import React, { Component } from 'react'; import ScreenshareContainer from '/imports/ui/components/screenshare/container'; import styles from './styles'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import { log } from '/imports/ui/services/api'; import { notify } from '/imports/ui/services/notification'; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ iceCandidateError: { id: '', description: 'Error message for ice candidate fail', }, permissionError: { id: '', description: 'Error message for webcam permission', }, sharingError: { id: '', description: 'Error on sharing webcam', }, chromeExtensionError: { id: '', description: 'Error message for Chrome Extension not installed', }, chromeExtensionErrorLink: { id: '', description: 'Error message for Chrome Extension not installed', }, }); class VideoElement extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); } render() { return ; } componentDidMount() { this.props.onMount(this.props.videoId, false); } } class VideoDock extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); // Set a valid bbb-webrtc-sfu application server socket in the settings = new ReconnectingWebSocket(Meteor.settings.public.kurento.wsUrl); this.wsQueue = []; this.webRtcPeers = {}; this.reconnectWebcam = false; this.reconnectList = false; this.sharedCameraTimeout = null; this.subscribedCamerasTimeouts = []; this.state = { videos: {}, sharedWebcam : false, }; this.sendUserShareWebcam = props.sendUserShareWebcam.bind(this); this.sendUserUnshareWebcam = props.sendUserUnshareWebcam.bind(this); this.unshareWebcam = this.unshareWebcam.bind(this); this.shareWebcam = this.shareWebcam.bind(this); this.onWsOpen = this.onWsOpen.bind(this); this.onWsClose = this.onWsClose.bind(this); this.onWsMessage = this.onWsMessage.bind(this); } setupReconnectVideos() { for (id in this.webRtcPeers) { this.disconnected(id); this.stop(id); } } reconnectVideos() { for (i in this.reconnectList) { const id = this.reconnectList[i]; // TODO: base this on BBB API users instead of using memory if (id != this.myId) { setTimeout(() => { log('debug', ` [camera] Trying to reconnect camera ${id}`); this.start(id, false); }, 5000); } } if (this.reconnectWebcam) { log('debug', ` [camera] Trying to re-share ${this.myId} after reconnect.`); this.start(this.myId, true); } this.reconnectWebcam = false; this.reconnectList = []; } componentDidMount() { const ws =; const { users } = this.props; const id = users[0].userId; for (let i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { if (users[i].has_stream && users[i].userId !== id) { this.start(users[i].userId, false); } } document.addEventListener('joinVideo', this.shareWebcam.bind(this));// TODO find a better way to do this document.addEventListener('exitVideo', this.unshareWebcam.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('installChromeExtension', this.installChromeExtension.bind(this)); window.addEventListener('resize', this.adjustVideos); ws.addEventListener('message', this.onWsMessage); } componentWillMount () {'open', this.onWsOpen);'close', this.onWsClose); window.addEventListener('online',; window.addEventListener('offline',; } componentWillUnmount () { document.removeEventListener('joinVideo', this.shareWebcam); document.removeEventListener('exitVideo', this.unshareWebcam); document.removeEventListener('installChromeExtension', this.installChromeExtension); window.removeEventListener('resize', this.adjustVideos);'message', this.onWsMessage);'open', this.onWsOpen);'close', this.onWsClose); // Close websocket connection to prevent multiple reconnects from happening window.removeEventListener('online',; window.removeEventListener('offline',;; } adjustVideos () { setTimeout(() => { window.adjustVideos('webcamArea', true); }, 0); } onWsOpen () { log('debug', '------ Websocket connection opened.'); // -- Resend queued messages that happened when socket was not connected while (this.wsQueue.length > 0) { this.sendMessage(this.wsQueue.pop()); } this.reconnectVideos(); } onWsClose (error) { log('debug', '------ Websocket connection closed.'); this.setupReconnectVideos(); } onWsMessage (msg) { const { intl } = this.props; const parsedMessage = JSON.parse(; console.log('Received message new ws message: '); console.log(parsedMessage); switch ( { case 'startResponse': this.startResponse(parsedMessage); break; case 'error': this.handleError(parsedMessage); break; case 'playStart': this.handlePlayStart(parsedMessage); break; case 'playStop': this.handlePlayStop(parsedMessage); break; case 'iceCandidate': const webRtcPeer = this.webRtcPeers[parsedMessage.cameraId]; if (webRtcPeer !== null) { if (webRtcPeer.didSDPAnswered) { webRtcPeer.addIceCandidate(parsedMessage.candidate, (err) => { if (err) { this.notifyError(intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.iceCandidateError)); return log('error', `Error adding candidate: ${err}`); } }); } else { webRtcPeer.iceQueue.push(parsedMessage.candidate); } } else { log('error', ' [ICE] Message arrived before webRtcPeer?'); } break; } }; start(id, shareWebcam) { const that = this; console.log(`Starting video call for video: ${id} with ${shareWebcam}`); if (shareWebcam) { this.setState({sharedWebcam: true}); this.myId = id; this.initWebRTC(id, true); } else { // initWebRTC with shareWebcam false will be called after react mounts the element this.createVideoTag(id); } } initWebRTC(id, shareWebcam) { let that = this; const { intl } = this.props; const onIceCandidate = function (candidate) { const message = { type: 'video', role: shareWebcam ? 'share' : 'viewer', id: 'onIceCandidate', candidate, cameraId: id, }; that.sendMessage(message); }; let videoConstraints = {}; if (!!navigator.userAgent.match(/Version\/[\d\.]+.*Safari/)) { // Custom constraints for Safari videoConstraints = { width: {min:320, max:640}, height: {min:240, max:480} } } else { videoConstraints = { width: {min: 320, ideal: 320}, height: {min: 240, ideal:240}, frameRate: {min: 5, ideal: 10} }; } let options = { mediaConstraints: { audio: false, video: videoConstraints }, onicecandidate: onIceCandidate, }; let peerObj; if (shareWebcam) { options.localVideo = this.refs.videoInput; peerObj = kurentoUtils.WebRtcPeer.WebRtcPeerSendonly; } else { peerObj = kurentoUtils.WebRtcPeer.WebRtcPeerRecvonly; options.remoteVideo = document.getElementById(`video-elem-${id}`); } let webRtcPeer = new peerObj(options, function (error) { if (error) { log('error', ' WebRTC peerObj create error'); log('error', error); that.notifyError(intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.permissionError)); /* This notification error is displayed considering kurento-utils * returned the error 'The request is not allowed by the user agent * or the platform in the current context.', but there are other * errors that could be returned. */ that.destroyWebRTCPeer(id); that.destroyVideoTag(id); return log('error', error); } this.didSDPAnswered = false; this.iceQueue = []; that.webRtcPeers[id] = webRtcPeer; if (shareWebcam) { that.sharedWebcam = webRtcPeer; } this.generateOffer((error, offerSdp) => { if (error) { log('error', ' WebRtc generate offer error'); that.destroyWebRTCPeer(id); that.destroyVideoTag(id); return log('error', error); } console.log(`Invoking SDP offer callback function ${}`); const message = { type: 'video', role: shareWebcam ? 'share' : 'viewer', id: 'start', sdpOffer: offerSdp, cameraId: id, }; that.sendMessage(message); }); while (this.iceQueue.length) { let candidate = this.iceQueue.shift(); this.addIceCandidate(candidate, (err) => { if (err) { this.notifyError(intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.iceCandidateError)); return console.error(`Error adding candidate: ${err}`); } }); } this.didSDPAnswered = true; }); } disconnected(id) { if (this.sharedWebcam) { log('debug', ' [camera] Webcam disconnected, will try re-share webcam later.'); this.reconnectWebcam = true; } else { this.reconnectList.push(id); log('debug', ` [camera] ${id} disconnected, will try re-subscribe later.`); } } stop(id) { const { users } = this.props; this.sendMessage({ type: 'video', role: id == users[0].userId ? 'share' : 'viewer', id: 'stop', cameraId: id, }); this.destroyWebRTCPeer(id); this.destroyVideoTag(id); } createVideoTag(id) { let videos = this.state.videos; videos[id] = true; this.setState({videos: videos}) } destroyVideoTag(id) { let videos = this.state.videos; delete videos[id]; this.setState({videos: videos}); if (id == this.myId) { this.setState({sharedWebcam: false}); } } destroyWebRTCPeer(id) { const webRtcPeer = this.webRtcPeers[id]; if (webRtcPeer) { log('info', 'Stopping WebRTC peer'); if (id == this.myId && this.sharedWebcam) { this.sharedWebcam.dispose(); this.sharedWebcam = null; } webRtcPeer.dispose(); delete this.webRtcPeers[id]; } else { log('info', 'No WebRTC peer to stop (not an error)'); } } shareWebcam() { const { users } = this.props; const id = users[0].userId; if (this.connectedToMediaServer()) { this.start(id, true); } else { log("error", "Not connected to media server"); } } unshareWebcam() { log('info', 'Unsharing webcam'); const { users } = this.props; const id = users[0].userId; this.sendUserUnshareWebcam(id); } startResponse(message) { const id = message.cameraId; const webRtcPeer = this.webRtcPeers[id]; if (message.sdpAnswer == null) { return log('debug', 'Null sdp answer. Camera unplugged?'); } if (webRtcPeer == null) { return log('debug', 'Null webrtc peer ????'); } log('info', 'SDP answer received from server. Processing ...'); webRtcPeer.processAnswer(message.sdpAnswer, (error) => { if (error) { return log('error', error); } }); this.sendUserShareWebcam(id); } sendMessage(message) { const ws =; if (this.connectedToMediaServer()) { const jsonMessage = JSON.stringify(message); console.log(`Sending message: ${jsonMessage}`); ws.send(jsonMessage, (error) => { if (error) { console.error(`client: Websocket error "${error}" on message "${}"`); } }); } else { // No need to queue video stop messages if ( != 'stop') { this.wsQueue.push(message); } } } connectedToMediaServer() { return === WebSocket.OPEN; } connectionStatus() { return; } handlePlayStop(message) { log('info', 'Handle play stop <--------------------'); log('error', message); const { users } = this.props; if (message.cameraId == users[0].userId) { this.unshareWebcam(); } else { this.stop(message.cameraId); } } handlePlayStart(message) { log('info', 'Handle play start <==================='); } handleError(message) { const { intl } = this.props; this.notifyError(intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.sharingError)); console.error(' Handle error --------------------->'); log('debug', message.message); } notifyError(message) { notify(message, 'error', 'video'); } installChromeExtension() { const { intl } = this.props; const CHROME_EXTENSION_LINK = Meteor.settings.public.kurento.chromeExtensionLink; this.notifyError(