# Development
## Setting up the environment
### 1. Install [Node.js](
Here's a quick how-to for installing it from source code (replace `X.X.X` by the required node version that you can
find on [`package.json`](
tar -xvf node-vX.X.X.tar.gz
cd node-vX.X.X/
sudo make install
### 2. Install node dependencies
cd bbb-html5-client
npm install
### 3. Clean Redis database
redis-cli flushdb
### 4. Do a clean restart of BigBlueButton
bbb-conf --clean
### 5. Run the BBB server
cd bbb-html5-client
node app.js
## Generating the documentation
This application uses [codo]( to generate HTML pages with the documentation
for the HTML5 client and server. This documentation is targeted for developers.
To generate the documentation pages, use:
cake docs
The files will be output to the folder `docs/`.
## Testing
cake test
To run tests for a single file:
cake -f test/lib/ test
To stop immediately in case a test fails:
cake -b test