import BaseAudioBridge from './base'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; import FullAudioBroker from '/imports/ui/services/bbb-webrtc-sfu/fullaudio-broker'; import loadAndPlayMediaStream from '/imports/ui/services/bbb-webrtc-sfu/load-play'; import { fetchWebRTCMappedStunTurnServers, getMappedFallbackStun, } from '/imports/utils/fetchStunTurnServers'; import getFromMeetingSettings from '/imports/ui/services/meeting-settings'; import Storage from '/imports/ui/services/storage/session'; import browserInfo from '/imports/utils/browserInfo'; import { DEFAULT_INPUT_DEVICE_ID, DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DEVICE_ID, INPUT_DEVICE_ID_KEY, OUTPUT_DEVICE_ID_KEY, getAudioSessionNumber, getAudioConstraints, filterSupportedConstraints, } from '/imports/api/audio/client/bridge/service'; const SFU_URL = Meteor.settings.public.kurento.wsUrl; const MEDIA =; const DEFAULT_FULLAUDIO_MEDIA_SERVER =; const MEDIA_TAG = MEDIA.mediaTag.replace(/#/g, ''); const GLOBAL_AUDIO_PREFIX = 'GLOBAL_AUDIO_'; const RECONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS = MEDIA.listenOnlyCallTimeout || 15000; const SENDRECV_ROLE = 'sendrecv'; const RECV_ROLE = 'recv'; const BRIDGE_NAME = 'fullaudio'; const IS_CHROME = browserInfo.isChrome; // SFU's base broker has distinct error codes so that it can be reused by different // modules. Errors that have a valid, localized counterpart in audio manager are // mapped so that the user gets a localized error message. // The ones that haven't (ie SFU's servers-side errors), aren't mapped. const errorCodeMap = { 1301: 1001, 1302: 1002, 1305: 1005, 1307: 1007, }; const mapErrorCode = (error) => { const { errorCode } = error; const mappedErrorCode = errorCodeMap[errorCode]; if (errorCode == null || mappedErrorCode == null) return error; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign error.errorCode = mappedErrorCode; return error; }; const getMediaServerAdapter = () => getFromMeetingSettings( 'media-server-fullaudio', DEFAULT_FULLAUDIO_MEDIA_SERVER, ); export default class FullAudioBridge extends BaseAudioBridge { constructor(userData) { super(); this.internalMeetingID = userData.meetingId; this.voiceBridge = userData.voiceBridge; this.userId = userData.userId; = userData.username; this.sessionToken = userData.sessionToken; = { inputDevice: {}, }; = null; this.reconnecting = false; this.iceServers = []; this.inEchoTest = false; this.bridgeName = BRIDGE_NAME; } get inputDeviceId() { const sessionInputDeviceId = Storage.getItem(INPUT_DEVICE_ID_KEY); if (sessionInputDeviceId) { return sessionInputDeviceId; } if ( { return; } return null; } set inputDeviceId(deviceId) { Storage.setItem(INPUT_DEVICE_ID_KEY, deviceId); = deviceId; } get outputDeviceId() { const sessionOutputDeviceId = Storage.getItem(OUTPUT_DEVICE_ID_KEY); if (sessionOutputDeviceId) { return sessionOutputDeviceId; } if ( { return; } return DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DEVICE_ID; } set outputDeviceId(deviceId) { Storage.setItem(OUTPUT_DEVICE_ID_KEY, deviceId); = deviceId; } get inputStream() { if ( { return; } return null; } async setInputStream(stream) { try { if ( == null) return null; await; return stream; } catch (error) { logger.warn({ logCode: 'fullaudio_setinputstream_error', extraInfo: { errorCode: error.code, errorMessage: error.message, bridgeName: this.bridgeName, }, }, 'Failed to set input stream (mic)'); return null; } } getPeerConnection() { if (! return null; const { webRtcPeer } =; if (webRtcPeer) return webRtcPeer.peerConnection; return null; } handleTermination() { return this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.ended, bridge: this.bridgeName }); } clearReconnectionTimeout() { this.reconnecting = false; if (this.reconnectionTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.reconnectionTimeout); this.reconnectionTimeout = null; } } reconnect() {; this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.reconnecting, bridge: this.bridgeName }); this.reconnecting = true; // Set up a reconnectionTimeout in case the server is unresponsive // for some reason. If it gets triggered, end the session and stop // trying to reconnect this.reconnectionTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.failed, error: 1010, bridgeError: 'Reconnection timeout', bridge: this.bridgeName, });; this.clearReconnectionTimeout(); }, RECONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS); this.joinAudio({ isListenOnly: this.isListenOnly }, this.callback).then( () => this.clearReconnectionTimeout(), ).catch((error) => { // Error handling is a no-op because it will be "handled" in handleBrokerFailure logger.debug({ logCode: 'fullaudio_reconnect_failed', extraInfo: { errorMessage: error.errorMessage, reconnecting: this.reconnecting, bridge: this.bridgeName, }, }, 'Fullaudio reconnect failed'); }); } handleBrokerFailure(error) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { mapErrorCode(error); const { errorMessage, errorCause, errorCode } = error; if ( && !this.reconnecting) { logger.error({ logCode: 'fullaudio_error_try_to_reconnect', extraInfo: { errorMessage, errorCode, errorCause, bridge: this.bridgeName, }, }, 'Fullaudio failed, try to reconnect'); this.reconnect(); return resolve(); } // Already tried reconnecting once OR the user handn't succesfully // connected firsthand. Just finish the session and reject with error logger.error({ logCode: 'fullaudio_error', extraInfo: { errorMessage, errorCode, errorCause, reconnecting: this.reconnecting, bridge: this.bridgeName, }, }, 'Fullaudio failed'); this.clearReconnectionTimeout();; this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.failed, error: errorCode, bridgeError: errorMessage, bridge: this.bridgeName, }); return reject(error); }); } dispatchAutoplayHandlingEvent(mediaElement) { const tagFailedEvent = new CustomEvent('audioPlayFailed', { detail: { mediaElement }, }); window.dispatchEvent(tagFailedEvent); this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.autoplayBlocked, bridge: this.bridgeName }); } handleStart() { const stream =; const mediaElement = document.getElementById(MEDIA_TAG); return loadAndPlayMediaStream(stream, mediaElement, false).then(() => this .callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.started, bridge: this.bridgeName, })).catch((error) => { // NotAllowedError equals autoplay issues, fire autoplay handling event. // This will be handled in audio-manager. if ( === 'NotAllowedError') { logger.error({ logCode: 'fullaudio_error_autoplay', extraInfo: { errorName:, bridge: this.bridgeName }, }, 'Fullaudio media play failed due to autoplay error'); this.dispatchAutoplayHandlingEvent(mediaElement); } else { const normalizedError = { errorCode: 1004, errorMessage: error.message || 'AUDIO_PLAY_FAILED', }; this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.failed, error: normalizedError.errorCode, bridgeError: normalizedError.errorMessage, bridge: this.bridgeName, }); throw normalizedError; } }); } async _initBrokerEventsPromise() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { if (! resolve(null); = this.handleTermination.bind(this); = (error) => { this.handleBrokerFailure(error).catch(reject); }; = () => { this.handleStart().then(resolve).catch(reject); }; } catch (error) { reject(error); } }); } async _startBroker(options) { try { const { isListenOnly, extension } = options; this.inEchoTest = !!extension; this.isListenOnly = isListenOnly; const callerIdName = [ `${this.userId}_${getAudioSessionNumber()}`, 'bbbID', isListenOnly ? `${GLOBAL_AUDIO_PREFIX}${this.voiceBridge}` :, ].join('-').replace(/"/g, "'"); const brokerOptions = { userName:, caleeName: callerIdName, extension, iceServers: this.iceServers, mediaServer: getMediaServerAdapter(), constraints: getAudioConstraints({ deviceId: this.inputDeviceId }), }; = new FullAudioBroker( Auth.authenticateURL(SFU_URL), this.voiceBridge, this.userId, this.internalMeetingID, isListenOnly ? RECV_ROLE : SENDRECV_ROLE, brokerOptions, ); const initBrokerEventsPromise = this._initBrokerEventsPromise();; return initBrokerEventsPromise; } catch (error) { logger.warn({ logCode: 'fullaudio_bridge_broker_init_fail' }, 'Problem when initializing SFU broker for fullaudio bridge'); throw error; } } async joinAudio(options, callback) { try { this.callback = callback; this.iceServers = await fetchWebRTCMappedStunTurnServers(this.sessionToken); } catch (error) { logger.error({ logCode: 'fullaudio_stun-turn_fetch_failed' }, 'SFU audio bridge failed to fetch STUN/TURN info, using default servers'); this.iceServers = getMappedFallbackStun(); } finally { await this._startBroker(options); } } sendDtmf(tones) { if ( {; } } transferCall(onTransferSuccess) { this.inEchoTest = false; return this.trackTransferState(onTransferSuccess); } async liveChangeInputDevice(deviceId) { try { const constraints = { audio: getAudioConstraints({ deviceId }), }; this.inputStream.getAudioTracks().forEach((t) => t.stop()); const updatedStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints); await this.setInputStream(updatedStream); this.inputDeviceId = deviceId; return updatedStream; } catch (error) { logger.warn({ logCode: 'fullaudio_livechangeinputdevice_error', extraInfo: { errorCode: error.code, errorMessage: error.message, bridgeName: this.bridgeName, }, }, 'Failed to change input device (mic)'); return null; } } async updateAudioConstraints(constraints) { try { if (typeof constraints !== 'object') return; const matchConstraints = filterSupportedConstraints(constraints); if (IS_CHROME) { matchConstraints.deviceId = this.inputDeviceId; const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia( { audio: matchConstraints }, ); this.setInputStream(stream); } else { this.inputStream.getAudioTracks().forEach((track) => track.applyConstraints(matchConstraints)); } } catch (error) { logger.error({ logCode: 'fullaudio_audio_constraint_error', extraInfo: { errorCode: error.code, errorMessage: error.message, bridgeName: this.bridgeName, }, }, 'Failed to update audio constraint'); } } exitAudio() { const mediaElement = document.getElementById(MEDIA_TAG);; this.clearReconnectionTimeout(); if (mediaElement && typeof mediaElement.pause === 'function') { mediaElement.pause(); mediaElement.srcObject = null; } return Promise.resolve(); } } module.exports = FullAudioBridge;