var presenterUserID = ""; var registerListeners = function() { console.log("Listening for events."); BBB.listen("SwitchedLayoutEvent", function(bbbEvent) { console.log("New Layout [" + bbbEvent.layoutID + "]."); }); BBB.listen("NewRoleEvent", function(bbbEvent) { console.log("New Role Event [amIPresenter=" + bbbEvent.amIPresenter + ",role=" + bbbEvent.role + ",newPresenterUserID=" + bbbEvent.newPresenterUserID + "]."); }); BBB.listen("SwitchedPresenterEvent", function(bbbEvent) { console.log("Switched Presenter [amIPresenter=" + bbbEvent.amIPresenter + ",role=" + bbbEvent.role + ",newPresenterUserID=" + bbbEvent.newPresenterUserID + "]."); presenterUserID = bbbEvent.newPresenterUserID; if (bbbEvent.amIPresenter) { console.log("*** I am presenter. Am I publishing webcam?"); BBB.listen("AmISharingCamQueryResponse", function(bbbEvent2) { console.log("AmISharingCamQueryResponse [isPublishing=" + bbbEvent2.isPublishing + ",camIndex=" + bbbEvent2.camIndex + "]"); }); BBB.amISharingWebcam(); BBB.amISharingWebcam(function(bbbEvent3) { console.log("amISharingWebcam [isPublishing=" + bbbEvent3.isPublishing + ",camIndex=" + bbbEvent3.camIndex + ",camWidth=" + bbbEvent3.camWidth + ",camHeight=" + bbbEvent3.camHeight + ",camKeyFrameInterval=" + bbbEvent3.camKeyFrameInterval + ",camModeFps=" + bbbEvent3.camModeFps + ",camQualityBandwidth=" + bbbEvent3.camQualityBandwidth + ",camQualityPicture=" + bbbEvent3.camQualityPicture + "]"); if (bbbEvent3.isPublishing) { CAM_PREVIEW.stopPreviewCamera(); CAM_PREVIEW.previewCamera(bbbEvent3.camIndex, bbbEvent3.camWidth, bbbEvent3.camHeight, bbbEvent3.camKeyFrameInterval, bbbEvent3.camModeFps, bbbEvent3.camQualityBandwidth, bbbEvent3.camQualityPicture); } }); } else { console.log("*** I am NOT presenter. Is new presenter publishing webcam?"); BBB.listen("IsUserPublishingCamResponse", function(bbbEvent4) { console.log("IsUserPublishingCamResponse [isUserPublishing=" + bbbEvent4.isUserPublishing + ",uri=" + bbbEvent4.uri + ",streamName=" + bbbEvent4.streamName + "]"); }); BBB.isUserSharingWebcam(bbbEvent.newPresenterUserID); BBB.isUserSharingWebcam(bbbEvent.newPresenterUserID, function(bbbEvent5) { console.log("isUserSharingWebcam [isUserPublishing=" + bbbEvent5.isUserPublishing + ",uri=" + bbbEvent5.uri + ",streamName=" + bbbEvent5.streamName + "]"); if (presenterUserID == bbbEvent.userID) { CAM_VIEW.stopViewWebcamStream(); CAM_VIEW.viewWebcamStream(bbbEvent.uri, bbbEvent.streamName); } }); CAM_PREVIEW.stopPreviewCamera(); } }); BBB.listen("UserLeftEvent", function(bbbEvent) { console.log("User [" + bbbEvent.userID + "] has left."); }); BBB.listen("UserJoinedEvent", function(bbbEvent) { console.log("User [" + bbbEvent.userID + ", [" + bbbEvent.userName + "] has joined."); }); BBB.listen("NewPublicChatEvent", function(bbbEvent) { console.log("Received NewPublicChatEvent [" + bbbEvent.message + "]"); }); BBB.listen("NewPrivateChatEvent", function(bbbEvent) { console.log("Received NewPrivateChatEvent event"); }); BBB.listen("UserJoinedVoiceEvent", function(bbbEvent) { console.log("User [" + bbbEvent.userID + "] had joined the voice conference."); }); BBB.listen("UserLeftVoiceEvent", function(bbbEvent) { console.log("User [" + bbbEvent.userID + "has left the voice conference."); }); BBB.listen("UserVoiceMutedEvent", function(bbbEvent) { console.log("User [" + bbbEvent.userID + "] is muted [" + bbbEvent.muted + "]"); }); BBB.listen("UserLockedVoiceEvent", function(bbbEvent) { console.log("User [" + bbbEvent.userID + "] is locked [" + bbbEvent.locked + "]"); }); BBB.listen("CamStreamSharedEvent", function(bbbEvent) { console.log("User CamStreamSharedEvent [" + bbbEvent.uri + "," + bbbEvent.streamName + "]"); if (presenterUserID == bbbEvent.userID) { CAM_VIEW.stopViewWebcamStream(); CAM_VIEW.viewWebcamStream(bbbEvent.uri, bbbEvent.streamName); } }); BBB.listen("BroadcastingCameraStartedEvent", function(bbbEvent) { console.log("User BroadcastingCameraStartedEvent [" + bbbEvent.camIndex + "] [" + bbbEvent.camWidth + "]"); if (bbbEvent.isPresenter) { CAM_PREVIEW.stopPreviewCamera(); CAM_PREVIEW.previewCamera(bbbEvent.camIndex, bbbEvent.camWidth, bbbEvent.camHeight, bbbEvent.camKeyFrameInterval, bbbEvent.camModeFps, bbbEvent.camQualityBandwidth, bbbEvent.camQualityPicture); } }); BBB.listen("BroadcastingCameraStoppedEvent", function(bbbEvent) { console.log("User BroadcastingCameraStoppedEvent ]"); CAM_PREVIEW.stopPreviewCamera(); }); } var leaveVoiceConference2 = function () { BBB.leaveVoiceConference(); } var joinVoiceConference2 = function () { BBB.joinVoiceConference(); } var amIPresenterAsync = function() { BBB.listen("AmIPresenterQueryResponse", function(bbbEvent) { console.log("Received AmIPresenterQueryResponse event [" + bbbEvent.amIPresenter + "]"); }); BBB.amIPresenter(); } var amIPresenterSync = function() { BBB.amIPresenter(function(amIPresenter) { console.log("Am I Presenter = " + amIPresenter); }); } var getMyUserInfoAsynch = function() { BBB.listen("GetMyUserInfoResponse", function(bbbEvent) { console.log("User info response [myUserID=" + bbbEvent.myUserID + ",myUsername=" + bbbEvent.myUsername + ",myAvatarURL=" + bbbEvent.myAvatarURL + ",myRole=" + bbbEvent.myRole + ",amIPresenter=" + bbbEvent.amIPresenter + "]."); }); BBB.getMyUserInfo(); } var getMyUserInfoSynch = function() { BBB.getMyUserInfo(function(userInfo) { console.log("User info callback [myUserID=" + userInfo.myUserID + ",myUsername=" + userInfo.myUsername + ",myAvatarURL=" + userInfo.myAvatarURL + ",myRole=" + userInfo.myRole + ",amIPresenter=" + userInfo.amIPresenter + "]."); }); } var getMyRoleAsynch = function() { BBB.listen("GetMyRoleResponse", function(bbbEvent) { console.log("Received GetMyRoleResponse event [" + bbbEvent.myRole + "]"); }); BBB.getMyRole(); } var getMyRoleSynch = function() { BBB.getMyRole(function(myRole) { console.log("My role = " + myRole); }); } var getMyUserID = function() { BBB.getMyUserID(function(userID) { console.log("My user ID = [" + userID + "]"); }); } var getMeetingID = function() { BBB.getMeetingID(function(meetingID) { console.log("Meeting ID = [" + meetingID + "]"); }); } var muteMe = function() { BBB.muteMe(); } var unmuteMe = function() { BBB.unmuteMe(); } var muteAll = function() { BBB.muteAll(); } var unmuteAll = function() { BBB.unmuteAll(); } var switchLayout = function(newLayout) { BBB.switchLayout(newLayout); } var lockLayout = function(lock) { BBB.lockLayout(lock); } var sendPublicChat = function () { var message = "Hello from the Javascript API"; BBB.sendPublicChatMessage('0x7A7A7A', "en", message); } var sendPrivateChat = function () { var message = "ECHO: " + bbbEvent.message; BBB.sendPrivateChatMessage(bbbEvent.fromColor, bbbEvent.fromLang, message, bbbEvent.fromUserID); } var webcamViewStandaloneAppReady = function() { console.log("WebcamViewStandalone App is ready."); BBB.getPresenterUserID(function(puid) { if (puid == "") { console.log("There is no presenter in the meeting"); } else { console.log("The presenter user id is [" + puid + "]"); // Is presenter sharing webcam? If so, get the webcam stream and display. } }); } var webcamPreviewStandaloneAppReady = function() { console.log("WebcamPreviewStandalone App is ready."); BBB.getPresenterUserID(function(puid) { if (puid == "") { console.log("There is no presenter in the meeting"); } else { console.log("The presenter user id is [" + puid + "]"); } }); // Am I presenter? If so, am I publishing my camera? If so, display my camera. }