import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import Users from '/imports/api/users'; const Annotations = new Mongo.Collection('annotations'); const Streamer = new Meteor.Streamer('annotations', { retransmit: false }); if (Meteor.isServer) { // types of queries for the annotations (Total): // 1. meetingId, id, userId ( 8 ) // 2. meetingId, id, userId, whiteboardId ( 1 ) // 3. meetingId ( 1 ) // 4. meetingId, whiteboardId ( 1 ) // 5. meetingId, whiteboardId, id ( 1 ) // 6. meetingId, whiteboardId, userId ( 1 ) // These 2 indexes seem to cover all of the cases Annotations._ensureIndex({ id: 1 }); Annotations._ensureIndex({ meetingId: 1, whiteboardId: 1, userId: 1 }); Streamer.allowRead(function (eventName, ...args) { return true; }); Streamer.allowEmit(function (eventName, { meetingId }) { return this.userId && this.userId.includes(meetingId); }); Streamer.allowWrite(function (eventName, { credentials }) { if (!this.userId || !credentials) return false; const { meetingId, requesterUserId: userId, requesterToken: authToken } = credentials; const user = Users.findOne({ meetingId, userId, authToken, connectionId:, validated: true, connectionStatus: 'online', }); if (!user) return false; return true; }); } export default Annotations; export const AnnotationsStreamer = Streamer;