import deviceInfo from '/imports/utils/deviceInfo'; import browserInfo from '/imports/utils/browserInfo'; import { createVirtualBackgroundService } from '/imports/ui/services/virtual-background'; const BLUR_FILENAME = 'blur.jpg'; const EFFECT_TYPES = { BLUR_TYPE: 'blur', IMAGE_TYPE: 'image', NONE_TYPE: 'none', } // TODO I'm sure this is centralized somewhere; fetch it from "there" if possible const BASE_PATH = + +; const MODELS = { model96: { path: '/resources/tfmodels/segm_lite_v681.tflite', segmentationDimensions: { height: 96, width: 160 } }, model144: { path: '/resources/tfmodels/segm_full_v679.tflite', segmentationDimensions: { height: 144, width: 256 } }, }; const { thumbnailsPath: THUMBNAILS_PATH = '/resources/images/virtual-backgrounds/thumbnails/', fileNames: IMAGE_NAMES = ['home.jpg', 'coffeeshop.jpg', 'board.jpg'], storedOnBBB: IS_STORED_ON_BBB = true, imagesPath: IMAGES_PATH = '/resources/images/virtual-backgrounds/', showThumbnails: SHOW_THUMBNAILS = true, } = window.meetingClientSettings.public.virtualBackgrounds; const createVirtualBackgroundStream = (type, name, isVirtualBackground, stream, customParams) => { const buildParams = { backgroundType: type, backgroundFilename: name, isVirtualBackground, customParams, } return createVirtualBackgroundService(buildParams).then((service) => { const effect = service.startEffect(stream) return { service, effect }; }); } const getVirtualBackgroundThumbnail = (name) => { if (name === BLUR_FILENAME) { return BASE_PATH + '/resources/images/virtual-backgrounds/thumbnails/' + name; } return (IS_STORED_ON_BBB ? BASE_PATH : '') + THUMBNAILS_PATH + name; } // Stores the last chosen camera effect into the session storage in the following format: // { // type: , // name: effect filename, if any // } const setSessionVirtualBackgroundInfo = (type, name, deviceId) => { return Session.set(`VirtualBackgroundInfo_${deviceId}`, { type, name }); } const getSessionVirtualBackgroundInfo = (deviceId) => { return Session.get(`VirtualBackgroundInfo_${deviceId}`) || { type: EFFECT_TYPES.NONE_TYPE, }; } const getSessionVirtualBackgroundInfoWithDefault = (deviceId) => { return Session.get(`VirtualBackgroundInfo_${deviceId}`) || { type: EFFECT_TYPES.BLUR_TYPE, name: BLUR_FILENAME, }; } const isVirtualBackgroundSupported = () => { return !(deviceInfo.isIos || browserInfo.isSafari); } const getVirtualBgImagePath = () => { return (IS_STORED_ON_BBB ? BASE_PATH : '') + IMAGES_PATH; } export { BASE_PATH, MODELS, THUMBNAILS_PATH, SHOW_THUMBNAILS, IMAGE_NAMES, IS_STORED_ON_BBB, IMAGES_PATH, BLUR_FILENAME, EFFECT_TYPES, setSessionVirtualBackgroundInfo, getSessionVirtualBackgroundInfo, getSessionVirtualBackgroundInfoWithDefault, isVirtualBackgroundSupported, createVirtualBackgroundStream, getVirtualBackgroundThumbnail, getVirtualBgImagePath, }