import NetworkInformation from '/imports/api/network-information'; import { makeCall } from '/imports/ui/services/api'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; import Users from '/imports/api/users'; import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; import _ from 'lodash'; const NETWORK_MONITORING_CONFIG = Meteor.settings.public.networkMonitoring; const PACKET_LOST_THRESHOLD = NETWORK_MONITORING_CONFIG.packetLostThreshold; const NetworkInformationLocal = new Mongo.Collection(null); const NAVIGATOR_CONNECTION = 'NAVIGATOR_CONNECTION'; const NUMBER_OF_WEBCAMS_CHANGED = 'NUMBER_OF_WEBCAMS_CHANGED'; const STARTED_WEBCAM_SHARING = 'STARTED_WEBCAM_SHARING'; const STOPPED_WEBCAM_SHARING = 'STOPPED_WEBCAM_SHARING'; const WEBCAMS_GET_STATUS = 'WEBCAMS_GET_STATUS'; const DANGER_BEGIN_TIME = 5000; const DANGER_END_TIME = 30000; const WARNING_END_TIME = 60000; let monitoringIntervalRef; export const updateCurrentWebcamsConnection = (connections) => { const doc = { timestamp: new Date().getTime(), event: NUMBER_OF_WEBCAMS_CHANGED, payload: Object.keys(connections), }; NetworkInformationLocal.insert(doc); }; export const deleteWebcamConnection = (id) => { const doc = { timestamp: new Date().getTime(), event: STOPPED_WEBCAM_SHARING, payload: { id }, }; NetworkInformationLocal.insert(doc); }; export const getCurrentWebcams = () => NetworkInformationLocal .findOne({ event: NUMBER_OF_WEBCAMS_CHANGED, }, { sort: { timestamp: -1 } }); export const newWebcamConnection = (id) => { const doc = { timestamp: new Date().getTime(), event: STARTED_WEBCAM_SHARING, payload: { id }, }; NetworkInformationLocal.insert(doc); }; export const startBandwidthMonitoring = () => { monitoringIntervalRef = setInterval(() => { const monitoringTime = new Date().getTime(); const dangerLowerBoundary = monitoringTime - DANGER_BEGIN_TIME; const warningLowerBoundary = monitoringTime - DANGER_END_TIME; const warningUpperBoundary = monitoringTime - WARNING_END_TIME; // Remove old documents to reduce the size of the local collection. NetworkInformationLocal.remove({ event: WEBCAMS_GET_STATUS, timestamp: { $lt: warningUpperBoundary }, }); const usersWatchingWebcams = Users.find({ userId: { $ne: Auth.userID }, viewParticipantsWebcams: true, connectionStatus: 'online', }).map(user => user.userId); const warningZone = NetworkInformationLocal .find({ event: WEBCAMS_GET_STATUS, timestamp: { $lte: warningLowerBoundary, $gt: warningUpperBoundary }, $or: [ { '': Auth.userID, 'payload.stats.deltaPliCount': { $gt: 0 }, }, { '': { $ne: Auth.userID }, 'payload.stats.deltaPacketsLost': { $gt: PACKET_LOST_THRESHOLD }, }, ], }).count(); const warningZoneReceivers = NetworkInformation .find({ receiver: { $in: usersWatchingWebcams }, sender: Auth.userID, time: { $lte: warningLowerBoundary, $gt: warningUpperBoundary }, }).count(); const dangerZone = _.uniqBy(NetworkInformationLocal .find({ event: WEBCAMS_GET_STATUS, timestamp: { $lt: dangerLowerBoundary, $gte: warningLowerBoundary }, $or: [ { '': Auth.userID, 'payload.stats.deltaPliCount': { $gt: 0 }, }, { '': { $ne: Auth.userID }, 'payload.stats.deltaPacketsLost': { $gt: PACKET_LOST_THRESHOLD }, }, ], }).fetch(), '').length; const dangerZoneReceivers = _.uniqBy(NetworkInformation .find({ receiver: { $in: usersWatchingWebcams }, sender: Auth.userID, time: { $lt: dangerLowerBoundary, $gte: warningLowerBoundary }, }).fetch(), 'receiver').length; let effectiveType = 'good'; if (dangerZone) { if (!dangerZoneReceivers) { effectiveType = 'danger'; } if (dangerZoneReceivers === usersWatchingWebcams.length) { effectiveType = 'danger'; } } else if (warningZone) { if (!warningZoneReceivers) { effectiveType = 'warning'; } if (warningZoneReceivers === usersWatchingWebcams.length) { effectiveType = 'warning'; } } const lastEffectiveConnectionType = Users.findOne({ userId: Auth.userID }); if (lastEffectiveConnectionType && lastEffectiveConnectionType.effectiveConnectionType !== effectiveType) {{ logCode: 'user_connection_instability' }, `User ${Auth.userID} effective connection is now ${effectiveType}`); makeCall('setUserEffectiveConnectionType', effectiveType); } }, 5000); }; export const stopBandwidthMonitoring = () => { clearInterval(monitoringIntervalRef); }; export const updateNavigatorConnection = ({ effectiveType, downlink, rtt }) => { const doc = { timestamp: new Date().getTime(), event: NAVIGATOR_CONNECTION, payload: { effectiveType, downlink, rtt, }, }; NetworkInformationLocal.insert(doc); }; export const updateWebcamStats = (id, stats) => { if (!stats) return; const lastStatus = NetworkInformationLocal .findOne( { event: WEBCAMS_GET_STATUS, '': id }, { sort: { timestamp: -1 } }, ); const { video } = stats; const doc = { timestamp: new Date().getTime(), event: WEBCAMS_GET_STATUS, payload: { id, stats: video }, }; if (lastStatus) { const { payload: { stats: { packetsLost, packetsReceived, packetsSent, pliCount, }, }, } = lastStatus; const normalizedVideo = { }; normalizedVideo.deltaPacketsLost = video.packetsLost - packetsLost; normalizedVideo.deltaPacketsReceived = video.packetsReceived - packetsReceived; normalizedVideo.deltaPacketsSent = video.packetsSent - packetsSent; normalizedVideo.deltaPliCount = video.pliCount - pliCount; doc.payload = { id, stats: normalizedVideo, }; if (normalizedVideo.deltaPacketsLost > PACKET_LOST_THRESHOLD) { makeCall('userInstabilityDetected', id); } } NetworkInformationLocal.insert(doc); }; export default { NetworkInformationLocal, updateCurrentWebcamsConnection, deleteWebcamConnection, getCurrentWebcams, newWebcamConnection, startBandwidthMonitoring, stopBandwidthMonitoring, updateNavigatorConnection, updateWebcamStats, };