import React from 'react'; import Users from '/imports/api/users'; import VoiceUsers from '/imports/api/voice-users'; import Breakouts from '/imports/api/breakouts'; import Meetings from '/imports/api/meetings'; import UserReaction from '/imports/api/user-reaction'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; import Storage from '/imports/ui/services/storage/session'; import { EMOJI_STATUSES } from '/imports/utils/statuses'; import { makeCall } from '/imports/ui/services/api'; import KEY_CODES from '/imports/utils/keyCodes'; import AudioService from '/imports/ui/components/audio/service'; import VideoService from '/imports/ui/components/video-provider/service'; import UserReactionService from '/imports/ui/components/user-reaction/service'; import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; import { Session } from 'meteor/session'; import Settings from '/imports/ui/services/settings'; import { notify } from '/imports/ui/services/notification'; import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl'; import { getDateString } from '/imports/utils/string-utils'; import { indexOf } from '/imports/utils/array-utils'; import { isEmpty, throttle } from 'radash'; import ChatService from '/imports/ui/components/chat/service'; const CHAT_CONFIG =; const PUBLIC_CHAT_ID = CHAT_CONFIG.public_id; const PUBLIC_GROUP_CHAT_ID = CHAT_CONFIG.public_group_id; const ROLE_MODERATOR = Meteor.settings.public.user.role_moderator; const ROLE_VIEWER = Meteor.settings.public.user.role_viewer; const USER_STATUS_ENABLED = Meteor.settings.public.userStatus.enabled; const DIAL_IN_CLIENT_TYPE = 'dial-in-user'; // session for closed chat list const CLOSED_CHAT_LIST_KEY = 'closedChatList'; // session for chats the current user started const STARTED_CHAT_LIST_KEY = 'startedChatList'; const CUSTOM_LOGO_URL_KEY = 'CustomLogoUrl'; export const setCustomLogoUrl = (path) => Storage.setItem(CUSTOM_LOGO_URL_KEY, path); export const setModeratorOnlyMessage = (msg) => Storage.setItem('ModeratorOnlyMessage', msg); const getCustomLogoUrl = () => Storage.getItem(CUSTOM_LOGO_URL_KEY); const sortByWhiteboardAccess = (a, b) => { const _a = a.whiteboardAccess; const _b = b.whiteboardAccess; if (!_b && _a) return -1; if (!_a && _b) return 1; return 0; }; const sortUsersByUserId = (a, b) => { if (a.userId > b.userId) { return -1; } if (a.userId < b.userId) { return 1; } return 0; }; const sortUsersByName = (a, b) => { const aName = a.sortName || ''; const bName = b.sortName || ''; // Extending for sorting strings with non-ASCII characters // return aName.localeCompare(bName); }; const sortByPropTime = (propName, propTimeName, nullValue, a, b) => { const aObjTime = a[propName] && a[propName] !== nullValue && a[propTimeName] ? a[propTimeName] : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; const bObjTime = b[propName] && b[propName] !== nullValue && b[propTimeName] ? b[propTimeName] : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; if (aObjTime < bObjTime) { return -1; } if (aObjTime > bObjTime) { return 1; } return 0; }; const sortUsersByEmoji = (a, b) => sortByPropTime('emoji', 'emojiTime', 'none', a, b); const sortUsersByAway = (a, b) => sortByPropTime('away', 'awayTime', false, a, b); const sortUsersByRaiseHand = (a, b) => sortByPropTime('raiseHand', 'raiseHandTime', false, a, b); const sortUsersByReaction = (a, b) => sortByPropTime('reaction', 'reactionTime', 'none', a, b); const sortUsersByModerator = (a, b) => { if (a.role === ROLE_MODERATOR && b.role === ROLE_MODERATOR) { return 0; } if (a.role === ROLE_MODERATOR) { return -1; } if (b.role === ROLE_MODERATOR) { return 1; } return 0; }; const sortUsersByPhoneUser = (a, b) => { if (!a.clientType === DIAL_IN_CLIENT_TYPE && !b.clientType === DIAL_IN_CLIENT_TYPE) { return 0; } if (!a.clientType === DIAL_IN_CLIENT_TYPE) { return -1; } if (!b.clientType === DIAL_IN_CLIENT_TYPE) { return 1; } return 0; }; // current user's name is always on top const sortUsersByCurrent = (a, b) => { if (a.userId === Auth.userID) { return -1; } if (b.userId === Auth.userID) { return 1; } return 0; }; const sortUsers = (a, b) => { let sort = sortUsersByCurrent(a, b); if (sort === 0) sort = sortUsersByModerator(a, b); if (sort === 0) sort = sortUsersByRaiseHand(a, b); if (sort === 0) sort = sortUsersByAway(a, b); if (sort === 0) sort = sortUsersByReaction(a, b); if (sort === 0) sort = sortUsersByEmoji(a, b); if (sort === 0) sort = sortUsersByPhoneUser(a, b); if (sort === 0) sort = sortByWhiteboardAccess(a, b); if (sort === 0) sort = sortUsersByName(a, b); if (sort === 0) sort = sortUsersByUserId(a, b); return sort; }; const isPublicChat = (chat) => ( chat.userId === PUBLIC_CHAT_ID ); const userFindSorting = { emojiTime: 1, role: 1, phoneUser: 1, name: 1, userId: 1, }; const addIsSharingWebcam = (users) => { const usersId = VideoService.getUsersIdFromVideoStreams(); return => { const isSharingWebcam = usersId.includes(user.userId); return { ...user, isSharingWebcam, }; }); }; const addUserReaction = (users) => { const usersReactions = UserReaction.find({ meetingId: Auth.meetingID, }).fetch(); return => { let reaction = ''; const obj = usersReactions.find((us) => us.userId === user.userId); if (obj !== undefined) { ({ reaction } = obj); } return { ...user, reaction, }; }); }; // TODO I think this method is no longer used, verify const getUsers = () => { let users = Users .find({ meetingId: Auth.meetingID, }, userFindSorting) .fetch(); const currentUser = Users.findOne({ userId: Auth.userID }, { fields: { role: 1, locked: 1 } }); if (currentUser && currentUser.role === ROLE_VIEWER && currentUser.locked) { const meeting = Meetings.findOne({ meetingId: Auth.meetingID }, { fields: { 'lockSettingsProps.hideUserList': 1 } }); if (meeting && meeting.lockSettingsProps && meeting.lockSettingsProps.hideUserList) { const moderatorOrCurrentUser = (u) => u.role === ROLE_MODERATOR || u.userId === Auth.userID; users = users.filter(moderatorOrCurrentUser); } } return addIsSharingWebcam(addUserReaction(users)).sort(sortUsers); }; const formatUsers = (contextUsers, videoUsers, whiteboardUsers, reactionUsers) => { let users = contextUsers.filter((user) => user.loggedOut === false && user.left === false); const currentUser = Users.findOne({ userId: Auth.userID }, { fields: { role: 1, locked: 1 } }); if (currentUser && currentUser.role === ROLE_VIEWER && currentUser.locked) { const meeting = Meetings.findOne({ meetingId: Auth.meetingID }, { fields: { 'lockSettingsProps.hideUserList': 1 } }); if (meeting && meeting.lockSettingsProps && meeting.lockSettingsProps.hideUserList) { const moderatorOrCurrentUser = (u) => u.role === ROLE_MODERATOR || u.userId === Auth.userID; users = users.filter(moderatorOrCurrentUser); } } return => { const isSharingWebcam = videoUsers?.includes(user.userId); const whiteboardAccess = whiteboardUsers?.includes(user.userId); const reaction = reactionUsers?.includes(user.userId) ? UserReactionService.getUserReaction(user.userId) : { reaction: 'none', reactionTime: 0 }; return { ...user, isSharingWebcam, whiteboardAccess, ...reaction, }; }).sort(sortUsers); }; const getUserCount = () => Users.find({ meetingId: Auth.meetingID }).count(); const hasBreakoutRoom = () => Breakouts.find({ parentMeetingId: Auth.meetingID }, { fields: {} }).count() > 0; const isMe = (userId) => userId === Auth.userID; const getActiveChats = ({ groupChatsMessages, groupChats, users }) => { if (isEmpty(groupChats) && isEmpty(users)) return []; const chatIds = Object.keys(groupChats); const lastTimeWindows = chatIds.reduce((acc, chatId) => { const chat = groupChatsMessages[chatId]; const lastTimewindowKey = chat?.lastTimewindow; const lastTimeWindow = lastTimewindowKey?.split('-')[1]; return { ...acc, chatId: lastTimeWindow, }; }, {}); chatIds.sort((a, b) => { if (a === PUBLIC_GROUP_CHAT_ID) { return -1; } if (lastTimeWindows[a] === lastTimeWindows[b]) { return 0; } return 1; }); const chatInfo = => { const contextChat = groupChatsMessages[chatId]; const isPublicChatId = chatId === PUBLIC_GROUP_CHAT_ID; let unreadMessagesCount = 0; if (contextChat) { const unreadTimewindows = contextChat.unreadTimeWindows; // eslint-disable-next-line for (const unreadTimeWindowId of unreadTimewindows) { const timeWindow = (isPublicChatId ? contextChat?.preJoinMessages[unreadTimeWindowId] || contextChat?.posJoinMessages[unreadTimeWindowId] : contextChat?.messageGroups[unreadTimeWindowId]); unreadMessagesCount += timeWindow.content.length; } } if (chatId !== PUBLIC_GROUP_CHAT_ID) { const groupChatsParticipants = groupChats[chatId].participants; const otherParticipant = groupChatsParticipants.filter((user) => !== Auth.userID)[0]; const user = users[]; const startedChats = Session.get(STARTED_CHAT_LIST_KEY) || []; return { color: user?.color || '#7b1fa2', isModerator: user?.role === ROLE_MODERATOR, name: user?.name ||, avatar: user?.avatar, chatId, unreadCounter: unreadMessagesCount, userId: user?.userId ||, shouldDisplayInChatList: groupChats[chatId].createdBy === Auth.userID || startedChats.includes(chatId) || !!contextChat, }; } return { userId: PUBLIC_CHAT_ID, name: 'Public Chat', icon: 'group_chat', chatId: PUBLIC_CHAT_ID, unreadCounter: unreadMessagesCount, shouldDisplayInChatList: true, }; }); const currentClosedChats = Storage.getItem(CLOSED_CHAT_LIST_KEY) || []; const removeClosedChats = chatInfo.filter((chat) => !currentClosedChats.find(closedChat => closedChat.chatId === chat.chatId) && chat.shouldDisplayInChatList); const sortByChatIdAndUnread = removeClosedChats.sort((a, b) => { if (a.chatId === PUBLIC_GROUP_CHAT_ID) { return -1; } if (b.chatId === PUBLIC_CHAT_ID) { return 0; } if (a.unreadCounter > b.unreadCounter) { return -1; } else if (b.unreadCounter > a.unreadCounter) { return 1; } else { if ( < { return -1; } if ( > { return 1; } return 0; } }); return sortByChatIdAndUnread; }; const isVoiceOnlyUser = (userId) => userId.toString().startsWith('v_'); const isMeetingLocked = (id) => { const meeting = Meetings.findOne({ meetingId: id }, { fields: { lockSettingsProps: 1, usersProp: 1 } }); let isLocked = false; if (meeting.lockSettingsProps !== undefined) { const { lockSettingsProps: lockSettings, usersProp } = meeting; if (lockSettings.disableCam || lockSettings.disableMic || lockSettings.disablePrivateChat || lockSettings.disablePublicChat || lockSettings.disableNotes || lockSettings.hideUserList || lockSettings.hideViewersCursor || lockSettings.hideViewersAnnotation || usersProp.webcamsOnlyForModerator) { isLocked = true; } } return isLocked; }; const getUsersProp = () => { const meeting = Meetings.findOne( { meetingId: Auth.meetingID }, { fields: { 'usersProp.allowModsToUnmuteUsers': 1, 'usersProp.allowModsToEjectCameras': 1, 'usersProp.authenticatedGuest': 1, }, }, ); if (meeting.usersProp) return meeting.usersProp; return { allowModsToUnmuteUsers: false, allowModsToEjectCameras: false, authenticatedGuest: false, }; }; const curatedVoiceUser = (intId) => { const voiceUser = VoiceUsers.findOne({ intId }); return { isVoiceUser: voiceUser ? voiceUser.joined : false, isMuted: voiceUser ? voiceUser.muted && !voiceUser.listenOnly : false, isTalking: voiceUser ? voiceUser.talking && !voiceUser.muted : false, isListenOnly: voiceUser ? voiceUser.listenOnly : false, }; }; const getAvailableActions = ( amIModerator, isBreakoutRoom, subjectUser, subjectVoiceUser, usersProp, amIPresenter, ) => { const isDialInUser = isVoiceOnlyUser(subjectUser.userId) || subjectUser.phone_user; const amISubjectUser = isMe(subjectUser.userId); const isSubjectUserModerator = subjectUser.role === ROLE_MODERATOR; const isSubjectUserGuest = subjectUser.guest; const hasAuthority = amIModerator || amISubjectUser; const allowedToChatPrivately = !amISubjectUser && !isDialInUser; const allowedToMuteAudio = hasAuthority && subjectVoiceUser.isVoiceUser && !subjectVoiceUser.isMuted && !subjectVoiceUser.isListenOnly; const allowedToUnmuteAudio = hasAuthority && subjectVoiceUser.isVoiceUser && !subjectVoiceUser.isListenOnly && subjectVoiceUser.isMuted && (amISubjectUser || usersProp.allowModsToUnmuteUsers); const allowedToResetStatus = hasAuthority && subjectUser.emoji !== EMOJI_STATUSES.none && !isDialInUser; // if currentUser is a moderator, allow removing other users const allowedToRemove = amIModerator && !amISubjectUser && !isBreakoutRoom; const allowedToSetPresenter = amIModerator && !subjectUser.presenter && !isDialInUser; const allowedToPromote = amIModerator && !amISubjectUser && !isSubjectUserModerator && !isDialInUser && !isBreakoutRoom && !(isSubjectUserGuest && usersProp.authenticatedGuest); const allowedToDemote = amIModerator && !amISubjectUser && isSubjectUserModerator && !isDialInUser && !isBreakoutRoom && !(isSubjectUserGuest && usersProp.authenticatedGuest); const allowedToChangeStatus = amISubjectUser && USER_STATUS_ENABLED; const allowedToChangeUserLockStatus = amIModerator && !isSubjectUserModerator && isMeetingLocked(Auth.meetingID); const allowedToChangeWhiteboardAccess = amIPresenter && !amISubjectUser; const allowedToEjectCameras = amIModerator && !amISubjectUser && usersProp.allowModsToEjectCameras; const allowedToSetAway = amISubjectUser && !USER_STATUS_ENABLED; return { allowedToChatPrivately, allowedToMuteAudio, allowedToUnmuteAudio, allowedToResetStatus, allowedToRemove, allowedToSetPresenter, allowedToPromote, allowedToDemote, allowedToChangeStatus, allowedToChangeUserLockStatus, allowedToChangeWhiteboardAccess, allowedToEjectCameras, allowedToSetAway, }; }; const normalizeEmojiName = (emoji) => ( emoji in EMOJI_STATUSES ? EMOJI_STATUSES[emoji] : emoji ); const setEmojiStatus = throttle({ interval: 1000 }, (userId, emoji) => { const statusAvailable = (Object.keys(EMOJI_STATUSES).includes(emoji)); return statusAvailable ? makeCall('setEmojiStatus', Auth.userID, emoji) : makeCall('setEmojiStatus', userId, 'none'); }); const setUserAway = throttle({ interval: 1000 }, (userId, away) => { return makeCall('changeAway', away); }, 250, { leading: false, trailing: true }); const setUserRaiseHand = throttle({ interval: 1000 }, (userId, raiseHand) => { return makeCall('changeRaiseHand', raiseHand); }, 250, { leading: false, trailing: true }); const clearAllEmojiStatus = () => { makeCall('clearAllUsersEmoji'); }; const clearAllReactions = () => { makeCall('clearAllUsersReaction'); }; const assignPresenter = (userId) => { makeCall('assignPresenter', userId); }; const removeUser = (userId, banUser) => { if (isVoiceOnlyUser(userId)) { makeCall('ejectUserFromVoice', userId, banUser); } else { makeCall('removeUser', userId, banUser); } }; const toggleVoice = (userId) => { if (userId === Auth.userID) { AudioService.toggleMuteMicrophone(); } else { makeCall('toggleVoice', userId);{ logCode: 'usermenu_option_mute_toggle_audio', extraInfo: { logType: 'moderator_action', userId }, }, 'moderator muted user microphone'); } }; const ejectUserCameras = (userId) => { makeCall('ejectUserCameras', userId); }; const getEmoji = () => { const currentUser = Users.findOne({ userId: Auth.userID }, { fields: { emoji: 1 } }); if (!currentUser) { return false; } return currentUser.emoji; }; const muteAllUsers = (userId) => { makeCall('muteAllUsers', userId); }; const muteAllExceptPresenter = (userId) => { makeCall('muteAllExceptPresenter', userId); }; const changeRole = (userId, role) => { makeCall('changeRole', userId, role); }; const focusFirstDropDownItem = () => { const dropdownContent = document.querySelector('div[data-test="dropdownContent"][style="visibility: visible;"]'); if (!dropdownContent) return; const list = dropdownContent.getElementsByTagName('li'); list[0].focus(); }; const roving = (...args) => { const [ event, changeState, elementsList, element, ] = args; this.selectedElement = element; const numberOfChilds = elementsList.childElementCount; const menuOpen = Session.get('dropdownOpen') || false; if (menuOpen) { const menuChildren = document.activeElement.getElementsByTagName('li'); if ([KEY_CODES.ESCAPE, KEY_CODES.ARROW_LEFT].includes(event.keyCode)) { Session.set('dropdownOpen', false);; } if ([KEY_CODES.ARROW_UP].includes(event.keyCode)) { menuChildren[menuChildren.length - 1].focus(); } if ([KEY_CODES.ARROW_DOWN].includes(event.keyCode)) { for (let i = 0; i < menuChildren.length; i += 1) { if (menuChildren[i].hasAttribute('tabIndex')) { menuChildren[i].focus(); break; } } } return; } if ([KEY_CODES.ESCAPE, KEY_CODES.TAB].includes(event.keyCode)) { Session.set('dropdownOpen', false); changeState(null); } if (event.keyCode === KEY_CODES.ARROW_DOWN) { const firstElement = elementsList.firstChild; let elRef = element && numberOfChilds > 1 ? element.nextSibling : firstElement; elRef = elRef || firstElement; changeState(elRef); } if (event.keyCode === KEY_CODES.ARROW_UP) { const lastElement = elementsList.lastChild; let elRef = element ? element.previousSibling : lastElement; elRef = elRef || lastElement; changeState(elRef); } if ([KEY_CODES.ARROW_RIGHT, KEY_CODES.SPACE, KEY_CODES.ENTER].includes(event.keyCode)) { const tether = document.activeElement.firstChild; const dropdownTrigger = tether.firstChild; dropdownTrigger?.click(); focusFirstDropDownItem(); } }; const toggleUserLock = (userId, lockStatus) => { makeCall('toggleUserLock', userId, lockStatus); }; const requestUserInformation = (userId) => { makeCall('requestUserInformation', userId); }; const sortUsersByFirstName = (a, b) => { const aUser = { sortName: a.firstName ? a.firstName : '' }; const bUser = { sortName: b.firstName ? b.firstName : '' }; return sortUsersByName(aUser, bUser); }; const sortUsersByLastName = (a, b) => { const aUser = { sortName: a.lastName ? a.lastName : '' }; const bUser = { sortName: b.lastName ? b.lastName : '' }; return sortUsersByName(aUser, bUser); }; const isUserPresenter = (userId = Auth.userID) => { const user = Users.findOne({ userId }, { fields: { presenter: 1 } }); return user ? user.presenter : false; }; export const getUserNamesLink = (docTitle, fnSortedLabel, lnSortedLabel) => { const mimeType = 'text/plain'; const userNamesObj = getUsers() .map((u) => { const name =' '); return ({ firstName: name[0], middleNames: name.length > 2 ? name.slice(1, name.length - 1) : null, lastName: name.length > 1 ? name[name.length - 1] : null, }); }); const getUsernameString = (user) => { const { firstName, middleNames, lastName } = user; return `${firstName || ''} ${middleNames && middleNames.length > 0 ? middleNames.join(' ') : ''} ${lastName || ''}`; }; const namesByFirstName = userNamesObj.sort(sortUsersByFirstName) .map((u) => getUsernameString(u)).join('\r\n'); const namesByLastName = userNamesObj.sort(sortUsersByLastName) .map((u) => getUsernameString(u)).join('\r\n'); const namesListsString = `${docTitle}\r\n\r\n${fnSortedLabel}\r\n${namesByFirstName} \r\n\r\n${lnSortedLabel}\r\n${namesByLastName}`.replace(/ {2}/g, ' '); const link = document.createElement('a'); const meeting = Meetings.findOne({ meetingId: Auth.meetingID }, { fields: { '': 1 } }); link.setAttribute('download', `bbb-${}[users-list]_${getDateString()}.txt`); link.setAttribute( 'href', `data: ${mimeType};charset=utf-16,${encodeURIComponent(namesListsString)}`, ); return link; }; const UserJoinedMeetingAlert = (obj) => { const { userJoinAudioAlerts, userJoinPushAlerts, } = Settings.application; if (!userJoinAudioAlerts && !userJoinPushAlerts) return; if (userJoinAudioAlerts) { AudioService.playAlertSound(`${ + +}` + '/resources/sounds/userJoin.mp3'); } if (userJoinPushAlerts) { notify( , obj.notificationType, obj.icon, ); } } const UserLeftMeetingAlert = (obj) => { const { userLeaveAudioAlerts, userLeavePushAlerts, } = Settings.application; if (!userLeaveAudioAlerts && !userLeavePushAlerts) return; if (userLeaveAudioAlerts) { AudioService.playAlertSound(`${ + +}` + '/resources/sounds/notify.mp3'); } if (userLeavePushAlerts) { notify( , obj.notificationType, obj.icon, ); } } export default { sortUsersByName, sortUsers, setEmojiStatus, setUserAway, setUserRaiseHand, clearAllEmojiStatus, clearAllReactions, assignPresenter, removeUser, toggleVoice, muteAllUsers, muteAllExceptPresenter, changeRole, getUsers, formatUsers, getActiveChats, getAvailableActions, curatedVoiceUser, normalizeEmojiName, isMeetingLocked, isPublicChat, roving, getCustomLogoUrl, hasBreakoutRoom, getEmojiList: () => EMOJI_STATUSES, getEmoji, toggleUserLock, requestUserInformation, focusFirstDropDownItem, isUserPresenter, getUsersProp, getUserCount, sortUsersByCurrent, ejectUserCameras, UserJoinedMeetingAlert, UserLeftMeetingAlert, };