const { expect } = require('@playwright/test'); const Page = require('../core/page'); const e = require('../core/elements'); const c = require('../core/constants'); const parameters = require('../core/parameters'); const { checkIsPresenter } = require('../user/util'); const { createMeeting } = require('../core/helpers'); class Stress { constructor(browser, context, page) { this.modPage = new Page(browser, page); this.browser = browser; this.context = context; this.userPages = []; } async getNewPageTab() { return this.browser.newPage(); } async moderatorAsPresenter() { const maxFailRate = c.JOIN_AS_MODERATOR_TEST_ROUNDS * c.MAX_JOIN_AS_MODERATOR_FAIL_RATE; let failureCount = 0; for (let i = 1; i <= c.JOIN_AS_MODERATOR_TEST_ROUNDS; i++) { await this.modPage.init(true, true, { fullName: `Moderator-${i}` }); await this.modPage.waitForSelector(e.userAvatar); const isPresenter = await checkIsPresenter(this.modPage); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.actions); const canStartPoll = await this.modPage.checkElement(e.polling); if (!isPresenter || !canStartPoll) { failureCount++; } const newPage = await this.context.newPage(); await; = newPage; console.log(`Loop ${i} of ${c.JOIN_AS_MODERATOR_TEST_ROUNDS} completed`); await expect(failureCount).toBeLessThanOrEqual(maxFailRate); } } async breakoutRoomInvitation() { await this.modPage.init(true, true, { fullName: 'Moderator' }); for (let i = 1; i <= c.BREAKOUT_ROOM_INVITATION_TEST_ROUNDS; i++) { const userName = `User-${i}`; const newPage = await this.getNewPageTab(); const userPage = new Page(this.browser, newPage); await userPage.init(false, true, { fullName: userName, meetingId: this.modPage.meetingId }); console.log(`${userName} joined`); this.userPages.push(userPage); } // Create breakout rooms with the allow choice option enabled await this.modPage.bringToFront(); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.manageUsers); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.createBreakoutRooms); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.allowChoiceRoom); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.modalConfirmButton); for (const page of this.userPages) { await page.bringToFront(); await page.hasElement(e.modalConfirmButton, c.ELEMENT_WAIT_LONGER_TIME); await page.hasElement(e.labelGeneratingURL, c.ELEMENT_WAIT_LONGER_TIME); } // End breakout rooms await this.modPage.bringToFront(); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.breakoutRoomsItem); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.endBreakoutRoomsButton); await this.modPage.closeAudioModal(); // Create breakout rooms with the allow choice option NOT enabled (randomly assign) await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.manageUsers); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.createBreakoutRooms); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.randomlyAssign); await this.modPage.waitAndClick(e.modalConfirmButton); for (const page of this.userPages) { await page.bringToFront(); await page.hasElement(e.modalConfirmButton); } } async twoUsersJoinSameTime() { for (let i = 1; i <= c.JOIN_TWO_USERS_ROUNDS; i++) { console.log(`loop ${i} of ${c.JOIN_TWO_USERS_ROUNDS}`); const meetingId = await createMeeting(parameters); const modPage = new Page(this.browser, await this.getNewPageTab()); const userPage = new Page(this.browser, await this.getNewPageTab()); await Promise.all([ modPage.init(true, false, { meetingId }), userPage.init(false, false, { meetingId }), ]); await modPage.waitForSelector(e.audioModal); await userPage.waitForSelector(e.audioModal); await; await; } } async usersJoinKeepingConnected() { const meetingId = await createMeeting(parameters); const pages = []; for (let i = 1; i <= c.JOIN_TWO_USERS_KEEPING_CONNECTED_ROUNDS / 2; i++) { console.log(`joining ${i * 2} users of ${c.JOIN_TWO_USERS_KEEPING_CONNECTED_ROUNDS}`); const modPage = new Page(this.browser, await this.getNewPageTab()); const userPage = new Page(this.browser, await this.getNewPageTab()); pages.push(modPage); pages.push(userPage); await Promise.all([ modPage.init(true, false, { meetingId, fullName: `Mod-${i}` }), userPage.init(false, false, { meetingId, fullName: `User-${i}` }), ]); await modPage.waitForSelector(e.audioModal, c.ELEMENT_WAIT_LONGER_TIME); await userPage.waitForSelector(e.audioModal, c.ELEMENT_WAIT_LONGER_TIME); } pages.forEach(async (currentPage) => { await; }) } async usersJoinExceddingParticipantsLimit() { for (let i = 1; i <= c.JOIN_TWO_USERS_EXCEEDING_MAX_PARTICIPANTS; i++) { console.log(`loop ${i} of ${c.JOIN_TWO_USERS_EXCEEDING_MAX_PARTICIPANTS}`); const pages = []; const meetingId = await createMeeting(parameters, `maxParticipants=${c.MAX_PARTICIPANTS_TO_JOIN}`); for (let j = 1; j <= c.MAX_PARTICIPANTS_TO_JOIN + 1; j++) { pages.push(new Page(this.browser, await this.getNewPageTab())); } for (let j = 1; j < c.MAX_PARTICIPANTS_TO_JOIN; j++) { console.log(`- joining user ${j} of ${c.MAX_PARTICIPANTS_TO_JOIN}`); await pages[j - 1].init(true, false, { meetingId, fullName: `User-${j}` }); } console.log('- joining two users at the same time'); const lastPages = [ pages[pages.length - 1], pages[pages.length - 2], ] Promise.all(, index) => { return page.init(true, false, { meetingId, fullName: `User-last-${index}` }) })); try { await lastPages[0].waitForSelector(e.audioModal); await lastPages[1].waitForSelector(e.errorScreenMessage); } catch (err) { await lastPages[1].waitForSelector(e.audioModal); await lastPages[0].waitForSelector(e.errorScreenMessage); } pages.forEach(async (currentPage) => { await; }) } } } exports.Stress = Stress;