import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl'; import _ from 'lodash'; import Button from '/imports/ui/components/button/component'; import Dropdown from '/imports/ui/components/dropdown/component'; import DropdownTrigger from '/imports/ui/components/dropdown/trigger/component'; import DropdownContent from '/imports/ui/components/dropdown/content/component'; import DropdownList from '/imports/ui/components/dropdown/list/component'; import DropdownListItem from '/imports/ui/components/dropdown/list/item/component'; import { styles } from '../styles'; const POLL_SETTINGS = Meteor.settings.public.poll; const MAX_CUSTOM_FIELDS = POLL_SETTINGS.maxCustom; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ quickPollLabel: { id: 'app.poll.quickPollTitle', description: 'Quick poll button title', }, trueOptionLabel: { id: 'app.poll.t', description: 'Poll true option value', }, falseOptionLabel: { id: 'app.poll.f', description: 'Poll false option value', }, yesOptionLabel: { id: 'app.poll.y', description: 'Poll yes option value', }, noOptionLabel: { id: 'app.poll.n', description: 'Poll no option value', }, abstentionOptionLabel: { id: 'app.poll.abstention', description: 'Poll Abstention option value', }, }); const propTypes = { intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired, parseCurrentSlideContent: PropTypes.func.isRequired, amIPresenter: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, }; const getAvailableQuickPolls = (slideId, parsedSlides, startPoll, pollTypes) => { const pollItemElements = => { let { poll: label, type } = poll; let itemLabel = label; let letterAnswers = []; if (type !== pollTypes.YesNo && type !== pollTypes.YesNoAbstention && type !== pollTypes.TrueFalse) { const { options } = itemLabel; itemLabel = options.join('/').replace(/[\n.)]/g, ''); if (type === pollTypes.Custom) { for (const option of options) { const letterOption = option.replace(/[\r.)]/g, ''); if (letterAnswers.length < MAX_CUSTOM_FIELDS) { letterAnswers.push(letterOption); } else { break; } } } } // removes any whitespace from the label itemLabel = itemLabel.replace(/\s+/g, '').toUpperCase(); const numChars = { 1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C', 4: 'D', 5: 'E', }; itemLabel = itemLabel.split('').map((c) => { if (numChars[c]) return numChars[c]; return c; }).join(''); return ( startPoll(type, slideId, letterAnswers)} answers={letterAnswers} /> ); }); const sizes = []; return pollItemElements.filter((el) => { const { label } = el.props; if (label.length === sizes[sizes.length - 1]) return; sizes.push(label.length); return el; }); }; class QuickPollDropdown extends Component { render() { const { amIPresenter, intl, parseCurrentSlideContent, startPoll, currentSlide, activePoll, className, pollTypes, } = this.props; const parsedSlide = parseCurrentSlideContent( intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.yesOptionLabel), intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.noOptionLabel), intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.abstentionOptionLabel), intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.trueOptionLabel), intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.falseOptionLabel), ); const { slideId, quickPollOptions } = parsedSlide; const quickPolls = getAvailableQuickPolls(slideId, quickPollOptions, startPoll, pollTypes); if (quickPollOptions.length === 0) return null; let answers = null; let quickPollLabel = ''; if (quickPolls.length > 0) { const { props: pollProps } = quickPolls[0]; quickPollLabel = pollProps.label; answers = pollProps.answers; } let singlePollType = null; if (quickPolls.length === 1 && quickPollOptions.length) { const { type } = quickPollOptions[0]; singlePollType = type; } let btn = (