define [ 'jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'globals', 'text!templates/session_users.html', 'text!templates/user.html', ], ($, _, Backbone, globals, sessionUsersTemplate, userTemplate) -> # The users panel in a session # The contents are rendered by SessionView, this class is Used to # manage the events in the users. SessionUsersView = Backbone.View.extend events: "click #switch-presenter": "_switchPresenter" "click .user": "_userClicked" initialize: -> @userListID = "#current-users" # Bind to the event triggered when the client connects to the server globals.connection.bind "connection:connected", @_registerConnectionEvents, @ render: -> compiledTemplate = _.template(sessionUsersTemplate) @$el.html compiledTemplate # Registers listeners for events in the application socket. _registerConnectionEvents: -> socket = globals.connection.socket # Received event for a new public chat message # @param {Array} users Array of names and publicIDs of connected users socket.on "user list change", (users) => @_removeAllUsers() for userBlock in users @_addUser(, # Received event to set the presenter to a user # @param {string} userID publicID of the user that is being set as the current presenter socket.on "setPresenter", (userID) => @_setPresenter(userID) # Removes all users from the screen. _removeAllUsers: -> @$(@userListID).empty() # Add a user to the screen. _addUser: (userID, username) -> data = username: username userID: userID compiledTemplate = _.template(userTemplate, data) @$(@userListID).append compiledTemplate # Marks a user as selected when clicked. _userClicked: (e) -> @$('.user.selected').removeClass('selected') # add .selected to the user's element $target = @$( unless $target.hasClass('user') # clicked on a child $target = $target.parents('.user') $target.addClass('selected') # Sets the current presenter to the user currently selected. _switchPresenter: -> id = @$(".user.selected").attr("id").replace("user-", "") globals.connection.emitSetPresenter id # Sets the user with ID `userID` as the presenter. _setPresenter: (userID) -> @$(".user.presenter").removeClass "presenter" @$("#user-#{userID}").addClass "presenter" SessionUsersView