import React, { useContext } from 'react'; import { withTracker } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; import { getSharingContentType, getBroadcastContentType, isScreenGloballyBroadcasting, isCameraAsContentGloballyBroadcasting, isScreenBroadcasting, isCameraAsContentBroadcasting, } from './service'; import ScreenshareComponent from './component'; import { layoutSelect, layoutSelectOutput, layoutDispatch } from '../layout/context'; import getFromUserSettings from '/imports/ui/services/users-settings'; import { UsersContext } from '/imports/ui/components/components-data/users-context/context'; import AudioService from '/imports/ui/components/audio/service'; import { shouldEnableVolumeControl } from './service'; import MediaService from '/imports/ui/components/media/service'; import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl'; const screenshareIntlMessages = defineMessages({ // SCREENSHARE label: { id: 'app.screenshare.screenShareLabel', description: 'screen share area element label', }, presenterLoadingLabel: { id: 'app.screenshare.presenterLoadingLabel', }, viewerLoadingLabel: { id: 'app.screenshare.viewerLoadingLabel', }, presenterSharingLabel: { id: 'app.screenshare.presenterSharingLabel', }, autoplayBlockedDesc: { id: '', }, autoplayAllowLabel: { id: '', }, started: { id: '', description: 'toast to show when a screenshare has started', }, ended: { id: '', description: 'toast to show when a screenshare has ended', }, endedDueToDataSaving: { id: '', description: 'toast to show when a screenshare has ended by changing data savings option', } }); const cameraAsContentIntlMessages = defineMessages({ // CAMERA AS CONTENT label: { id: 'app.cameraAsContent.cameraAsContentLabel', description: 'screen share area element label', }, presenterLoadingLabel: { id: 'app.cameraAsContent.presenterLoadingLabel', }, viewerLoadingLabel: { id: 'app.cameraAsContent.viewerLoadingLabel', }, presenterSharingLabel: { id: 'app.cameraAsContent.presenterSharingLabel', }, autoplayBlockedDesc: { id: '', }, autoplayAllowLabel: { id: '', }, started: { id: '', description: 'toast to show when camera as content has started', }, ended: { id: '', description: 'toast to show when camera as content has ended', }, endedDueToDataSaving: { id: '', description: 'toast to show when camera as content has ended by changing data savings option', }, }); import NotesService from '/imports/ui/components/notes/service'; const ScreenshareContainer = (props) => { const screenShare = layoutSelectOutput((i) => i.screenShare); const fullscreen = layoutSelect((i) => i.fullscreen); const layoutContextDispatch = layoutDispatch(); const { element } = fullscreen; const fullscreenElementId = 'Screenshare'; const fullscreenContext = (element === fullscreenElementId); const usingUsersContext = useContext(UsersContext); const { users } = usingUsersContext; const currentUser = users[Auth.meetingID][Auth.userID]; const isPresenter = currentUser.presenter; const info = { screenshare: { icon: "desktop", locales: screenshareIntlMessages, startPreviewSizeBig: false, showSwitchPreviewSizeButton: true, }, camera: { icon: "video", locales: cameraAsContentIntlMessages, startPreviewSizeBig: true, showSwitchPreviewSizeButton: false, }, }; const getContentType = () => { return isPresenter ? getSharingContentType() : getBroadcastContentType(); } const contentTypeInfo = info[getContentType()]; const defaultInfo =; const selectedInfo = contentTypeInfo ? contentTypeInfo : defaultInfo; if (isScreenBroadcasting() || isCameraAsContentBroadcasting()) { return ( ); } return null; }; const LAYOUT_CONFIG = Meteor.settings.public.layout; export default withTracker(() => { return { isGloballyBroadcasting: isScreenGloballyBroadcasting() || isCameraAsContentGloballyBroadcasting(), toggleSwapLayout: MediaService.toggleSwapLayout, hidePresentationOnJoin: getFromUserSettings('bbb_hide_presentation_on_join', LAYOUT_CONFIG.hidePresentationOnJoin), enableVolumeControl: shouldEnableVolumeControl(), outputDeviceId: AudioService.outputDeviceId(), isSharedNotesPinned: MediaService.shouldShowSharedNotes(), pinSharedNotes: NotesService.pinSharedNotes, }; })(ScreenshareContainer);