import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import ShapeDrawListener from './shape-draw-listener/component'; import TextDrawListener from './text-draw-listener/component'; import PencilDrawListener from './pencil-draw-listener/component'; import ShapePointerListener from './shape-pointer-listener/component'; import PencilPointerListener from './pencil-pointer-listener/component'; import CursorListener from './cursor-listener/component'; export default class WhiteboardOverlay extends Component { // a function to transform a screen point to svg point // accepts and returns a point of type SvgPoint and an svg object // if unable to get the screen CTM, returns an out // of bounds (-1, -1) svg point static coordinateTransform(screenPoint, someSvgObject) { const CTM = someSvgObject.getScreenCTM(); if (CTM !== null) { return screenPoint.matrixTransform(CTM.inverse()); } const outOfBounds = someSvgObject.createSVGPoint(); outOfBounds.x = -1; outOfBounds.y = -1; return outOfBounds; } // Removes selection from all selected elements static unSelect() { if (document.selection) { document.selection.empty(); } else { window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } } constructor(props) { super(props); // current shape id this.currentShapeId = undefined; // count, used to generate a new shape id this.count = 0; this.getCurrentShapeId = this.getCurrentShapeId.bind(this); this.generateNewShapeId = this.generateNewShapeId.bind(this); this.getTransformedSvgPoint = this.getTransformedSvgPoint.bind(this); this.checkIfOutOfBounds = this.checkIfOutOfBounds.bind(this); this.svgCoordinateToPercentages = this.svgCoordinateToPercentages.bind(this); this.normalizeThickness = this.normalizeThickness.bind(this); this.normalizeFont = this.normalizeFont.bind(this); } getCurrentShapeId() { return this.currentShapeId; } // this function receives an event from the mouse event attached to the window // it transforms the coordinate to the main svg coordinate system getTransformedSvgPoint(clientX, clientY) { const { getSvgRef, } = this.props; const svgObject = getSvgRef(); const svgPoint = svgObject.createSVGPoint(); svgPoint.x = clientX; svgPoint.y = clientY; const transformedSvgPoint = WhiteboardOverlay.coordinateTransform(svgPoint, svgObject); return transformedSvgPoint; } // receives an svg coordinate and changes the values to percentages of the slide's width/height svgCoordinateToPercentages(svgPoint) { const { slideWidth, slideHeight, } = this.props; const point = { x: (svgPoint.x / slideWidth) * 100, y: (svgPoint.y / slideHeight) * 100, }; return point; } normalizeThickness(thickness) { const { physicalSlideWidth, } = this.props; return (thickness * 100) / physicalSlideWidth; } normalizeFont(fontSize) { const { physicalSlideHeight, } = this.props; return (fontSize * 100) / physicalSlideHeight; } generateNewShapeId() { const { userId, } = this.props; this.count = this.count + 1; this.currentShapeId = `${userId}-${this.count}-${new Date().getTime()}`; return this.currentShapeId; } // this function receives a transformed svg coordinate and checks if it's not out of bounds checkIfOutOfBounds(point) { const { viewBoxX, viewBoxY, viewBoxWidth, viewBoxHeight, } = this.props; let { x, y } = point; // set this flag to true if either x or y are out of bounds let shouldUnselect = false; if (x < viewBoxX) { x = viewBoxX; shouldUnselect = true; } else if (x > viewBoxX + viewBoxWidth) { x = viewBoxX + viewBoxWidth; shouldUnselect = true; } if (y < viewBoxY) { y = viewBoxY; shouldUnselect = true; } else if (y > viewBoxY + viewBoxHeight) { y = viewBoxY + viewBoxHeight; shouldUnselect = true; } // if either x or y are out of bounds - remove selection from potentially selected elements if (shouldUnselect) { WhiteboardOverlay.unSelect(); } return { x, y, }; } renderDrawListener(actions) { const { drawSettings, userId, whiteboardId, physicalSlideWidth, physicalSlideHeight, slideWidth, slideHeight, } = this.props; const { tool } = drawSettings; if (tool === 'triangle' || tool === 'rectangle' || tool === 'ellipse' || tool === 'line') { if (window.PointerEvent) { return ( ); } return ( ); } if (tool === 'pencil') { if (window.PointerEvent) { return ( ); } return ( ); } if (tool === 'text') { return ( ); } return ( ); } render() { const { whiteboardId, sendAnnotation, resetTextShapeSession, setTextShapeActiveId, contextMenuHandler, clearPreview, updateCursor, } = this.props; const actions = { getTransformedSvgPoint: this.getTransformedSvgPoint, checkIfOutOfBounds: this.checkIfOutOfBounds, svgCoordinateToPercentages: this.svgCoordinateToPercentages, getCurrentShapeId: this.getCurrentShapeId, generateNewShapeId: this.generateNewShapeId, normalizeThickness: this.normalizeThickness, normalizeFont: this.normalizeFont, sendAnnotation, resetTextShapeSession, setTextShapeActiveId, contextMenuHandler, clearPreview, }; return ( {this.renderDrawListener(actions)} ); } } WhiteboardOverlay.propTypes = { // Defines a function which returns a reference to the main svg object getSvgRef: PropTypes.func.isRequired, // Defines the width of the slide (svg coordinate system) slideWidth: PropTypes.number.isRequired, // Defines the height of the slide (svg coordinate system) slideHeight: PropTypes.number.isRequired, // Defines the physical width of the slide, needed to calculate thickness, and pencil smoothing physicalSlideWidth: PropTypes.number.isRequired, // Defines the physical width of the slide, to calculate pencil smoothing physicalSlideHeight: PropTypes.number.isRequired, // Defines a current user's user id userId: PropTypes.string.isRequired, // Defines an X coordinate of the viewBox viewBoxX: PropTypes.number.isRequired, // Defines a Y coordinate of the viewBox viewBoxY: PropTypes.number.isRequired, // Defines a width of the viewBox viewBoxWidth: PropTypes.number.isRequired, // Defines a height of the viewBox viewBoxHeight: PropTypes.number.isRequired, // Defines a handler to publish an annotation to the server sendAnnotation: PropTypes.func.isRequired, // Defines a handler to clear a shape preview clearPreview: PropTypes.func.isRequired, // Defines a current whiteboard id whiteboardId: PropTypes.string.isRequired, // Defines an object containing current settings for drawing drawSettings: PropTypes.shape({ // Annotation color color: PropTypes.number.isRequired, // Annotation thickness (not normalized) thickness: PropTypes.number.isRequired, // The name of the tool currently selected tool: PropTypes.string, // Font size for the text shape textFontSize: PropTypes.number.isRequired, // Text shape value textShapeValue: PropTypes.string.isRequired, // Fill shape //fill: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, }).isRequired, // Defines a function which resets the current state of the text shape drawing resetTextShapeSession: PropTypes.func.isRequired, // Defines a function that sets a session value for the current active text shape setTextShapeActiveId: PropTypes.func.isRequired, // Defines a handler to publish cursor position to the server updateCursor: PropTypes.func.isRequired, };