import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { throttle } from 'radash'; const useCursor = (publishCursorUpdate, whiteboardId) => { const [cursorPosition, setCursorPosition] = useState({ x: '', y: '' }); const updateCursorPosition = (newX, newY) => { setCursorPosition({ x: newX, y: newY }); }; useEffect(() => { if (!cursorPosition || cursorPosition.x === '' || cursorPosition.y === '') { return; } publishCursorUpdate({ whiteboardId, xPercent: cursorPosition?.x, yPercent: cursorPosition?.y, }); }, [cursorPosition, publishCursorUpdate, whiteboardId]); return [cursorPosition, updateCursorPosition]; }; const useMouseEvents = ({ whiteboardRef, tlEditorRef, isWheelZoomRef, initialZoomRef, isPresenterRef, }, { hasWBAccess, whiteboardToolbarAutoHide, animations, updateCursorPosition, toggleToolsAnimations, currentPresentationPage, zoomChanger, setIsMouseDown, setIsWheelZoom, setWheelZoomTimeout, }) => { const timeoutIdRef = React.useRef(); const handleMouseUp = () => { if (timeoutIdRef.current) { clearTimeout(timeoutIdRef.current); } timeoutIdRef.current = setTimeout(() => { setIsMouseDown(false); }, 1000); tlEditorRef?.current?.updateInstanceState({ canMoveCamera: true, isReadonly: false }); }; const handleMouseDownWhiteboard = (event) => { if (!isPresenterRef.current && !hasWBAccess) { const updateProps = { isReadonly: false }; if (event.button === 1) { updateProps.canMoveCamera = false; } tlEditorRef?.current?.updateInstanceState(updateProps); } setIsMouseDown(true); }; const handleMouseDownWindow = (event) => { const presentationInnerWrapper = document.getElementById('presentationInnerWrapper'); if (!(presentationInnerWrapper && presentationInnerWrapper.contains( { const editingShape = tlEditorRef.current?.getEditingShape(); if (editingShape) { return tlEditorRef.current?.setEditingShape(null); } } return undefined; }; const handleMouseEnter = () => { if (whiteboardToolbarAutoHide) { toggleToolsAnimations( 'fade-out', 'fade-in', animations ? '.3s' : '0s', hasWBAccess || isPresenterRef.current, ); } }; const handleMouseLeave = () => { if (whiteboardToolbarAutoHide) { toggleToolsAnimations( 'fade-in', 'fade-out', animations ? '3s' : '0s', hasWBAccess || isPresenterRef.current, ); } setTimeout(() => { updateCursorPosition(-1, -1); }, 150); }; const handleMouseWheel = throttle({ interval: 175 }, (event) => { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (!tlEditorRef.current || !isPresenterRef.current || !currentPresentationPage) { return; } setIsWheelZoom(true); const MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR = 4; // Represents 400% const MIN_ZOOM_FACTOR = 1; // Represents 100% const ZOOM_IN_FACTOR = 0.25; const ZOOM_OUT_FACTOR = 0.25; // Get the current mouse position const mouseX = event.clientX; const mouseY = event.clientY; // Get the current camera position and zoom level const { x: cx, y: cy, z: cz } = tlEditorRef.current.getCamera(); let currentZoomLevel = cz / initialZoomRef.current; if (event.deltaY < 0) { currentZoomLevel = Math.min(currentZoomLevel + ZOOM_IN_FACTOR, MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR); } else { currentZoomLevel = Math.max(currentZoomLevel - ZOOM_OUT_FACTOR, MIN_ZOOM_FACTOR); } // Convert zoom level to a percentage for backend const zoomPercentage = currentZoomLevel * 100; zoomChanger(zoomPercentage); // Calculate the new camera zoom factor const newCameraZoomFactor = currentZoomLevel * initialZoomRef.current; // Calculate the mouse position in canvas space using whiteboardRef const rect = whiteboardRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); const canvasMouseX = (mouseX - rect.left) / cz + cx; const canvasMouseY = (mouseY - / cz + cy; // Calculate the new camera position to keep the mouse position under the cursor const nextCamera = { x: canvasMouseX - (canvasMouseX - cx) * (newCameraZoomFactor / cz), y: canvasMouseY - (canvasMouseY - cy) * (newCameraZoomFactor / cz), z: newCameraZoomFactor, }; tlEditorRef.current.setCamera(nextCamera, { duration: 175 }); if (isWheelZoomRef.currentTimeout) { clearTimeout(isWheelZoomRef.currentTimeout); } setWheelZoomTimeout(); }); React.useEffect(() => { if (whiteboardToolbarAutoHide) { toggleToolsAnimations( 'fade-in', 'fade-out', animations ? '3s' : '0s', hasWBAccess || isPresenterRef.current, ); } else { toggleToolsAnimations( 'fade-out', 'fade-in', animations ? '.3s' : '0s', hasWBAccess || isPresenterRef.current, ); } }, [whiteboardToolbarAutoHide]); React.useEffect(() => { const whiteboardElement = whiteboardRef.current; window.addEventListener('mousedown', handleMouseDownWindow); if (whiteboardElement) { whiteboardElement.addEventListener('mousedown', handleMouseDownWhiteboard); whiteboardElement.addEventListener('mouseup', handleMouseUp); whiteboardElement.addEventListener('mouseenter', handleMouseEnter); whiteboardElement.addEventListener('mouseleave', handleMouseLeave); whiteboardElement.addEventListener('wheel', handleMouseWheel, { passive: false, capture: true }); } return () => { if (whiteboardElement) { whiteboardElement.removeEventListener('mousedown', handleMouseDownWhiteboard); whiteboardElement.removeEventListener('mouseup', handleMouseUp); whiteboardElement.removeEventListener('mouseenter', handleMouseEnter); whiteboardElement.removeEventListener('mouseleave', handleMouseLeave); whiteboardElement.removeEventListener('wheel', handleMouseWheel); } window.removeEventListener('mousedown', handleMouseDownWindow); }; }, [ whiteboardRef, tlEditorRef, isPresenterRef, handleMouseDownWhiteboard, handleMouseUp, handleMouseEnter, handleMouseLeave, handleMouseWheel, ]); }; export { useMouseEvents, useCursor, };