import { useMutation } from '@apollo/client'; import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import Styled from './styles'; import Icon from '/imports/ui/components/common/icon/icon-ts/component'; import humanizeSeconds from '/imports/utils/humanizeSeconds'; import useTimeSync from '/imports/ui/core/local-states/useTimeSync'; import useCurrentUser from '/imports/ui/core/hooks/useCurrentUser'; import { layoutSelectInput } from '../../layout/context'; import { Input } from '../../layout/layoutTypes'; import { TIMER_START, TIMER_STOP } from '../mutations'; import useTimer from '/imports/ui/core/hooks/useTImer'; interface TimerIndicatorProps { passedTime: number; stopwatch: boolean; songTrack: string; running: boolean; isModerator: boolean; sidebarNavigationIsOpen: boolean; sidebarContentIsOpen: boolean; startedOn: number; } const TimerIndicator: React.FC = ({ passedTime, stopwatch, songTrack, running, isModerator, sidebarNavigationIsOpen, sidebarContentIsOpen, startedOn, }) => { const [time, setTime] = useState(0); const timeRef = useRef(null); const intervalRef = useRef>(); const alarm = useRef(); const music = useRef(); const triggered = useRef(true); const alreadyNotified = useRef(false); const [startTimerMutation] = useMutation(TIMER_START); const [stopTimerMutation] = useMutation(TIMER_STOP); const [songTrackState, setSongTrackState] = useState(songTrack); const CDN =; const BASENAME =; const HOST = CDN + BASENAME; const trackName =; type ObjectKey = keyof typeof trackName; const startTimer = () => { startTimerMutation(); }; const stopTimer = () => { stopTimerMutation(); }; useEffect(() => { if (songTrackState !== songTrack) { if (music.current) music.current.pause(); } if (songTrack in trackName) { music.current = new Audio(`${HOST}/resources/sounds/${trackName[songTrack as ObjectKey]}.mp3`); setSongTrackState(songTrack); music.current.addEventListener('timeupdate', () => { const buffer = 0.19; // Start playing the music before it ends to make the loop gapless if (!music.current) return null; if (music.current.currentTime > music.current.duration - buffer) { music.current.currentTime = 0;; } return null; }); } return () => { if (music.current) music.current.pause(); }; }, [songTrack]); useEffect(() => { setTime(passedTime); }, []); useEffect(() => { alarm.current = new Audio(`${HOST}/resources/sounds/alarm.mp3`); }, []); useEffect(() => { if (running) { setTime(passedTime); intervalRef.current = setInterval(() => { setTime((prev) => { if (stopwatch) return (Math.round(prev / 1000) * 1000) + 1000; const t = (Math.floor(prev / 1000) * 1000) - 1000; if (t <= 0) { if (!alreadyNotified.current) { triggered.current = false; alreadyNotified.current = true; if (alarm.current); } } return t < 0 ? 0 : t; }); }, 1000); } else if (!running) { clearInterval(intervalRef.current); } return () => { if (intervalRef.current) clearInterval(intervalRef.current); }; }, [running]); useEffect(() => { if (!running) return; const timePassed = passedTime >= 0 ? passedTime : 0; setTime((prev) => { if (timePassed < prev) return timePassed; if (timePassed > prev) return timePassed; return prev; }); }, [passedTime, stopwatch, startedOn]); useEffect(() => { if (!timeRef.current) { if (intervalRef.current) clearInterval(intervalRef.current); if (music.current) music.current.pause(); if (alarm.current) alarm.current.pause(); } }, [time]); useEffect(() => { if (running && songTrack !== 'noTrack') { if (music.current); } else if (!running || songTrack === 'noTrack') { if (music.current) music.current.pause(); } if (running && alreadyNotified.current) { alreadyNotified.current = false; } }, [running, songTrackState]); useEffect(() => { if (startedOn === 0) { setTime(passedTime); } }, [startedOn]); const onClick = running ? stopTimer : startTimer; return ( {}} data-test="timeIndicator" > {humanizeSeconds(Math.floor(time / 1000))} ); }; const TimerIndicatorContainer: React.FC = () => { const { data: currentUser } = useCurrentUser((u) => ({ isModerator: u.isModerator, })); const { data: timerData, } = useTimer(); const [timeSync] = useTimeSync(); const sidebarNavigation = layoutSelectInput((i: Input) => i.sidebarNavigation); const sidebarContent = layoutSelectInput((i: Input) => i.sidebarContent); const sidebarNavigationIsOpen = sidebarNavigation.isOpen; const sidebarContentIsOpen = sidebarContent.isOpen; const currentTimer = timerData; if (!currentTimer?.active) return null; const { accumulated, running, startedOn, stopwatch, songTrack, time, } = currentTimer; const currentDate: Date = new Date(); const startedAtDate: Date = new Date(startedOn ||; const adjustedCurrent: Date = new Date(currentDate.getTime() + timeSync); const timeDifferenceMs: number = adjustedCurrent.getTime() - startedAtDate.getTime(); const timePassed = stopwatch ? ( Math.floor(((running ? timeDifferenceMs : 0) + (accumulated ?? 0))) ) : ( Math.floor(((time ?? 0) - ((accumulated ?? 0) + (running ? timeDifferenceMs : 0))))); return ( ); }; export default TimerIndicatorContainer;