import {Polygon as SVGPolygon} from '@svgdotjs/svg.js'; import {Geo} from './Geo.js'; /** * Creates an SVG right-arrow shape. * * @class ArrowRight * @extends {Geo} */ export class ArrowRight extends Geo { /** * Draws a right arrow shape on the SVG canvas. * @return {G} Returns the SVG group element containing the right arrow. */ draw() { const w = this.w; const h = this.h + this.growY; const ox = Math.min(w, h) * 0.38; const oy = h * 0.16; const points = [ [0, oy], [w - ox, oy], [w - ox, 0], [w, h / 2], [w - ox, h], [w - ox, h - oy], [0, h - oy], ].map(([x, y]) => `${x},${y}`).join(' '); const arrowGroup = this.shapeGroup; const arrow = new SVGPolygon(); arrow.plot(points) .stroke({color: this.shapeColor, width: this.thickness}) .style({dasharray: this.dasharray}); this.setFill(arrow); arrowGroup.add(arrow); this.drawLabel(arrowGroup); return arrowGroup; } }