import { check } from 'meteor/check'; import Logger from '/imports/startup/server/logger'; import Annotations from '/imports/api/annotations'; const ANNOTATION_TYPE_TEXT = 'text'; const ANNOTATION_TYPE_PENCIL = 'pencil'; // line, triangle, ellipse, rectangle function handleCommonAnnotation(meetingId, whiteboardId, userId, annotation) { const { id, status, annotationType, annotationInfo, wbId, position } = annotation; const selector = { meetingId, id, userId, }; const modifier = { $set: { whiteboardId, meetingId, id, status, annotationType, annotationInfo, wbId, position, }, $inc: { version: 1 }, }; return { selector, modifier }; } function handleTextUpdate(meetingId, whiteboardId, userId, annotation) { const { id, status, annotationType, annotationInfo, wbId, position } = annotation; const selector = { meetingId, id, userId, }; annotationInfo.text = annotationInfo.text.replace(/[\r]/g, '\n'); const modifier = { $set: { whiteboardId, meetingId, id, status, annotationType, annotationInfo, wbId, position, }, $inc: { version: 1 }, }; return { selector, modifier }; } function handlePencilUpdate(meetingId, whiteboardId, userId, annotation) { // fetching annotation statuses from the config const ANOTATION_STATUSES = Meteor.settings.public.whiteboard.annotations.status; const DRAW_START = ANOTATION_STATUSES.start; const DRAW_UPDATE = ANOTATION_STATUSES.update; const DRAW_END = ANOTATION_STATUSES.end; const SERVER_CONFIG =; const PENCIL_CHUNK_SIZE = SERVER_CONFIG.pencilChunkLength || 100; const { id, status, annotationType, annotationInfo, wbId, position } = annotation; const baseSelector = { meetingId, id, userId, }; let baseModifier; let chunkSelector; let chunkModifier; // fetching the Annotation object const Annotation = Annotations.findOne(baseSelector); // a helper func, to split the initial annotation.points into subdocuments // returns an array of { selector, modifier } objects for subdocuments. const createPencilObjects = () => { const chunks = []; // if the length of the points < PENCIL_CHUNK_SIZE then we simply return an array with one chunk if (annotationInfo.points.length < PENCIL_CHUNK_SIZE) { const chunkId = `${id}--${1}`; chunks.push({ selector: { meetingId, userId, id: chunkId, }, modifier: { $set: { whiteboardId, meetingId, id: chunkId, status, annotationType, annotationInfo, wbId, position, }, $inc: { version: 1 }, }, }); return chunks; } // *default flow* // length of the points >= PENCIL_CHUNK_SIZE, so we split them into subdocuments // counter is used for generating ids. let i = 0; let counter = 1; for (; i <= annotationInfo.points.length; i += PENCIL_CHUNK_SIZE, counter += 1) { const chunkId = `${id}--${counter}`; // we always need to attach the last coordinate from the previous subdocument // to the front of the current subdocument, to connect the pencil path const _annotationInfo = annotationInfo; _annotationInfo.points = annotationInfo.points.slice(i === 0 ? 0 : i - 2, PENCIL_CHUNK_SIZE); chunks.push({ selector: { meetingId, userId, id: chunkId, }, modifier: { $set: { whiteboardId, meetingId, id: chunkId, status, annotationType, annotationInfo: _annotationInfo, wbId, position, }, $inc: { version: 1 }, }, }); } return chunks; }; switch (status) { case DRAW_START: { // on start we split the points const chunks = createPencilObjects(); // create the 'pencil_base' baseModifier = { id, userId, meetingId, position, annotationType: 'pencil_base', numberOfChunks: chunks.length, lastChunkLength: chunks[chunks.length - 1].length, lastCoordinate: [ annotationInfo.points[annotationInfo.points.length - 2], annotationInfo.points[annotationInfo.points.length - 1], ], }; // upserting all the chunks for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i += 1) { Annotations.upsert(chunks[i].selector, chunks[i].modifier); } // base will be updated in the main addAnnotation event return { selector: baseSelector, modifier: baseModifier }; } case DRAW_UPDATE: { // checking if "pencil_base" exists if (Annotation) { const { numberOfChunks, lastChunkLength } = Annotation; // if lastChunkLength < PENCIL_CHUNK_SIZE then we can simply push points to the last object if (lastChunkLength < PENCIL_CHUNK_SIZE) { // creating a modifier for 'pencil_base' baseModifier = { $set: { lastChunkLength: lastChunkLength + annotation.annotationInfo.points.length, lastCoordinate: [ annotationInfo.points[annotationInfo.points.length - 2], annotationInfo.points[annotationInfo.points.length - 1], ], }, }; const chunkId = `${id}--${numberOfChunks}`; chunkSelector = { meetingId, userId, id: chunkId, }; // fetching the last pencil sub-document const chunk = Annotations.findOne(chunkSelector); // adding the coordinates to the end of the last sub-document annotationInfo.points = chunk.annotationInfo.points.concat(annotationInfo.points); chunkModifier = { $set: { annotationInfo, }, $inc: { version: 1 }, }; // if lastChunkLength > PENCIL_CHUNK_SIZE then we need to create another chunk } else if (lastChunkLength >= PENCIL_CHUNK_SIZE) { baseModifier = { $set: { numberOfChunks: numberOfChunks + 1, lastChunkLength: annotationInfo.points.length, lastCoordinate: [ annotationInfo.points[annotationInfo.points.length - 2], annotationInfo.points[annotationInfo.points.length - 1], ], }, }; const chunkId = `${id}--${numberOfChunks + 1}`; chunkSelector = { meetingId, userId, id: chunkId, }; // pushing the last coordinate to the front of the current chunk's points annotationInfo.points.unshift(Annotation.lastCoordinate[0], Annotation.lastCoordinate[1]); chunkModifier = { $set: { whiteboardId, meetingId, userId, id: chunkId, status, annotationType, annotationInfo, wbId, position: Annotation.position, }, $inc: { version: 1 }, }; } // upserting the new subdocument Annotations.upsert(chunkSelector, chunkModifier); // base will be updated in the main AddAnnotation func return { selector: baseSelector, modifier: baseModifier }; } // **default flow** // if we are here then it means that Annotation object is not in the db // So creating everything similar to DRAW_START case const _chunks = createPencilObjects(); // creating 'pencil_base' based on the info we received from createPencilObjects() baseModifier = { id, userId, meetingId, position, annotationType: 'pencil_base', numberOfChunks: _chunks.length, lastChunkLength: _chunks[_chunks.length - 1].length, lastCoordinate: [ annotationInfo.points[annotationInfo.points.length - 2], annotationInfo.points[annotationInfo.points.length - 1], ], }; // upserting all the chunks for (let i = 0; i < _chunks.length; i += 1) { Annotations.upsert(_chunks[i].selector, _chunks[i].modifier); } // base will be updated in the main AddAnnotation func return { selector: baseSelector, modifier: baseModifier }; } case DRAW_END: { // If a user just finished drawing with the pencil // Removing all the sub-documents and replacing the 'pencil_base' if (Annotation && Annotation.annotationType === 'pencil_base') { // delete everything and replace base const chunkIds = []; for (let i = 0; i <= Annotation.numberOfChunks; i += 1) { chunkIds.push(`${}--${i}`); } chunkSelector = { meetingId, userId, id: { $in: chunkIds }, }; Annotations.remove(chunkSelector); } // Updating the main pencil object with the final info baseModifier = { $set: { whiteboardId, meetingId, id, status, annotationType, annotationInfo, wbId, position, }, $inc: { version: 1 }, $unset: { numberOfChunks: '', lastChunkLength: '', lastCoordinate: '', }, }; return { selector: baseSelector, modifier: baseModifier }; } default: { return {}; } } } export default function addAnnotation(meetingId, whiteboardId, userId, annotation) { check(meetingId, String); check(whiteboardId, String); check(annotation, Object); let query; switch (annotation.annotationType) { case ANNOTATION_TYPE_TEXT: query = handleTextUpdate(meetingId, whiteboardId, userId, annotation); break; case ANNOTATION_TYPE_PENCIL: query = handlePencilUpdate(meetingId, whiteboardId, userId, annotation); break; default: query = handleCommonAnnotation(meetingId, whiteboardId, userId, annotation); break; } const cb = (err, numChanged) => { if (err) { return Logger.error(`Adding annotation to collection: ${err}`); } const { insertedId } = numChanged; if (insertedId) { return`Added annotation id=${} whiteboard=${whiteboardId}`); } return`Upserted annotation id=${} whiteboard=${whiteboardId}`); }; return Annotations.upsert(query.selector, query.modifier, cb); }