const { test, devices } = require('@playwright/test'); const { ScreenShare, MultiUserScreenShare } = require('../screenshare/screenshare'); const { sleep, checkRootPermission } = require('../core/helpers'); const e = require('../core/elements'); const { getCurrentTCPSessions, killTCPSessions } = require('./util'); const notificationsUtil = require('../notifications/util'); const deepEqual = require('deep-equal'); test.describe.parallel('Connection failure', () => { // test('Screen sharer', async ({ browser, browserName, page }) => { await checkRootPermission(); // check sudo permission before starting test test.skip(browserName === 'firefox' && process.env.DISPLAY === undefined, "Screenshare tests not able in Firefox browser without desktop"); const screenshare = new ScreenShare(browser, page); await screenshare.init(true, true); await screenshare.startSharing(); await killTCPSessions(await getCurrentTCPSessions()); // I'd like to do this: // await notificationsUtil.checkNotificationText(screenshare, "Code 1101. Try sharing the screen again."); // but that code only checks the first toast, and there's a bunch of toasts that show up // on this test. So instead I use xpath, like this: (should we do it this way in checkNotificationText?) await screenshare.hasElement('//div[@data-test="toastSmallMsg"]/span[contains(text(), "Code 1101. Try sharing the screen again.")]'); }); test('Screen share viewer', async ({ browser, browserName, page, context }) => { await checkRootPermission(); // check sudo permission before starting test test.skip(browserName === 'firefox' && process.env.DISPLAY === undefined, "Screenshare tests not able in Firefox browser without desktop"); const screenshare = new MultiUserScreenShare(browser, context); await screenshare.initModPage(page); await screenshare.startSharing(screenshare.modPage); const tcpModeratorSessions = await getCurrentTCPSessions(); await screenshare.initUserPage(false); await screenshare.userPage.joinMicrophone(); await screenshare.userPage.hasElement(e.screenShareVideo); const tcpSessions = await getCurrentTCPSessions(); // Other comparisons, like == or the array includes method, don't do a deep comparison // and will always return false since the two arrays contain different objects. const tcpUserSessions = tcpSessions.filter(x => !tcpModeratorSessions.some(e => deepEqual(e,x))); killTCPSessions(tcpUserSessions); await screenshare.userPage.hasElement('//div[@data-test="notificationBannerBar" and contains(text(), "Connecting ...")]'); await screenshare.userPage.wasRemoved('//div[@data-test="notificationBannerBar" and contains(text(), "Connecting ...")]'); }); });