# Publish only the online users that are in the particular meetingId # On the client side we pass the meetingId parameter Meteor.publish 'users', (meetingId, userid, authToken) -> Meteor.log.info "attempt publishing users for #{meetingId}, #{userid}, #{authToken}" u = Meteor.Users.findOne({'userId': userid, 'meetingId': meetingId}) if u? Meteor.log.info "found it from the first time #{userid}" if isAllowedTo('subscribeUsers', meetingId, userid, authToken) Meteor.log.info "#{userid} was allowed to subscribe to 'users'" username = u?.user?.name or "UNKNOWN" # offline -> online if u.user?.connection_status isnt 'online' Meteor.call "validateAuthToken", meetingId, userid, authToken Meteor.Users.update({'meetingId':meetingId, 'userId': userid}, {$set:{'user.connection_status': "online"}}) Meteor.log.info "username of the subscriber: " + username + ", connection_status becomes online" @_session.socket.on("close", Meteor.bindEnvironment(=> Meteor.log.info "\na user lost connection: session.id=#{@_session.id} userId = #{userid}, username=#{username}, meeting=#{meetingId}" Meteor.Users.update({'meetingId':meetingId, 'userId': userid}, {$set:{'user.connection_status': "offline"}}) Meteor.log.info "username of the user losing connection: " + username + ", connection_status: becomes offline" requestUserLeaving meetingId, userid ) ) #publish the users which are not offline Meteor.Users.find( {meetingId: meetingId, 'user.connection_status':{$in: ["online", ""]}}, {fields:{'authToken': false} }) else Meteor.log.warn "was not authorized to subscribe to 'users'" else #subscribing before the user was added to the collection Meteor.call "validateAuthToken", meetingId, userid, authToken Meteor.log.error "there was no such user #{userid} in #{meetingId}" Meteor.Users.find( {meetingId: meetingId, 'user.connection_status':{$in: ["online", ""]}}, {fields:{'authToken': false} }) Meteor.publish 'chat', (meetingId, userid, authToken) -> if isAllowedTo('subscribeChat', meetingId, userid, authToken) Meteor.log.info "publishing chat for #{meetingId} #{userid} #{authToken}" return Meteor.Chat.find({$or: [ {'message.chat_type': 'PUBLIC_CHAT', 'meetingId': meetingId}, {'message.from_userid': userid, 'meetingId': meetingId}, {'message.to_userid': userid, 'meetingId': meetingId} ]}) Meteor.publish 'shapes', (meetingId) -> Meteor.Shapes.find({meetingId: meetingId}) Meteor.publish 'slides', (meetingId) -> Meteor.log.info "publishing slides for #{meetingId}" Meteor.Slides.find({meetingId: meetingId}) Meteor.publish 'meetings', (meetingId) -> Meteor.log.info "publishing meetings for #{meetingId}" Meteor.Meetings.find({meetingId: meetingId}) Meteor.publish 'presentations', (meetingId) -> Meteor.log.info "publishing presentations for #{meetingId}" Meteor.Presentations.find({meetingId: meetingId}) # Clear all data in subcriptions @clearCollections = -> Meteor.Users.remove({}) Meteor.log.info "cleared Users Collection!" Meteor.Chat.remove({}) Meteor.log.info "cleared Chat Collection!" Meteor.Meetings.remove({}) Meteor.log.info "cleared Meetings Collection!" Meteor.Shapes.remove({}) Meteor.log.info "cleared Shapes Collection!" Meteor.Slides.remove({}) Meteor.log.info "cleared Slides Collection!" Meteor.Presentations.remove({}) Meteor.log.info "cleared Presentations Collection!"