import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState, } from 'react'; import { defineMessages, useIntl } from 'react-intl'; import { useMutation, useSubscription, } from '@apollo/client'; import Header from '/imports/ui/components/common/control-header/component'; import Styled from './styles'; import GET_TIMER, { GetTimerResponse, TimerData } from '../../../core/graphql/queries/timer'; import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; import { layoutDispatch } from '../../layout/context'; import { ACTIONS, PANELS } from '../../layout/enums'; import { TIMER_RESET, TIMER_SET_SONG_TRACK, TIMER_SET_TIME, TIMER_START, TIMER_STOP, TIMER_SWITCH_MODE, } from '../mutations'; import useTimeSync from '/imports/ui/core/local-states/useTimeSync'; import humanizeSeconds from '/imports/utils/humanizeSeconds'; const MAX_HOURS = 23; const MILLI_IN_HOUR = 3600000; const MILLI_IN_MINUTE = 60000; const MILLI_IN_SECOND = 1000; const TIMER_CONFIG = window.meetingClientSettings.public.timer; const TRACKS = [ 'noTrack', 'track1', 'track2', 'track3', ]; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ hideTimerLabel: { id: 'app.timer.hideTimerLabel', description: 'Label for hiding timer button', }, title: { id: 'app.timer.title', description: 'Title for timer', }, stopwatch: { id: 'app.timer.button.stopwatch', description: 'Stopwatch switch button', }, timer: { id: 'app.timer.button.timer', description: 'Timer switch button', }, start: { id: 'app.timer.button.start', description: 'Timer start button', }, stop: { id: 'app.timer.button.stop', description: 'Timer stop button', }, reset: { id: 'app.timer.button.reset', description: 'Timer reset button', }, hours: { id: 'app.timer.hours', description: 'Timer hours label', }, minutes: { id: 'app.timer.minutes', description: 'Timer minutes label', }, seconds: { id: 'app.timer.seconds', description: 'Timer seconds label', }, songs: { id: 'app.timer.songs', description: 'Musics title label', }, noTrack: { id: 'app.timer.noTrack', description: 'No music radio label', }, track1: { id: 'app.timer.track1', description: 'Track 1 radio label', }, track2: { id: 'app.timer.track2', description: 'Track 2 radio label', }, track3: { id: 'app.timer.track3', description: 'Track 3 radio label', }, }); interface TimerPanelProps extends TimerData { timePassed: number; } const TimerPanel: React.FC = ({ stopwatch, songTrack, time, running, timePassed, startedOn, }) => { const [timerReset] = useMutation(TIMER_RESET); const [timerStart] = useMutation(TIMER_START); const [timerStop] = useMutation(TIMER_STOP); const [timerSwitchMode] = useMutation(TIMER_SWITCH_MODE); const [timerSetSongTrack] = useMutation(TIMER_SET_SONG_TRACK); const [timerSetTime] = useMutation(TIMER_SET_TIME); const intl = useIntl(); const layoutContextDispatch = layoutDispatch(); const [runningTime, setRunningTime] = useState(0); const intervalRef = useRef>(); const headerMessage = useMemo(() => { return stopwatch ? intlMessages.stopwatch : intlMessages.timer; }, [stopwatch]); const switchTimer = (stopwatch: boolean) => { timerSwitchMode({ variables: { stopwatch } }); }; const setTrack = (track: string) => { timerSetSongTrack({ variables: { track } }); }; const setTime = (time: number) => { timerSetTime({ variables: { time } }); timerStop(); timerReset(); }; const setHours = useCallback((hours: number, time: number) => { if (!Number.isNaN(hours) && hours >= 0 && hours <= MAX_HOURS) { const currentHours = Math.floor(time / MILLI_IN_HOUR); const diff = (hours - currentHours) * MILLI_IN_HOUR; setTime(time + diff); } else { logger.warn('Invalid time'); } }, []); const setMinutes = useCallback((minutes: number, time: number) => { if (!Number.isNaN(minutes) && minutes >= 0 && minutes <= 59) { const currentHours = Math.floor(time / MILLI_IN_HOUR); const mHours = currentHours * MILLI_IN_HOUR; const currentMinutes = Math.floor((time - mHours) / MILLI_IN_MINUTE); const diff = (minutes - currentMinutes) * MILLI_IN_MINUTE; setTime(time + diff); } else { logger.warn('Invalid time'); } }, []); const setSeconds = useCallback((seconds: number, time: number) => { if (!Number.isNaN(seconds) && seconds >= 0 && seconds <= 59) { const currentHours = Math.floor(time / MILLI_IN_HOUR); const mHours = currentHours * MILLI_IN_HOUR; const currentMinutes = Math.floor((time - mHours) / MILLI_IN_MINUTE); const mMinutes = currentMinutes * MILLI_IN_MINUTE; const currentSeconds = Math.floor((time - mHours - mMinutes) / MILLI_IN_SECOND); const diff = (seconds - currentSeconds) * MILLI_IN_SECOND; setTime(time + diff); } else { logger.warn('Invalid time'); } }, []); const closePanel = useCallback(() => { layoutContextDispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_SIDEBAR_CONTENT_IS_OPEN, value: false, }); layoutContextDispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_SIDEBAR_CONTENT_PANEL, value: PANELS.NONE, }); }, []); useEffect(() => { setRunningTime(timePassed); }, []); // if startedOn is 0, means the time was reset useEffect(() => { if (startedOn === 0) { setRunningTime(timePassed); } }, [startedOn]); // updates the timer every second locally useEffect(() => { if (running) { setRunningTime(timePassed < 0 ? 0 : timePassed); intervalRef.current = setInterval(() => { setRunningTime((prev) => { const calcTime = (Math.round(prev / 1000) * 1000); if (stopwatch) { return (calcTime < 0 ? 0 : calcTime) + 1000; } const t = (calcTime) - 1000; return t < 0 ? 0 : t; }); }, 1000); } else if (!running) { clearInterval(intervalRef.current); } }, [running]); // sync local time with server time useEffect(() => { if (!running) return; const time = timePassed >= 0 ? timePassed : 0; setRunningTime((prev) => { if (time) return timePassed; return prev; }); }, [timePassed, stopwatch, startedOn]); const timerControls = useMemo(() => { const timeFormatedString = humanizeSeconds(Math.floor(time / 1000)); const timeSplit = timeFormatedString.split(':'); const hours = timeSplit.length > 2 ? parseInt(timeSplit[0], 10) : 0; const minutes = timeSplit.length > 2 ? parseInt(timeSplit[1], 10) : parseInt(timeSplit[0], 10); const seconds = timeSplit.length > 2 ? parseInt(timeSplit[2], 10) : parseInt(timeSplit[1], 10); const label = running ? intlMessages.stop : intlMessages.start; const color = running ? 'danger' : 'primary'; return (
{ !stopwatch ? ( { setHours(parseInt( || '00', 10), time); }} data-test="hoursInput" /> {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.hours)} : { setMinutes(parseInt( || '00', 10), time); }} data-test="minutesInput" /> {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.minutes)} : { setSeconds(parseInt( || '00', 10), time); }} data-test="secondsInput" /> {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.seconds)} ) : null } { && !stopwatch ? ( {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.songs)} { => ( ))} ) : null} { if (running) { timerStop(); } else { timerStart(); } }} data-test="startStopTimer" /> { timerStop(); timerReset(); }} data-test="resetTimerStopWatch" />
); }, [songTrack, stopwatch, time, running]); return ( {/* @ts-ignore - JS code */}
{humanizeSeconds(Math.floor(runningTime / 1000))} { timerStop(); switchTimer(true); }} disabled={stopwatch} color={stopwatch ? 'primary' : 'secondary'} data-test="stopwatch" /> { timerStop(); switchTimer(false); }} disabled={!stopwatch} color={!stopwatch ? 'primary' : 'secondary'} data-test="timer" /> {timerControls} ); }; const TimerPanelContaier: React.FC = () => { const [timeSync] = useTimeSync(); const { loading: timerLoading, error: timerError, data: timerData, } = useSubscription(GET_TIMER); if (timerLoading || !timerData) return null; if (timerError) { logger.error('TimerIndicatorContainer', timerError); return (
); } const timer = timerData.timer[0]; const currentDate: Date = new Date(); const startedAtDate: Date = new Date(timer.startedAt); const adjustedCurrent: Date = new Date(currentDate.getTime() + timeSync); const timeDifferenceMs: number = adjustedCurrent.getTime() - startedAtDate.getTime(); const timePassed = timer.stopwatch ? ( Math.floor(((timer.running ? timeDifferenceMs : 0) + timer.accumulated)) ) : ( Math.floor(((timer.time) - (timer.accumulated + (timer.running ? timeDifferenceMs : 0))))); return ( ); }; export default TimerPanelContaier;