@import "/imports/ui/stylesheets/variables/_all"; @import '/imports/ui/stylesheets/mixins/_indicators'; :root { --navbar-height: 3.9375rem; // TODO: Change to NavBar real height --actionsbar-height: 75px; // TODO: Change to ActionsBar real height --bars-padding: calc(var(--lg-padding-x) - .45rem); // -.45 so user-list and chat title is aligned with the presentation title --userlist-handle-width: 5px; // 5px so user-list and chat resize handle render as the same size --poll-pane-min-width: 20em; --panel-margin-left: 0.1em; } .main { @extend %flex-column; position: relative; height: 100%; } .navbar { position: relative; text-align: center; font-size: 1.5rem; padding: var(--bars-padding) var(--bars-padding) 0 var(--bars-padding); height: 7rem; } .wrapper { @extend %flex-column; position: relative; flex: 1; overflow: hidden; @include mq($medium-up) { flex-flow: row; } } %full-page { position: absolute; display: flex; flex-flow: column; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; @include mq($small-only) { top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; } @include mq($medium-up) { position: relative; } } .content, .noPanelContent { @extend %full-page; order: 3; &:before, &:after { content: ''; position: absolute; display: block; width: 100%; height: 50%; opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; :global(.animationsEnabled) & { transition: opacity .3s; } } &:before { top: 0; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, .45) -20%, transparent 20%); } &:after { bottom: 0; background: linear-gradient(to top, rgba(0, 0, 0, .45) -20%, transparent 20%); } @include mq($medium-up) { flex: 5; order: 2; } } .content{ margin:0 0 0 var(--panel-margin-left); [dir="rtl"] & { margin:0 var(--panel-margin-left) 0 0; } } .userList { @extend %full-page; @extend %text-elipsis; @extend %highContrastOutline; outline-style: solid; z-index: 3; overflow: visible; order: 1; @include mq($small-only) { top: var(--navbar-height); } @include mq($medium-up) { flex: 0 15vw; order: 1; height: 100%; } @include mq($xlarge-up) { flex-basis: 10vw; height: 100%; } } .userlistPad { background-color: var(--color-off-white); width: var(--userlist-handle-width); } .compact { flex-basis: 4.6rem; } .poll, .breakoutRoom, .note, .captions, .chat { @extend %full-page; @extend %highContrastOutline; outline-style: solid; order: 2; height: 100%; @include mq($small-only) { z-index: 4; height: auto; top: var(--navbar-height); overflow: visible; } @include mq($medium-up) { // flex: 0 25vw; order: 1; } @include mq($xlarge-up) { // flex-basis: 20vw; } } .poll { background-color: var(--color-white); min-width: var(--poll-pane-min-width); padding: 1rem; } .breakoutRoom { height: 100%; // width: 20vw; background-color: var(--color-white); @include mq($small-only) { // width: auto; height: auto; } } .sidebar { @extend %full-page; z-index: 4; @include mq($medium-up) { flex: 0 15vw; order: 2; } } .media { @extend %full-page; flex: 1 100%; order: 2; flex-direction: row; position: relative; margin: 0 0 0 var(--panel-margin-right); overflow: hidden; z-index: 0; [dir="rtl"] & { margin: 0 var(--panel-margin-right) 0 0; } @include mq($portrait) { flex-direction: column; } } .captionsWrapper { position: absolute; width: auto; height: auto; bottom: 100px; left: 20%; z-index: 2; } .actionsbar { flex: 1; padding: var(--bars-padding); position: relative; order: 3; }