */ static pointsOnArc(startPoint, endPoint, center, radius, numPoints) { if (center === null) { return [startPoint, endPoint]; } const results = []; const startAngle = angle(center, startPoint); const endAngle = angle(center, endPoint); const l = clockwiseAngleDist(startAngle, endAngle); for (let i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { const t = i / (numPoints - 1); const angle = startAngle + l * t; const point = getPointOnCircle(center.x, center.y, radius, angle); results.push(point); } return results; } /** * Function to get points on the "pill" shape. * * @static * @param {number} width - The width of the pill shape. * @param {number} height - The height of the pill shape. * @param {number} numPoints - The number of points to generate. * @return {Array} - Array of points on the pill shape. */ static getPillPoints(width, height, numPoints) { const radius = Math.min(width, height) / 2; const longSide = Math.max(width, height) - radius * 2; const circumference = TAU * radius + 2 * longSide; const spacing = circumference / numPoints; const sections = width > height ? [ {type: 'straight', start: {x: radius, y: 0}, delta: {x: 1, y: 0}}, {type: 'arc', center: {x: width - radius, y: radius}, startAngle: -TAU / 4}, {type: 'straight', start: {x: width - radius, y: height}, delta: {x: -1, y: 0}}, {type: 'arc', center: {x: radius, y: radius}, startAngle: TAU / 4}, ] : [ {type: 'straight', start: {x: width, y: radius}, delta: {x: 0, y: 1}}, {type: 'arc', center: {x: radius, y: height - radius}, startAngle: 0}, {type: 'straight', start: {x: 0, y: height - radius}, delta: {x: 0, y: - 1}}, {type: 'arc', center: {x: radius, y: radius}, startAngle: TAU / 2}, ]; let sectionOffset = 0; const points = []; for (let i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { const section = sections[0]; if (section.type === 'straight') { points.push({ x: section.start.x + * sectionOffset, y: section.start.y + * sectionOffset, }); } else { points.push(getPointOnCircle(,, radius, section.startAngle + sectionOffset / radius, )); } sectionOffset += spacing; let sectionLength = section.type === 'straight' ? longSide : (TAU / 2) * radius; while (sectionOffset > sectionLength) { sectionOffset -= sectionLength; sections.push(sections.shift()); sectionLength = sections[0].type === 'straight' ? longSide : (TAU / 2) * radius; } } return points; } /** * Returns a numerical value based on the given size parameter. * * @static * @param {string} size - The size style, one of: 's', 'm', 'l', 'xl'. * @return {number} The numerical value corresponding to the given size. * @throws Will default to 130 if the size parameter doesn't match any case. */ static switchSize(size) { switch (size) { case 's': return 50; case 'm': return 70; case 'l': return 100; case 'xl': return 130; default: return 130; } } /** * Calculates the circumference of a pill shape. * * A pill shape is a rectangle with semi-circular ends. The function * calculates the total distance around the shape using its width and height. * * @static * @param {number} width - The width of the pill shape. * @param {number} height - The height of the pill shape. * @return {number} The circumference of the pill shape. */ static getPillCircumference(width, height) { const radius = Math.min(width, height) / 2; const longSide = Math.max(width, height) - radius * 2; return TAU * radius + 2 * longSide; } /** * Get arcs for generating a cloud shape. * * @static * @param {number} width - The width of the cloud. * @param {number} height - The height of the cloud. * @param {string} seed - The random seed for the cloud. * @param {Object} size - The size style for the cloud. * @return {Array} An array of arcs data. */ static getCloudArcs(width, height, seed, size) { const getRandom = rng(seed); const pillCircumference = Cloud.getPillCircumference(width, height); const numBumps = Math.max( Math.ceil(pillCircumference / Cloud.switchSize(size)), 6, Math.ceil(pillCircumference / Math.min(width, height)), ); const targetBumpProtrusion = (pillCircumference / numBumps) * 0.2; const innerWidth = Math.max(width - targetBumpProtrusion * 2, 1); const innerHeight = Math.max(height - targetBumpProtrusion * 2, 1); const paddingX = (width - innerWidth) / 2; const paddingY = (height - innerHeight) / 2; const distanceBetweenPointsOnPerimeter = Cloud.getPillCircumference(innerWidth, innerHeight) / numBumps; let bumpPoints = Cloud.getPillPoints(innerWidth, innerHeight, numBumps); bumpPoints = => { return { x: p.x + paddingX, y: p.y + paddingY, }; }); const maxWiggleX = width < 20 ? 0 : targetBumpProtrusion * 0.3; const maxWiggleY = height < 20 ? 0 : targetBumpProtrusion * 0.3; const wiggledPoints = bumpPoints.slice(0); for (let i = 0; i < Math.floor(numBumps / 2); i++) { wiggledPoints[i].x += getRandom() * maxWiggleX; wiggledPoints[i].y += getRandom() * maxWiggleY; wiggledPoints[numBumps - i - 1].x += getRandom() * maxWiggleX; wiggledPoints[numBumps - i - 1].y += getRandom() * maxWiggleY; } const arcs = []; for (let i = 0; i < wiggledPoints.length; i++) { const j = i === wiggledPoints.length - 1 ? 0 : i + 1; const leftWigglePoint = wiggledPoints[i]; const rightWigglePoint = wiggledPoints[j]; const leftPoint = bumpPoints[i]; const rightPoint = bumpPoints[j]; const midPoint = { x: (leftPoint.x + rightPoint.x) / 2, y: (leftPoint.y + rightPoint.y) / 2, }; const offsetAngle = Math.atan2(rightPoint.y - leftPoint.y, rightPoint.x - leftPoint.x) - TAU; const distanceBetweenOriginalPoints = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(rightPoint.x - leftPoint.x, 2) + Math.pow(rightPoint.y - leftPoint.y, 2)); const curvatureOffset = distanceBetweenPointsOnPerimeter - distanceBetweenOriginalPoints; const distanceBetweenWigglePoints = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(rightWigglePoint.x - leftWigglePoint.x, 2) + Math.pow(rightWigglePoint.y - leftWigglePoint.y, 2)); const relativeSize = distanceBetweenWigglePoints / distanceBetweenOriginalPoints; const finalDistance = (Math.max(paddingX, paddingY) + curvatureOffset) * relativeSize; const arcPoint = { x: midPoint.x + Math.cos(offsetAngle) * finalDistance, y: midPoint.y + Math.sin(offsetAngle) * finalDistance, }; arcPoint.x = Math.min(Math.max(arcPoint.x, 0), width); arcPoint.y = Math.min(Math.max(arcPoint.y, 0), height); arcs.push({ leftPoint: leftWigglePoint, rightPoint: rightWigglePoint, arcPoint, }); } return arcs; } /** * Generate an SVG path string to represent a cloud shape using arc segments. * * @param {number} width - The width of the cloud. * @param {number} height - The height of the cloud. * @param {number} seed - The seed value for randomization (if applicable). * @param {number} size - The size of the cloud. * @return {string} - An SVG path string representing the cloud. */ static cloudSvgPath(width, height, seed, size) { // Get cloud arcs based on input parameters const arcs = Cloud.getCloudArcs(width, height, seed, size); // Initialize SVG path starting with the 'M' command // for the first arc's leftPoint const initialX = arcs[0].leftPoint.x.toFixed(2); const initialY = arcs[0].leftPoint.y.toFixed(2); let path = `M${initialX},${initialY}`; // Loop through all arcs to construct the 'A' commands for the SVG path for (const {leftPoint, rightPoint, arcPoint} of arcs) { // Approximate radius through heuristic, as determining the true // radius from the circle formed by the three points proved numerically // unstable. const radius = calculateDistance(leftPoint, arcPoint).toFixed(2); const endPointX = rightPoint.x.toFixed(2); const endPointY = rightPoint.y.toFixed(2); path += `A${radius},${radius} 0 0, 1 ${endPointX},${endPointY}`; } // Close the SVG path with 'Z' path += ' Z'; return path; } /** * Renders a cloud shape on the SVG canvas. It uses a predefined SVG path * for the cloud shape, which is scaled to the dimensions of the instance. * @return {G} An SVG group element (``) * that contains the cloud path and label. */ draw() { const points = Cloud.cloudSvgPath( this.w, this.h + this.growY,, this.size); const cloudGroup = this.shapeGroup; const cloud = new Path({ 'd': points, 'stroke': this.shapeColor, 'stroke-width': this.thickness, 'style': this.dasharray, }); this.setFill(cloud); cloudGroup.add(cloud); this.drawLabel(cloudGroup); return cloudGroup; } }