import { gql } from '@apollo/client'; // Interface for a single cursor coordinates object export interface CursorCoordinates { xPercent: number; yPercent: number; userId: string; } // Interface for the response data export interface CursorCoordinatesResponse { pres_page_cursor_stream: CursorCoordinates[]; } export interface UserCursor { name: string; presenter: boolean; role: string; } export interface userCursorResponse { userId: string; isCurrentPage: boolean; lastUpdatedAt: string; pageId: string; presentationId: string; user: UserCursor; } // Interface for the pres_page_cursor subscription export interface CursorSubscriptionResponse { pres_page_cursor: Array; } export const CURRENT_PRESENTATION_PAGE_SUBSCRIPTION = gql`subscription CurrentPresentationPagesSubscription { pres_page_curr { height isCurrentPage num pageId scaledHeight scaledViewBoxHeight scaledViewBoxWidth scaledWidth svgUrl: urlsJson(path: "$.svg") width xOffset yOffset presentationId content downloadFileUri totalPages downloadable presentationName isDefaultPresentation } }`; export const PRESENTATIONS_SUBSCRIPTION = gql`subscription PresentationsSubscription { pres_presentation { uploadInProgress current downloadFileUri downloadable uploadErrorDetailsJson uploadErrorMsgKey filenameConverted isDefault name totalPages totalPagesUploaded presentationId removable uploadCompleted } }`; export const EXPORTING_PRESENTATIONS_SUBSCRIPTION = gql`subscription PresentationsSubscription { pres_presentation { uploadInProgress current downloadFileUri downloadable uploadErrorDetailsJson uploadErrorMsgKey filenameConverted isDefault name totalPages totalPagesUploaded presentationId removable uploadCompleted exportToChatInProgress exportToChatStatus exportToChatCurrentPage exportToChatHasError } }`; export const PROCESSED_PRESENTATIONS_SUBSCRIPTION = gql`subscription ProcessedPresentationsSubscription { pres_presentation(where: { uploadCompleted: { _eq: true } }) { current name presentationId } }`; export const CURRENT_PAGE_ANNOTATIONS_QUERY = gql`query CurrentPageAnnotationsQuery { pres_annotation_curr(order_by: { lastUpdatedAt: desc }) { annotationId annotationInfo lastHistorySequence lastUpdatedAt pageId presentationId userId } }`; export const CURRENT_PAGE_ANNOTATIONS_STREAM = gql`subscription annotationsStream($lastUpdatedAt: timestamptz){ pres_annotation_curr_stream(batch_size: 1000, cursor: {initial_value: {lastUpdatedAt: $lastUpdatedAt}}) { annotationId annotationInfo lastUpdatedAt pageId presentationId userId } }`; export const CURRENT_PAGE_WRITERS_SUBSCRIPTION = gql` subscription currentPageWritersSubscription($pageId: String!) { pres_page_writers(where: { pageId: { _eq: $pageId } }) { userId } } `; export const CURRENT_PAGE_WRITERS_QUERY = gql`query currentPageWritersQuery { pres_page_writers { userId pageId } }`; export const cursorUserSubscription = gql`subscription CursorSubscription { pres_page_cursor { userId isCurrentPage pageId presentationId user { name presenter role } } }`; export const getcursorsCoordinatesStream = gql` subscription getCursorCoordinatesStream { pres_page_cursor_stream(cursor: {initial_value: {lastUpdatedAt: "2020-01-01"}}, batch_size: 100) { xPercent yPercent lastUpdatedAt userId } } `; export default CURRENT_PAGE_ANNOTATIONS_QUERY;