const { test } = require('@playwright/test'); const { Notifications } = require('./notifications'); const { ChatNotifications } = require('./chatNotifications'); const { PresenterNotifications } = require('./presenterNotifications'); const { RecordingNotifications } = require('./recordingNotifications'); const c = require('../parameters/constants'); test.describe.parallel('Notifications', () => { test('Save settings notification @ci', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const notifications = new Notifications(browser, context); await notifications.initModPage(page); await notifications.saveSettingsNotification(); }); test('Audio notifications @ci', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const notifications = new Notifications(browser, context); await notifications.initModPage(page); await notifications.audioNotification(); }); test('User join notification @ci', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const notifications = new Notifications(browser, context); await notifications.initModPage(page); await notifications.getUserJoinPopupResponse(); }); test('Raise and lower hand notification @ci', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const notifications = new Notifications(browser, context); await notifications.initModPage(page); await notifications.raiseAndLowerHandNotification(); }); test.describe.parallel('Chat', () => { test('Public Chat notification @ci', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const chatNotifications = new ChatNotifications(browser, context); await chatNotifications.initPages(page, true); await chatNotifications.publicChatNotification(); }); test('Private Chat notification', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const chatNotifications = new ChatNotifications(browser, context); await chatNotifications.initPages(page, true); await chatNotifications.privateChatNotification(); }); }); test.describe.parallel('Recording', () => { test('Notification appearing when user is not in audio', async ({ browser, page }) => { const recordingNotifications = new RecordingNotifications(browser, page); await recordingNotifications.init(true, true, { createParameter: c.recordMeeting }); await recordingNotifications.notificationNoAudio(); }); test('Notification appearing when user is in listen only', async ({ browser, page }) => { const recordingNotifications = new RecordingNotifications(browser, page); await recordingNotifications.init(true, true, { createParameter: c.recordMeeting }); await recordingNotifications.notificationListenOnly(); }); test('No notification appearing when user is in audio', async ({ browser, page }) => { const recordingNotifications = new RecordingNotifications(browser, page); await recordingNotifications.init(true, true, { createParameter: c.recordMeeting }); await recordingNotifications.noNotificationInAudio(); }); test('Modal appearing when user wants to start recording', async ({ browser, page }) => { const recordingNotifications = new RecordingNotifications(browser, page); await recordingNotifications.init(true, true, { createParameter: c.recordMeeting }); await recordingNotifications.modalStartRecording(); }); }); test.describe.parallel('Presenter @ci', () => { test('Poll results notification', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const presenterNotifications = new PresenterNotifications(browser, context); await presenterNotifications.initModPage(page); await presenterNotifications.publishPollResults(); }); test('Presentation upload notification', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const presenterNotifications = new PresenterNotifications(browser, context); await presenterNotifications.initPages(page, true); await presenterNotifications.fileUploaderNotification(); }); test('Screenshare notification', async ({ browser, browserName, context, page }) => { test.skip(browserName === 'firefox' && process.env.DISPLAY === undefined, "Screenshare tests not able in Firefox browser without desktop"); const presenterNotifications = new PresenterNotifications(browser, context); await presenterNotifications.initModPage(page); await presenterNotifications.screenshareToast(); }); }); });