import { check } from 'meteor/check'; import Logger from '/imports/startup/server/logger'; import Users from '/imports/api/users'; import Meetings from '/imports/api/meetings'; import VoiceUsers from '/imports/api/voice-users/'; import _ from 'lodash'; import SanitizeHTML from 'sanitize-html'; import addUserPsersistentData from '/imports/api/users-persistent-data/server/modifiers/addUserPersistentData'; import stringHash from 'string-hash'; import flat from 'flat'; import addVoiceUser from '/imports/api/voice-users/server/modifiers/addVoiceUser'; const COLOR_LIST = [ '#7b1fa2', '#6a1b9a', '#4a148c', '#5e35b1', '#512da8', '#4527a0', '#311b92', '#3949ab', '#303f9f', '#283593', '#1a237e', '#1976d2', '#1565c0', '#0d47a1', '#0277bd', '#01579b', ]; export default function addUser(meetingId, userData) { const user = userData; const sanitizedName = SanitizeHTML(, { allowedTags: [], allowedAttributes: {}, }); // if user typed only tags = sanitizedName.length === 0 ? _.escape( : sanitizedName; check(meetingId, String); check(user, { intId: String, extId: String, name: String, role: String, guest: Boolean, authed: Boolean, waitingForAcceptance: Match.Maybe(Boolean), guestStatus: String, emoji: String, presenter: Boolean, locked: Boolean, avatar: String, clientType: String, }); const userId = user.intId; const selector = { meetingId, userId, }; const Meeting = Meetings.findOne({ meetingId }); /* While the akka-apps dont generate a color we just pick one from a list based on the userId */ const color = COLOR_LIST[stringHash(user.intId) % COLOR_LIST.length]; const userInfos = Object.assign( { meetingId, sortName:, color, mobile: false, breakoutProps: { isBreakoutUser: Meeting.meetingProp.isBreakout, parentId: Meeting.breakoutProps.parentId, }, effectiveConnectionType: null, inactivityCheck: false, responseDelay: 0, loggedOut: false, }, flat(user), ); const modifier = { $set: userInfos, }; addUserPsersistentData(userInfos); // Only add an empty VoiceUser if there isn't one already and if the user coming in isn't a // dial-in user. We want to avoid overwriting good data if (user.clientType !== 'dial-in-user' && !VoiceUsers.findOne({ meetingId, intId: userId })) { addVoiceUser(meetingId, { voiceUserId: '', intId: userId, callerName:, callerNum: '', muted: false, talking: false, callingWith: '', listenOnly: false, voiceConf: '', joined: false, }); } try { const { insertedId } = Users.upsert(selector, modifier); if (insertedId) {`Added user id=${userId} meeting=${meetingId}`); } else {`Upserted user id=${userId} meeting=${meetingId}`); } } catch (err) { Logger.error(`Adding user to collection: ${err}`); } }