import _ from 'lodash'; import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl'; import Button from '/imports/ui/components/button/component'; import { withModalMounter } from '/imports/ui/components/modal/service'; import withShortcutHelper from '/imports/ui/components/shortcut-help/service'; import ExternalVideoModal from '/imports/ui/components/external-video-player/modal/container'; import RandomUserSelectContainer from '/imports/ui/components/modal/random-user/container'; import BBBMenu from '/imports/ui/components/menu/component'; import cx from 'classnames'; import { styles } from '../styles'; import { PANELS, ACTIONS } from '../../layout/enums'; const propTypes = { amIPresenter: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, intl: PropTypes.shape({ formatMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }).isRequired, mountModal: PropTypes.func.isRequired, amIModerator: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, shortcuts: PropTypes.string, handleTakePresenter: PropTypes.func.isRequired, allowExternalVideo: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, stopExternalVideoShare: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }; const defaultProps = { shortcuts: '', }; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ actionsLabel: { id: 'app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.actionsLabel', description: 'Actions button label', }, presentationLabel: { id: 'app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.presentationLabel', description: 'Upload a presentation option label', }, presentationDesc: { id: 'app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.presentationDesc', description: 'adds context to upload presentation option', }, desktopShareDesc: { id: 'app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.desktopShareDesc', description: 'adds context to desktop share option', }, stopDesktopShareDesc: { id: 'app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.stopDesktopShareDesc', description: 'adds context to stop desktop share option', }, pollBtnLabel: { id: 'app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.pollBtnLabel', description: 'poll menu toggle button label', }, pollBtnDesc: { id: 'app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.pollBtnDesc', description: 'poll menu toggle button description', }, takePresenter: { id: 'app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.takePresenter', description: 'Label for take presenter role option', }, takePresenterDesc: { id: 'app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.takePresenterDesc', description: 'Description of take presenter role option', }, startExternalVideoLabel: { id: 'app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.shareExternalVideo', description: 'Start sharing external video button', }, stopExternalVideoLabel: { id: 'app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.stopShareExternalVideo', description: 'Stop sharing external video button', }, selectRandUserLabel: { id: 'app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.selectRandUserLabel', description: 'Label for selecting a random user', }, selectRandUserDesc: { id: 'app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.selectRandUserDesc', description: 'Description for select random user option', }, }); const handlePresentationClick = () => Session.set('showUploadPresentationView', true); class ActionsDropdown extends PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.presentationItemId = _.uniqueId('action-item-'); this.pollId = _.uniqueId('action-item-'); this.takePresenterId = _.uniqueId('action-item-'); this.selectUserRandId = _.uniqueId('action-item-'); this.handleExternalVideoClick = this.handleExternalVideoClick.bind(this); this.makePresentationItems = this.makePresentationItems.bind(this); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { const { amIPresenter: wasPresenter } = prevProps; const { amIPresenter: isPresenter, mountModal } = this.props; if (wasPresenter && !isPresenter) { mountModal(null); } } handleExternalVideoClick() { const { mountModal } = this.props; mountModal(); } getAvailableActions() { const { intl, amIPresenter, allowExternalVideo, handleTakePresenter, isSharingVideo, isPollingEnabled, isSelectRandomUserEnabled, stopExternalVideoShare, mountModal, layoutContextDispatch, } = this.props; const { pollBtnLabel, presentationLabel, takePresenter, } = intlMessages; const { formatMessage, } = intl; const actions = []; if (amIPresenter) { actions.push({ icon: "presentation", dataTest: "uploadPresentation", label: formatMessage(presentationLabel), key: this.presentationItemId, onClick: handlePresentationClick, dividerTop: this.props?.presentations?.length > 1 ? true : false, }) } if (amIPresenter && isPollingEnabled) { actions.push({ icon: "polling", dataTest: "polling", label: formatMessage(pollBtnLabel), key: this.pollId, onClick: () => { if (Session.equals('pollInitiated', true)) { Session.set('resetPollPanel', true); } layoutContextDispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_SIDEBAR_CONTENT_IS_OPEN, value: true, }); layoutContextDispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_SIDEBAR_CONTENT_PANEL, value: PANELS.POLL, }); Session.set('forcePollOpen', true); }, }) } if (!amIPresenter) { actions.push({ icon: "presentation", label: formatMessage(takePresenter), key: this.takePresenterId, onClick: () => handleTakePresenter(), }); } if (amIPresenter && allowExternalVideo) { actions.push({ icon: "video", label: !isSharingVideo ? intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.startExternalVideoLabel) : intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.stopExternalVideoLabel), key: "external-video", onClick: isSharingVideo ? stopExternalVideoShare : this.handleExternalVideoClick, }) } if (amIPresenter && isSelectRandomUserEnabled) { actions.push({ icon: "user", label: intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.selectRandUserLabel), key: this.selectUserRandId, onClick: () => mountModal(), }) } return actions; } makePresentationItems() { const { presentations, setPresentation, podIds, } = this.props; if (!podIds || podIds.length < 1) return []; // We still have code for other pods from the Flash client. This intentionally only cares // about the first one because it's the default. const { podId } = podIds[0]; const presentationItemElements = presentations .sort((a, b) => ( .map((p) => { const itemStyles = {}; itemStyles[styles.presentationItem] = true; itemStyles[styles.isCurrent] = p.current; return ( { className: cx(itemStyles), icon: "file", iconRight: p.current ? 'check' : null, label:, description: "uploaded presentation file", key: `uploaded-presentation-${}`, onClick: () => { setPresentation(, podId); }, } ); }); return presentationItemElements; } render() { const { intl, amIPresenter, amIModerator, shortcuts: OPEN_ACTIONS_AK, isMeteorConnected, isDropdownOpen, } = this.props; const availableActions = this.getAvailableActions(); const availablePresentations = this.makePresentationItems(); const children = availablePresentations.length > 1 && amIPresenter ? availablePresentations.concat(availableActions) : availableActions; if ((!amIPresenter && !amIModerator) || availableActions.length === 0 || !isMeteorConnected) { return null; } return ( null} /> } actions={children} opts={{ disablePortal: true, id: "default-dropdown-menu", keepMounted: true, transitionDuration: 0, elevation: 3, getContentAnchorEl: null, fullwidth: "true", anchorOrigin: { vertical: 'top', horizontal: 'left' }, transformorigin: { vertical: 'top', horizontal: 'left' }, }} /> ); } } ActionsDropdown.propTypes = propTypes; ActionsDropdown.defaultProps = defaultProps; export default withShortcutHelper(withModalMounter(ActionsDropdown), 'openActions');