Meteor.methods # meetingId: the id of the meeting # chatObject: the object including info on the chat message, including the text # requesterUserId: the userId of the user sending chat # requesterToken: the authToken of the requester sendChatMessagetoServer: (meetingId, chatObject, requesterUserId, requesterToken) -> chatType = chatObject.chat_type recipient = chatObject.to_userid eventName = null action = -> if chatType is "PUBLIC_CHAT" eventName = "send_public_chat_message_request" return 'chatPublic' else eventName = "send_private_chat_message_request" if recipient is requesterUserId return 'chatSelf' #not allowed else return 'chatPrivate' if isAllowedTo(action(), meetingId, requesterUserId, requesterToken) and chatObject.from_userid is requesterUserId chatObject.message = translateHTML5ToFlash(chatObject.message) message = header : timestamp: new Date().getTime() name: eventName payload: message: chatObject meeting_id: meetingId requester_id: chatObject.from_userid "publishing chat to redis" publish, message return deletePrivateChatMessages: (userId, contact_id) -> # if authorized pass through requester = Meteor.Users.findOne({userId: userId}) contact = Meteor.Users.findOne({_id: contact_id}) deletePrivateChatMessages(requester.userId, contact.userId) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private methods on server # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @addChatToCollection = (meetingId, messageObject) -> # manually convert time from 1.408645053653E12 to 1408645053653 if necessary # (this is the time_from that the Flash client outputs) messageObject.from_time = (messageObject.from_time).toString().split('.').join("").split("E")[0] if messageObject.from_userid? and messageObject.to_userid? messageObject.message = translateFlashToHTML5(messageObject.message) entry = meetingId: meetingId message: chat_type: messageObject.chat_type message: messageObject.message to_username: messageObject.to_username from_tz_offset: messageObject.from_tz_offset from_color: messageObject.from_color to_userid: messageObject.to_userid from_userid: messageObject.from_userid from_time: messageObject.from_time from_username: messageObject.from_username from_lang: messageObject.from_lang id = Meteor.Chat.insert(entry) "added chat id=[#{id}]:#{messageObject.message}." #" Chat.size is now #{Meteor.Chat.find({meetingId: meetingId}).count()}" # called on server start and meeting end @clearChatCollection = (meetingId) -> if meetingId? Meteor.Chat.remove({meetingId: meetingId}, "cleared Chat Collection (meetingId: #{meetingId}!") else Meteor.Chat.remove({}, "cleared Chat Collection (all meetings)!") # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # end Private methods on server # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # translate '\n' newline character and '\r' carriage returns to '
' breakline character for Flash @translateHTML5ToFlash = (message) -> result = message result = result.replace(new RegExp(CARRIAGE_RETURN, 'g'), BREAK_LINE) result = result.replace(new RegExp(NEW_LINE, 'g'), BREAK_LINE) result # translate '
' breakline character to '\r' carriage return character for HTML5 @translateFlashToHTML5 = (message) -> result = message result = result.replace(new RegExp(BREAK_LINE, 'g'), CARRIAGE_RETURN) result