const { test } = require('@playwright/test'); const { MultiUsers } = require('../user/multiusers'); const { Audio } = require('./audio'); test.describe.parallel('Audio', () => { // test('Join audio with Listen Only @ci', async ({ browser, page }) => { const audio = new Audio(browser, page); await audio.init(true, false); await audio.joinAudio(); }); // test('Join audio with Microphone @ci', async ({ browser, page }) => { const audio = new Audio(browser, page); await audio.init(true, false); await audio.joinMicrophone(); }); // test('Mute yourself by clicking the mute button @ci', async ({ browser, page }) => { const audio = new Audio(browser, page); await audio.init(true, false); await audio.muteYourselfByButton(); }); // test('Change audio input and keep it connected', async ({ browser, page }) => { const audio = new Audio(browser, page); await audio.init(true, false); await audio.changeAudioInput(); }); test('Keep the last mute state after rejoining audio @ci', async ({ browser, page }) => { const audio = new Audio(browser, page); await audio.init(true, false); await audio.keepMuteStateOnRejoin(); }); test.describe.parallel('Talking indicator @ci', () => { // test('Mute yourself by clicking the talking indicator', async ({ browser, page }) => { const audio = new Audio(browser, page); await audio.init(true, false); await audio.muteYourselfByTalkingIndicator(); }); // test('Mute another user by clicking the talking indicator', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const audio = new MultiUsers(browser, context); await audio.initModPage(page); await audio.initUserPage(false); await audio.muteAnotherUser(); }); }); });