import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; const CURSOR_INTERVAL = 16; export default class PresentationOverlay extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); // last sent coordinates this.lastSentClientX = 0; this.lastSentClientY = 0; // last updated coordinates this.currentClientX = 0; this.currentClientY = 0; // id of the setInterval() this.intervalId = 0; // Mobile Firefox has a bug where e.preventDefault on touchstart doesn't prevent // onmousedown from triggering right after. Thus we have to track it manually. // In case if it's fixed one day - there is another issue, React one. // // Check it to figure if you can add onTouchStart in render(), or should use raw DOM api this.touchStarted = false; this.handleTouchStart = this.handleTouchStart.bind(this); this.handleTouchMove = this.handleTouchMove.bind(this); this.handleTouchEnd = this.handleTouchEnd.bind(this); this.handleTouchCancel = this.handleTouchCancel.bind(this); this.mouseMoveHandler = this.mouseMoveHandler.bind(this); this.checkCursor = this.checkCursor.bind(this); this.mouseEnterHandler = this.mouseEnterHandler.bind(this); this.mouseOutHandler = this.mouseOutHandler.bind(this); this.getTransformedSvgPoint = this.getTransformedSvgPoint.bind(this); this.svgCoordinateToPercentages = this.svgCoordinateToPercentages.bind(this); } // transforms the coordinate from window coordinate system // to the main svg coordinate system getTransformedSvgPoint(clientX, clientY) { const svgObject = this.props.getSvgRef(); const screenPoint = svgObject.createSVGPoint(); screenPoint.x = clientX; screenPoint.y = clientY; // transform a screen point to svg point const CTM = svgObject.getScreenCTM(); return screenPoint.matrixTransform(CTM.inverse()); } checkCursor() { // check if the cursor hasn't moved since last check if (this.lastSentClientX !== this.currentClientX || this.lastSentClientY !== this.currentClientY) { const { currentClientX, currentClientY } = this; // retrieving a transformed coordinate let transformedSvgPoint = this.getTransformedSvgPoint(currentClientX, currentClientY); // determining the cursor's coordinates as percentages from the slide's width/height transformedSvgPoint = this.svgCoordinateToPercentages(transformedSvgPoint); // updating last sent raw coordinates this.lastSentClientX = currentClientX; this.lastSentClientY = currentClientY; // sending the update to the server this.props.updateCursor({ xPercent: transformedSvgPoint.x, yPercent: transformedSvgPoint.y, whiteboardId: this.props.whiteboardId, }); } } // receives an svg coordinate and changes the values to percentages of the slide's width/height svgCoordinateToPercentages(svgPoint) { const point = { x: (svgPoint.x / this.props.slideWidth) * 100, y: (svgPoint.y / this.props.slideHeight) * 100, }; return point; } handleTouchStart(event) { // to prevent default behavior (scrolling) on devices (in Safari), when you draw a text box event.preventDefault(); window.addEventListener('touchend', this.handleTouchEnd, { passive: false }); window.addEventListener('touchmove', this.handleTouchMove, { passive: false }); window.addEventListener('touchcancel', this.handleTouchCancel, true); this.touchStarted = true; const { clientX, clientY } = event.changedTouches[0]; this.currentClientX = clientX; this.currentClientY = clientY; const intervalId = setInterval(this.checkCursor, CURSOR_INTERVAL); this.intervalId = intervalId; } handleTouchMove(event) { event.preventDefault(); const { clientX, clientY } = event.changedTouches[0]; this.currentClientX = clientX; this.currentClientY = clientY; } handleTouchEnd(event) { event.preventDefault(); // touch ended, removing the interval clearInterval(this.intervalId); this.intervalId = 0; // resetting the touchStarted flag this.touchStarted = false; // setting the coords to negative values and send the last message (the cursor will disappear) this.currentClientX = -1; this.currentClientY = -1; this.checkCursor(); window.removeEventListener('touchend', this.handleTouchEnd, { passive: false }); window.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.handleTouchMove, { passive: false }); window.removeEventListener('touchcancel', this.handleTouchCancel, true); } handleTouchCancel(event) { event.preventDefault(); // touch was cancelled, removing the interval clearInterval(this.intervalId); this.intervalId = 0; // resetting the touchStarted flag this.touchStarted = false; // setting the coords to negative values and send the last message (the cursor will disappear) this.currentClientX = -1; this.currentClientY = -1; this.checkCursor(); window.removeEventListener('touchend', this.handleTouchEnd, { passive: false }); window.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.handleTouchMove, { passive: false }); window.removeEventListener('touchcancel', this.handleTouchCancel, true); } mouseMoveHandler(event) { if (this.touchStarted) { return; } // for the case where you change settings in one of the lists (which are displayed on the slide) // the mouse starts pointing to the slide right away and mouseEnter doesn't fire // so we call it manually here if (!this.intervalId) { this.mouseEnterHandler(); } this.currentClientX = event.clientX; this.currentClientY = event.clientY; } mouseEnterHandler() { if (this.touchStarted) { return; } const intervalId = setInterval(this.checkCursor, CURSOR_INTERVAL); this.intervalId = intervalId; } mouseOutHandler() { // mouse left the whiteboard, removing the interval clearInterval(this.intervalId); this.intervalId = 0; // setting the coords to negative values and send the last message (the cursor will disappear) this.currentClientX = -1; this.currentClientY = -1; this.checkCursor(); } render() { return (
); } } PresentationOverlay.propTypes = { whiteboardId: PropTypes.string.isRequired, // Defines a function which returns a reference to the main svg object getSvgRef: PropTypes.func.isRequired, // Defines the calculated slide width (in svg coordinate system) slideWidth: PropTypes.number.isRequired, // Defines the calculated slide height (in svg coordinate system) slideHeight: PropTypes.number.isRequired, // A function to send a cursor update updateCursor: PropTypes.func.isRequired, // As a child we expect only a WhiteboardOverlay at this point children: PropTypes.element.isRequired, };