Template.displayUserIcons.events 'click .muteIcon': (event) -> toggleMic @ 'click .raisedHandIcon': (event) -> # the function to call 'userLowerHand' # the meeting id # the _id of the person whose land is to be lowered # the userId of the person who is lowering the hand BBB.lowerHand(getInSession("meetingId"), @userId, getInSession("userId"), getInSession("authToken")) Template.displayUserIcons.helpers userLockedIconApplicable: (userId) -> # the lock settings affect the user (and requiire a lock icon) if # the user is set to be locked and there is a relevant lock in place locked = BBB.getUser(userId)?.user.locked settings = Meteor.Meetings.findOne()?.roomLockSettings lockInAction = settings.disablePrivChat or settings.disableCam or settings.disableMic or settings.lockedLayout or settings.disablePubChat return locked and lockInAction # Opens a private chat tab when a username from the userlist is clicked Template.usernameEntry.events 'click .usernameEntry': (event) -> userIdSelected = @.userId unless userIdSelected is null if userIdSelected is BBB.getCurrentUser()?.userId setInSession "inChatWith", "PUBLIC_CHAT" else setInSession "inChatWith", userIdSelected if isPortrait() or isPortraitMobile() toggleLeftDrawer() toggleLeftArrowClockwise() toggleShield() setTimeout () -> # waits until the end of execution queue $("#newMessageInput").focus() , 0 'click .gotUnreadMail': (event) -> _this = @ currentId = getInSession('userId') if currentId isnt undefined and currentId is _this.userId _id = "PUBLIC_CHAT" else _id = _this.userId chats = getInSession('chats') if chats isnt undefined for chat in chats if chat.userId is _id chat.gotMail = false chat.number = 0 break setInSession 'chats', chats Template.usernameEntry.helpers hasGotUnreadMailClass: (userId) -> chats = getInSession('chats') if chats isnt undefined for chat in chats if chat.userId is userId and chat.gotMail return true return false getNumberOfUnreadMessages: (userId) -> chats = getInSession('chats') if chats isnt undefined for chat in chats if chat.userId is userId and chat.gotMail if chat.number > 9 return "9+" else return chat.number return