import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { withTracker } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data'; import { Session } from 'meteor/session'; import { withModalMounter } from '/imports/ui/components/common/modal/service'; import { injectIntl, defineMessages } from 'react-intl'; import _ from 'lodash'; import Breakouts from '/imports/api/breakouts'; import AppService from '/imports/ui/components/app/service'; import { notify } from '/imports/ui/services/notification'; import getFromUserSettings from '/imports/ui/services/users-settings'; import VideoPreviewContainer from '/imports/ui/components/video-preview/container'; import lockContextContainer from '/imports/ui/components/lock-viewers/context/container'; import { joinMicrophone, joinListenOnly, didUserSelectedMicrophone, didUserSelectedListenOnly, } from '/imports/ui/components/audio/audio-modal/service'; import Service from './service'; import AudioModalContainer from './audio-modal/container'; import Settings from '/imports/ui/services/settings'; const APP_CONFIG =; const KURENTO_CONFIG = Meteor.settings.public.kurento; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ joinedAudio: { id: 'app.audioManager.joinedAudio', description: 'Joined audio toast message', }, joinedEcho: { id: 'app.audioManager.joinedEcho', description: 'Joined echo test toast message', }, leftAudio: { id: 'app.audioManager.leftAudio', description: 'Left audio toast message', }, reconnectingAudio: { id: 'app.audioManager.reconnectingAudio', description: 'Reconnecting audio toast message', }, genericError: { id: 'app.audioManager.genericError', description: 'Generic error message', }, connectionError: { id: 'app.audioManager.connectionError', description: 'Connection error message', }, requestTimeout: { id: 'app.audioManager.requestTimeout', description: 'Request timeout error message', }, invalidTarget: { id: 'app.audioManager.invalidTarget', description: 'Invalid target error message', }, mediaError: { id: 'app.audioManager.mediaError', description: 'Media error message', }, BrowserNotSupported: { id: 'app.audioNotification.audioFailedError1003', description: 'browser not supported error messsage', }, reconectingAsListener: { id: 'app.audioNotificaion.reconnectingAsListenOnly', description: 'ice negociation error messsage', }, }); class AudioContainer extends PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.init = props.init.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { const { meetingIsBreakout } = this.props; this.init().then(() => { if (meetingIsBreakout && !Service.isUsingAudio()) { this.joinAudio(); } }); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { if (this.userIsReturningFromBreakoutRoom(prevProps)) { this.joinAudio(); } } /** * Helper function to determine wheter user is returning from breakout room * to main room. * @param {[Object} prevProps prevProps param from componentDidUpdate * @return {boolean} True if user is returning from breakout room * to main room. False, otherwise. */ userIsReturningFromBreakoutRoom(prevProps) { const { hasBreakoutRooms } = this.props; const { hasBreakoutRooms: hadBreakoutRooms } = prevProps; return hadBreakoutRooms && !hasBreakoutRooms; } /** * Helper function that join (or not) user in audio. If user previously * selected microphone, it will automatically join mic (without audio modal). * If user previously selected listen only option in audio modal, then it will * automatically join listen only. */ joinAudio() { if (Service.isConnected()) return; const { userSelectedMicrophone, userSelectedListenOnly, } = this.props; if (userSelectedMicrophone) { joinMicrophone(true); return; } if (userSelectedListenOnly) joinListenOnly(); } render() { return null; } } let didMountAutoJoin = false; const webRtcError = _.range(1001, 1011) .reduce((acc, value) => ({ ...acc, [value]: { id: `app.audioNotification.audioFailedError${value}` }, }), {}); const messages = { info: { JOINED_AUDIO: intlMessages.joinedAudio, JOINED_ECHO: intlMessages.joinedEcho, LEFT_AUDIO: intlMessages.leftAudio, RECONNECTING_AUDIO: intlMessages.reconnectingAudio, }, error: { GENERIC_ERROR: intlMessages.genericError, CONNECTION_ERROR: intlMessages.connectionError, REQUEST_TIMEOUT: intlMessages.requestTimeout, INVALID_TARGET: intlMessages.invalidTarget, MEDIA_ERROR: intlMessages.mediaError, WEBRTC_NOT_SUPPORTED: intlMessages.BrowserNotSupported, ...webRtcError, }, }; export default lockContextContainer(withModalMounter(injectIntl(withTracker(({ mountModal, intl, userLocks }) => { const { microphoneConstraints } = Settings.application; const autoJoin = getFromUserSettings('bbb_auto_join_audio', APP_CONFIG.autoJoin); const enableVideo = getFromUserSettings('bbb_enable_video', KURENTO_CONFIG.enableVideo); const autoShareWebcam = getFromUserSettings('bbb_auto_share_webcam', KURENTO_CONFIG.autoShareWebcam); const { userWebcam, userMic } = userLocks; const userSelectedMicrophone = didUserSelectedMicrophone(); const userSelectedListenOnly = didUserSelectedListenOnly(); const meetingIsBreakout = AppService.meetingIsBreakout(); const hasBreakoutRooms = AppService.getBreakoutRooms().length > 0; const openAudioModal = () => new Promise((resolve) => { mountModal(); }); const openVideoPreviewModal = () => new Promise((resolve) => { if (userWebcam) return resolve(); mountModal(); }); if (Service.isConnected() && !Service.isListenOnly()) { Service.updateAudioConstraints(microphoneConstraints); if (userMic && !Service.isMuted()) { Service.toggleMuteMicrophone(); notify(intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.reconectingAsListener), 'info', 'volume_level_2'); } } Breakouts.find().observeChanges({ removed() { // if the user joined a breakout room, the main room's audio was // programmatically dropped to avoid interference. On breakout end, // offer to rejoin main room audio only if the user is not in audio already if (Service.isUsingAudio() || userSelectedMicrophone || userSelectedListenOnly) { if (enableVideo && autoShareWebcam) { openVideoPreviewModal(); } return; } setTimeout(() => openAudioModal().then(() => { if (enableVideo && autoShareWebcam) { openVideoPreviewModal(); } }), 0); }, }); return { hasBreakoutRooms, meetingIsBreakout, userSelectedMicrophone, userSelectedListenOnly, init: async () => { await Service.init(messages, intl); const enableVideo = getFromUserSettings('bbb_enable_video', KURENTO_CONFIG.enableVideo); const autoShareWebcam = getFromUserSettings('bbb_auto_share_webcam', KURENTO_CONFIG.autoShareWebcam); if ((!autoJoin || didMountAutoJoin)) { if (enableVideo && autoShareWebcam) { openVideoPreviewModal(); } return Promise.resolve(false); } Session.set('audioModalIsOpen', true); if (enableVideo && autoShareWebcam) { openAudioModal().then(() => { openVideoPreviewModal(); didMountAutoJoin = true; }); } else if (!( userSelectedMicrophone && userSelectedListenOnly && meetingIsBreakout)) { openAudioModal(); didMountAutoJoin = true; } return Promise.resolve(true); }, }; })(AudioContainer)))); AudioContainer.propTypes = { hasBreakoutRooms: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, meetingIsBreakout: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, userSelectedListenOnly: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, userSelectedMicrophone: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, };